Tag Archives: ghost

Paranormal Activity Pt. 6

Paranormal Activity Pt. 6

Hello!!! Ever since I moved into my apartment almost three years ago, I have been convinced that it is haunted. From misplaced footsteps and shadows on the wall to a levitating piece of paper and So. Much. Broken. Glass. there has been many instances that can’t be explained at chez moi.

I let whatever spirit that’s here know that it was okay if he hung out but to please not hurt me any more. My poor feet were tired of being cut by glass shards! It seemed to work and it has been a while since any paranormal activity has happened. But, that changed earlier this week.

When Johnny and I were unwinding with some episodes of Superstore, I went downstairs to go to the bathroom. I walked near my sofa and my socks were soaking wet. I turned the lights on and I saw a HUGE pool of water going all the way to my kitchen table. At first, I thought Johnny spilled something but I thought it to be unlikely that he dropped at least four gallons of water on our apartment floor.

I began looking for any type of explanation for this mini flood and came up short. There was absolutely no water near our dishwasher so I know it didn’t come from that. All of our faucets were turned off, no pipes were leaking, none of our vases of flowers fell, and there was no leaks anywhere on the ceiling. It was the strangest thing!

It took four bath towels to clean up the tidal wave that took place in my living room and I am still stumped as to how it got there. Every explanation that could have caused it was immediately debunked. I’m just thankful that I wasn’t in a rush to get to the bathroom because I could have slipped and fell. I guess spilled water is better than shards of broken glass in my foot, though.

Every time long stretches with no paranormal activity happen, I often think my “ghostie” does something to let me know that he’s still around. He made himself loud and clear this time!

Have you ever witnessed any paranormal activity? Do you have any ideas as to what could have caused this mystery spill? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Simple Popsicle Stick Halloween Craft

Simple Popsicle Stick Halloween Craft

Hi! Lil Red may not be the craftiest gal in the bunch but, I’ll be damned if I don’t try my best with my clients when we’re creating something together. One of my pals had a plethora of Popsicle sticks so I figured we could try to do a Halloween craft with them by painting them into little ghosts. While my client opted for making names of his loved ones out of the sticks (So sweet!), I made the following for Johnny’s desk at work and something special for my crafting partner. Check it out:


I started my crafting palooza with something easy by painting the Popsicle sticks white and making little ghost faces with Sharpie markers once the paint was dry. Simple, yes, but they turned out so cute I decided to try my hand at a few more designs even though they were going to be much harder for my non crafty self.

I thought a Frankenstein stick would look awesome and I knew Johnny would love it so I looked up a picture of ol’ Frank and did my best. While the green paint on the stick dried, I practiced drawing his face several times on paper before I Sharpied in the final effort and, frankly (lol), I couldn’t believe how good it turned out. In fact, it ended up being Johnny’s favorite creation.

After seeing my Frankenstein, my client asked me if I could make him a Barney one. I told him I’ll see what I can do and got to work on two Barney themed Popsicle sticks. In honor of the Barney Halloween episode that he loves, I painted a stick purple with green polka dots, just like the pumpkin Barney had in the show.

The real challenge, now, was going to be making Barney’s face because I can’t draw for crap. Lol, like with Frankenstein, I looked up a picture of Barney and practiced drawing his face while the purple base paint dried. Once I was satisfied, I Sharpied in the face of the friendly purple dinosaur and I thought it turned out great. I added a green tummy and his yellow toes and my client was so happy with what I made him, which is all that matters to me.

To wrap up our crafting, I made a Jack-O-Lantern stick to complete Johnny’s spooky set. Both my client and I had a blast with our arts and crafts hour and I was so happy to come up with something that was simple but we both enjoyed so much. Oh you crafty, huh?!

Would you consider yourself crafty? What is something that you have made that you are proud of? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Mostly Ghostly Halloween Decor

Mostly Ghostly Halloween Decor

Hi! Around this time of the year I love taking stock of all of the amazing Halloween decor in stores (AKA all year round decor!). TJMaxx, Target, Walmart, and everything in between I just want to see and buy it all, lol. Every spooky guy and gal needs creepy cute decor!

Unfortunately, in COVID times it is hard for me to go out and about on a Halloween decor crawl because of how limited I keep my time in public. So, a few weeks ago, I resorted to browsing online for Halloween decorations and kept coming up short. Everything I liked was either sold out or not worth the price being asked.

Believe you me, I was disappointed because I really enjoy buying new decorations for my apartment. But, then, Johnny reminded me he brought some of his Halloween decor to our place and that put the pep right back in my step. How can these goofy adorable ghosts not make you smile? Check it out:

Johnny is an avid lover of Halloween, himself, so I shouldn’t have been surprised when he had plenty of spoils of his own to show me. He has tons of outdoor decor for when we finally have a place with a lawn and lots of knick knacks to display around the apartment. Now, not being able to shop in store for Halloween decor doesn’t seem all that bad. 🙂

What is your favorite holiday to decorate for? What is your favorite holiday to celebrate? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Paranormal Activity Pt. 5

Paranormal Activity Pt. 5

Hi! For those of you who don’t know, I have experienced quite a bit of what I would call “Paranormal Activity” in my apartment. From a piece of paper almost levitating onto a candle to walking on broken glass a lot, my “ghostie” seems to pop up from time to time just to remind me that he (I think it’s a he) is still here.

Broken glass has always seemed to be the motif of my ghost. I can count on over one hand the amount of time I’ve stepped on it, even though it has been months since anything was broken in my apartment. The glass also seems to end up in the most inconvenient and unexpected spot – my bathroom for some odd reason.

This past week, I was standing in front of the bathroom mirror getting ready for work when, all of a sudden, I felt a sharp nick – like I cut myself shaving. I looked all over the floor for the culprit and couldn’t find zilch. I also examined my legs and feet extremely thoroughly and could not find any cuts or blood so I continued with my morning routine and considered it a “phantom” pain.

I left the bathroom and got dressed and then returned for finishing touches to something really weird – a trail of blood on the floor that was definitely not there earlier. I looked on both of my feet again and couldn’t find any puncture wounds or traces of blood.

At this point, I was in a rush and decided to just forget about it and I almost had until later that evening. I visited the LOO and as I was walking out, I felt that same sharp pain in my foot and, this time, there was a shard of broken glass sticking out of it.

This may seem like something little or coincidental but I swear, I walk on broken glass at least bimonthly and I’m not sure how it’s always me and never Johnny. It’s not like there is a lot of room to walk around in our apartment and yet I am the one with the glass in my foot. My right foot to be specific because that is always the one to get injured.

I understand that broken glass is hard to clean and it can end up everywhere but, the fact is, it somehow ALWAYS ends up in the bathroom and I am always the victim. The glass is never enough to hurt but it sure can be annoying and I am hoping that my ghostie comes up with a new motif ASAP!

Has any paranormal activity ever happened to you? Do you have a ghostie in your house? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Paranormal Activity Pt. 4

Paranormal Activity Pt. 4

Hello! For those of you who don’t know, I have experienced paranormal activity in my apartment ever since moving in last April. The last occurrence happened in January and, since then, it has been quiet. That is, until my ghostie friend popped by to make his presence known a few days ago.

For Easter, my boyfriend, Johnny, and I received a gift card to Wicked Good Cupcakes from his mom and dad. We ordered our treats online and they arrived packaged in mason jars with plastic silver spoons for each of us. I set the mason jars side by side on my kitchen counter and placed the spoons on top and there they remained until Johnny and I enjoyed them together.

Now, before I tell you what happened, just know that the two plastic spoons had ample space on top of the mason jars, making it impossible for them to fall off. And, the mason jars were placed over half a foot away from the edge of the counter. This sets the stage for a weekend afternoon when:

Johnny and I were watching Community and he got up to get something to drink from the fridge. I was sitting on the couch and facing where he was standing to continue our conversation. Once Johnny got his can of pop, he walked into the entry way where the kitchen meets the living room and stood there to open it.

The entry way Johnny paused in is parallel to my kitchen counter and as he was about to start walking back to the couch, the spoons on top of the cupcake jars fell all the way to the floor. Johnny saw it happen from his peripheral and I saw it happen full on. It literally looked like someone just swept their hand over top of the jars to knock the spoons over… Except there was no one there.

Johnny has heard my “ghost stories” before but never witnessed anything happen himself and I think he was just as shocked, if not more, than I was. I mean, there really is no way that those spoons could have magically been swept off themselves. I don’t know what was more startling – seeing them fall or hearing them clatter loudly once they hit the floor.

For some reason when I was at work, my client and I were talking about ghosts and spirits and I told him about my “haunted” apartment. Then, four to five days later, my ghostie stopped by to remind myself and now my boyfriend that he is always still there. He’s probably so annoyed that Johnny and I are at home constantly because of the stay at home order, lol!!

Have you ever experienced paranormal activity? What are some of your phobias? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah