Tag Archives: wildly untamed boutique

If The Shoe Fits: Show Story Edition

If The Shoe Fits: Show Story Edition

Hello! For the most part, shopping for my wedding dress and accessories was very enjoyable and I am simply thrilled with the end result:

My only complaint? I fell victim to what I felt to be a super scammy website for my heels. This is a Lil Red first because I don’t think I have ever complained during an issue of If The Shoe Fits before!! Lol, take a look at some pics of my heels by Show Story and let’s discuss:

^^^ Can everyone please do me a solid and pretend that they don’t see dirt from my backyard wedding caked on the heel? Haha, I was SO tired when I took these pics and I seriously didn’t even notice it until now… Smh!!!! Now, back to your regularly scheduled programming:

I ordered these heels off of Wildly Untamed Boutique in a wine red originally and, unfortunately, they were way too big. The size I needed in red was, sadly, sold out so I went for a black pair instead and asked the page’s customer service if this could be processed as an exchange, which was fine. However, all was not fine when I was sent a shipping address to China and found out the cost to send it back would be several hundred dollars. It would have costed me more to ship them back than what I even paid for the heels.

Things got even worse when I was told I couldn’t ship them back to a closer location despite them arriving in the mail from a California address. But, the real kicker was that the heels on Wildly Untamed Boutique were one hundred and fifteen dollars and were selling for forty on the brand’s own website. I am, now, basically stuck with a pair of shoes that are entirely too big and there is nothing I can do about it.

Despite all of the major annoyances and disappointments, I do really love these shoes and it is a shame that I am just now saying that close to the end of the post! An edgy black wedding dress and veil can only be paired with the edgiest of heels and I truly feel like I got exactly what I was looking for.

There are so many fun surprises on these Show Story heels like the studs on the toe, side zipper, and skull charm. The best part, of course, is the vertebrae ultra high heel that I think are just the coolest. Not only are my heels the ultimate in goth chic but they were really easy to walk in, even in a slightly damp, grassy backyard. I am a seasoned heel wearer and my feet didn’t even hurt at the end of the night, either, which shocked me!

Although there were ups and downs to this purchase off of Wildly Untamed Boutique, I felt awesome in my Show Story heels and that is all you can ask for on your wedding day!

Where do you find the best unique shoes? Have you ever had a similar online shopping experience to mine? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah


Buyer Beware!

Buyer Beware!

Hi! Whether it’s a good or bad review, I like to be completely honest about my opinions or experiences with my readers. You might remember a previous post of mine gabbing about Wildly Untamed Boutique and how pleased I was with their customer service as I ordered heels from there for my wedding. While I still stand by that, I have to retract a statement I made saying that I would order from there again because that has been proven false since my last post.

Unfortunately, the heels I ordered were too big so I contacted Wildly Untamed Boutique’s customer service and asked to exchange them for a smaller pair. Knowing that it takes about three or so days to hear back from them, I ordered the size down so that the heels would arrive in ample time for my wedding. Customer service acknowledged that and I waited patiently for an update after the distributor was contacted.

I was instructed to ship the too large pair back and a shipping label to China was sent to me. I live in Ohio in the USA and my naive self thought “it can’t cost that much to ship back”. So, you could imagine my surprise when an employee from the UPS Store told me that it would cost several hundred dollars to ship the one hundred fifteen dollar pair of shoes back. Either way in this scenario, I would be losing money.

As soon as I returned home, I emailed customer service again and asked if there was any other location that I could ship to because of exorbitant shipping fees. I also recalled that the shoes arrived with a printed shipping address in the USA, not in China (which I have saved). I was told that they had no other locations in the email back, so now I am essentially out two hundred thirty dollars.

Two hundred thirty? Yes. Because not only did I not have the option to return the too big pair of shoes, they did not have my size in the color that I wanted. I ordered a lesser loved color because I needed something that fit. However, that didn’t stop me from searching for the heels in the color that I wanted elsewhere online a few days later. And guess what? I found them on the actual brand’s website for FORTY BUCKS. That’s a marked up price on Wildly Untamed Boutique of seventy-five dollars!!!!!!

If this review doesn’t turn you off completely from shopping with Wildly Untamed Boutique, then I would recommend using caution when purchasing with them. If your order needs returned, chances are, the shipping fees will be more expensive than what you originally spent. They also, obviously, mark up their selection A LOT so you could almost certainly find what you want for cheaper elsewhere. Very disappointing.

Have you ever had a similar situation with online shopping? What did you do to remedy it? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Lil Red Loves… Wedding Online Shopping

Lil Red Loves… Wedding Online Shopping

Hi everyone! All of my purchases for my wedding OOTD were done online and I have been so impressed with everything. It is also such fun to have gifts from me to me show up in the mail several times a week, lol. While I won’t be giving away any details about my look for my wedding in this post, I will be commending all of the wonderful websites and Etsy shops that I bought through. Let’s get to it:


My engagement ring was purchased from the Etsy shop, VermeerJewelry, and I am continuously blown away every time I look at my hand! I have never seen a more perfect ring in all of my life and the craftsmanship of the carved pearl and sterling silver band is nothing short of breathtaking. The ring arrived quickly and was affordable while still being drop dead beautiful. I would happily purchase from this Etsy shop again… In fact, there are a few pieces that I have my eye on! Highly recommend.


My wedding veil from the Etsy shop, Momaeker, arrived recently and it is stunning! I felt like a blushing bride just from slipping it on momentarily while I was in leggings and a T-shirt. The veil is like nothing I have ever seen before and I think the same will go for a lot of people! My purchase was made and shipped promptly, which was much appreciated and I think any bride to be would be lucky to wear one of Momaeker’s fabulous creations.

Wildly Untamed Boutique:

If you have been keeping up to date on my blog, then you will know that I am obsessed with Wildly Untamed Boutique and their AMAZING customer service. Shockingly, it took me a decent amount of time to find the perfect pair of wedding heels but once I saw my incredibly unique purchase on Wildly Untamed Boutique, I knew I had to look no further. Saying that my heels are different is a severe understatement and I definitely plan on shopping with Wildly Untamed Boutique again. You just can’t beat their crazy cool selection and the help from customer service if needed.


The wedding dress that I ordered through EricDress is the first and only wedding dress I have ever tried on and it is so beautiful. As we all know, a traditional wedding dress is just not for Lil Red and my custom order was made quickly according to my measurements and arrived with ample time to make some necessary tweaks. Their selection is also really affordable. I can picture myself shopping with EricDress for my next special occasion and have a feeling that my reception dress will be ordered from there!

When it comes to our wedding apparel, Johnny and I both wanted pieces that make a statement without breaking the bank. I truly believe I found that from each of the sites I bought through and give all four of the above the Lil Red Stamp Of Approval. I cannot wait for my big day so I can finally show everything off. 🙂

What is your favorite Etsy shop? Can you guess what I purchased through any of the above websites? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Accessory Story: Little Red Riding Hood Pin Edition

Accessory Story: Little Red Riding Hood Pin Edition

Hello! Have you ever ordered something online and realized after the fact that you forgot to put in a coupon code? It is the literal worst and as a seasoned online shopper, I am ashamed to say that that is exactly what happened to yours truly when I ordered my wedding heels. While making my purchase on Wildly Untamed Boutique I was so excited that I didn’t even realize the website was running a ten percent off promotion and didn’t find out until a few hours later when I just had to see my shoes again.

I reached out to Wildly Untamed Boutique’s customer service to see if there was anything that they could do since it was so shortly after the order was placed. I wasn’t expecting much because it was my mistake and I would have completely understood. So, imagine my surprise and total appreciation when they offered me a free item because the price couldn’t be adjusted!

I got to choose between a pair of stud earrings or a Little Red Riding Hood inspired pin. While the lipstick kiss studs were adorable, I much prefer dangly earrings and went with this super unique brooch, instead. I’m obsessed!

I am not a stud earring wearer and I’m actually not a pin wearer, either. However, this fairy tale themed brooch was just way too cool to pass up. I have never seen anything like it before and am already picturing all of the different ways to incorporate it into my outfits. This pin definitely makes a statement and is a wonderful tip of the cap to my love of the slightly macabre.

I had never heard of Wildly Untamed Boutique before until their ads began appearing on my Facebook newsfeed. I always remember being tempted by all of the beautiful clothes and shoes and have many a screenshot saved for potential future purchases. After a long time of window shopping, I decided to check their site out while wedding shoe shopping and I am so glad I did!

Not only was Wildly Untamed Boutique’s customer service impeccable but their selection will leave you with a wish list a mile long. I know for a fact that my wedding heels will not be the last purchase I make on their site and, in the meantime, I will be pinning my brooch to all of the button downs and light jackets this spring. 🙂

What is your favorite fairy tale? What is the best or worst customer service you have had? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Lil Red’s Outstanding Customer Service Award

Lil Red’s Outstanding Customer Service Award

Hello! I have not been actual shopping since before the pandemic began and have turned to online shopping for everything I need – skin care, groceries, you name it. This also includes all of my purchases for my wedding apparel. Customer service while online shopping can be a mixed bag but Wildly Untamed Boutique went above and beyond to help me and I truly appreciate that.

I have been getting ads for Wildly Untamed Boutique on Facebook for months now and would constantly find myself drooling over their unique shoes. I decided to check their site out to see if I could find a pair of heels for my wedding and had great success. I can’t say anything about my totally nontraditional wedding look but I will tell you all that the heels are red! Johnny and I both agreed that the pair I selected was definitely “the one” and I quickly placed my order.

After my shopping, I spent the entire evening thinking about my purchase and I just had to see them again. I pulled up Wildly Untamed Boutique’s site on my iPod and my stomach dropped. I don’t know how I didn’t notice it when ordering on the computer but they had a ten percent off a purchase promotion running and I was disappointed to have not been able to use it. We all know Lil Red loves a deal!

I emailed their customer service right away to explain the situation and by the end of the week I had a reply from a member of their team. While they couldn’t alter the price of my order, they offered me a free item of my choosing from a selection they sent and I couldn’t believe their kindness! They also gave me the sweetest congratulations for my big day.

I, honestly, wasn’t expecting anything to happen when I emailed Wildly Untamed Boutique and that would have been one hundred percent okay because the mistake was my fault. However, they surpassed what I even expected and I appreciate that so much. I ended up selecting an absolutely gorgeous Little Red Riding Hood inspired pin and I cannot wait to see my little gift and shoes in real life.

Like I said before, customer service with online shopping can be a mixed bag and I actually just had a really crummy experience with Amazon’s customer service. A real person from Wildly Untamed Boutique helped me as opposed to automated replies in a chat box and, while I already planned on doing more shopping on their site regardless, that just sealed the deal.

I am proud to bestow the Lil Red’s Outstanding Customer Service Award to Wildly Untamed Boutique and highly recommend their site. They have some of the most unique, beautiful designs that I have ever seen and I think all of my fellow fashionistas will be just as smitten as I am!

What is the best customer service experience you have had? How about the worst? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah