Tag Archives: dont’s

Ways To Help Someone During A Tough Time

Ways To Help Someone During A Tough Time

Hello!! As you know, it has not been sunshine and rainbows in Lil Red’s world as of late. I have basically been a dual citizen between Akron and Cleveland while a loved one is a long term patient at the Cleveland Clinic. During this difficult time, I have been so thankful to everyone who has reached out to me in case I need anything. In this post, I thought I’d put together a few helpful and not so helpful things that you can do if you would like to offer assistance to someone you know who is going through a hardship too. I know firsthand the merits and annoyances of a few of the following so let’s discuss:

DO – Let the person know you are here:

Sometimes, the most comforting thing that you can do is to just let someone know you are here. You are available to chat on the phone. You can be there in a flash if needed. Help is available if you ask. This puts the ball into the recipients court and gives them the opportunity to take you up on your offer if they choose. Which leads me to my next point:

DON’T – Bombard the person:

One of the absolute best things that you can do is to not bombard your loved one during the hardship they are experiencing. Constantly asking for updates, if they need help, and checking in is coming from a good place, of course, but it can also be a lot. I would highly recommend keeping check ins to a minimum unless asked for it because lots of calls and messages can be extremely overwhelming.

DO – Be empowering:

As much as it is appreciated to receive offers of assistance, there are some approaches that work better than others. I, personally, don’t like when it is implied that I can’t do things like maintain my household, grocery shop, or cook. Be mindful of your phrasing and try to empower the person instead. Something like “you have been doing so much, would it be helpful if I did XYZ?” goes a much longer way than “have you even been able to do XYZ?”.

DON’T – Pressure the person:

I have talked with SO many people during my “residency” at the Cleveland Clinic and one thing that we have all agreed on is how sick we are of hearing “take time for you”. The running joke is that we all reply with “how?” lol. It almost just feels like one more thing that we have to do on top of everything else. It sounds weird, but it is somewhat pressuring when you are hearing it from everyone and their brother! Once again, phrasing is important. “Can I do XYZ for you so you can take a break?” gives you the chance to say yes or no instead of a question mark.

DO – Be understanding:

I have become the queen of sending texts a week after receiving one, ignoring phone calls, and simply not replying back period. This is not coming from a place of being mean – just tired! Of course, I don’t love doing this but what was helpful for me was letting people know that if anything important was happening, they would know too. Your texts and calls might go unanswered and that’s okay! Be understanding of it and try your best to not blow up anyone’s phone in the process. ❤

At the end of July, it will be a year since my hardships began and these are all just things I noticed for myself personally. What is in this post might not be the case for you, but I thought I would pass it along anyway in case anything is remotely helpful!

Are you good or bad at accepting help? What was something that was beneficial or annoying during a difficult time? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Apartment Do’s And Dont’s

Apartment Do’s And Dont’s

Hello! It has been a little over two months since moving into my apartment and I have so enjoyed the time spent in my “vacation home”. Apartment life is definitely different than being in your old neighborhood and, in the short while that I’ve been in mine, I feel like I have learned some important do’s and dont’s to make yourself the best neighbor and to fully enjoy your experience in your own place.

Whether you’re moving into a new neighborhood, condo, or San Jose apartments, these do’s and dont’s are good rules to live by. Read on to find out more!

Do: Introduce Yourself

First impressions are key everywhere in life so it shouldn’t be any different in your new digs. Introduce yourself to any of your neighbors that you might see in passing. It’s the polite thing to do and you might end up making a new friend or at least someone you could borrow a cup of sugar from, if need be!

I really like my neighbors and because of good first impressions, I can enjoy hanging out with them every so often for drinks or a chill sesh. This has been nice, especially since I live alone, because that can get a little lonely, for sure.

Don’t: Drive Recklessly

This applies to whenever you’re driving but please be extra careful when driving around the apartment property! Some people in my apartment neighborhood drive like goddamn maniacs and this is super dangerous because of the tight squeezes in the building parking lots and the winding roads to get to each building. You’re not going to get anywhere faster by straight whipping your car around and you could end up really hurting someone in the process. Je-sus!

Do: Be Quiet

A noisy neighbor can make or break the apartment experience for yourself or the people living next to you so keep it down! You are not the only one living in the space so no blasting the TV, music, or screaming matches with your roommate or partner. It is not hard to file a noise complaint, so don’t be surprised if this happens to you if you can’t keep it down. Remember, most apartment walls are paper thin.

Don’t: Forget Your Safety

The first thing that my dad told me when I moved was to always make sure that my doors are locked and I religiously abide by those rules. As well as for my car, too. Safety is key and my apartment community is not well lit so, if I’m coming home once it’s dark already I try to find a light to park under. But, carrying a flashlight isn’t a bad idea for these occasions, either.

It’s a scary world, so do what you can to keep your safety in mind when entering and exiting your apartment. This is also why it’s important to introduce yourself to your neighbors to let it be known that you’re there. That way, they become aware of you and your schedule and could help if something is not quite right. You’re always better safe than sorry!

Apartment life can be a really fun time if you let it be and you can help the cause by following the rules above to make it pleasant for both yourself and your neighbors!

What are some of your apartment do’s and dont’s? Do you have any advice for apartment life? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Black Friday Shopping Do’s And Don’ts

Black Friday Shopping Do’s And Don’ts

Hello everyone and happy Tuesday! I can’t say that I’ve ever gone Black Friday shopping before and have no real desire to, either. BUT, after working retail for four years, I’ve grown savvy to some pro tips that will get you through the madness with some great deals and your personal safety/sanity still intact. Take a look:


Know your sales: Most stores do the same Black Friday sales every year. PacSun does, The Body Shop does, Claire’s does, Piercing Pagoda does (All stores that I’ve worked at.). Investigate the sales from year’s past and see if you notice a pattern. That way, you can determine if it’s even worth it to go out and hit the shops. Most stores won’t give you their Black Friday sales info before the day – but it doesn’t hurt to ask, either!

Know your sales Pt. 2: Normally, Black Friday sales don’t end on Black Friday. At PacSun and The Body Shop, their sales didn’t end for a solid month. If you don’t get to the stores on the actual day, I wouldn’t sweat it too much – especially because Cyber Monday is still a thing.

Cyber Monday Savvy: And speaking of Cyber Monday, get hip to it. In some cases, Cyber Monday sales are even better than Black Friday deals, especially if the stores you prefer to shop at have a stronger online presence. Do your research of sales from the past as mentioned in the above sections and make your decision on which day to shop. Or throw caution to the wind and shop on both!

Get there early: If there’s something that you really want, I’d recommend staking out at that specific store front at least an hour before opening. That way, you can get in, grab the item, and get out. It also doesn’t hurt to see if you can put items on hold prior to the Black Friday date so that you can purchase them with the sales and you don’t have to run into the store like a madwoman to get it.

Let it go: If you find yourself in a stand off for the last of something, just let it go. People are literally crazy and I’d rather leave the store in one piece than get the last of something that I’m sure you can buy at a later date.


Be that person: Black Friday is, by definition, a crazy time. Please have some respect. At the mall that I worked in, the store manager of Victoria’s Secret got punched in the face THREE YEARS IN A ROW. That’s pure insanity. You are all better than that. Don’t be that person.

Go in willy nilly: It’s essential to have a game plan during Black Friday. What items do you want? What stores are a must to go into? Can you and whomever you’re going shopping with divide and conquer to get everything on your lists? Devise a plan and stick to it so that you can make the most out of your Black Friday shopping extravaganza.

Buy in excess: Yes, it’s great to get a good deal. BUT do you really need everything that you’re buying? It’s nice to see all of the money that you saved, but don’t buy stuff just for the sake of buying it on Black Friday. As I mentioned before, check the deals. Some stores already have their sales going on now. Think of what is really necessary to purchase and try and do it beforehand, if you can. Being involved in all of the Black Friday hubbub can make you feel inclined to overspend so DON’T FALL FOR IT!!

Black Friday is not everyone’s cup of tea. It certainly isn’t mine! But that doesn’t mean that I don’t know a thing or two about how to shop during it. Use my pro tips and have the best Black Friday shopping experience yet! What are some of your Black Friday do’s and don’ts? What are some of the best Black Friday deals that you have scored? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah