Tag Archives: impressed

GlobalBeautyCare Retinol & Hyaluronic Acid Moisturizer Review

GlobalBeautyCare Retinol & Hyaluronic Acid Moisturizer Review

Hello!! On June 7th, I am turning the dirty thirty. I definitely don’t feel my age, but I was born in 1994 so you can’t argue with that. I take that back – sometimes I feel my age. I feel like I’m at the point where I injure myself from sleeping weird and have to grunt every time I hoist myself up from the couch! One other thing that I clocked, which is perhaps the worst of all, is the start of some fine lines on my face. We are our own worst critic so what is a glaring issue to me is more than likely unnoticeable to most. That doesn’t mean that I don’t want to fix it, though! Which brings us to this moisturizer review:


Normally when I shop skin care at TJMaxx, I go for anything with Vitamin C or hyaluronic acid. They have both been staples in my beauty routine for years and really agree with my skin. However, the needs of your skin change and I began experimenting with products that have retinol in recent skin care hauls. I can’t say that I was overly impressed with any of the moisturizers I sampled and was okay with that. The world of retinol is a totally new ballgame for me. Then, the retinol and hyaluronic acid moisturizer by GlobalBeautyCare scored a home run in the clutch.

My past experiences with retinol moisturizers was either underwhelming or far too potent for what my skin needed. The GlobalBeautyCare moisturizer was the true definition of “just right”. I used this product twice daily for a month and never felt any discomfort. It felt like using a regular old moisturizer. This wasn’t just a regular old moisturizer, though! I can, without a doubt, say that I noticed visible results from using it. Results so good that I consider this moisturizer to be Botox in a jar. The area that I was particularly concerned about was the fine lines around my mouth. By the time the jar was empty, I could tell that my skin looked plumper and the lines seemed to smooth themselves out. I was amazed by this because it’s not every day that you find a product that is that effective. I was so sad when I finished this moisturizer and am keeping my fingers crossed that I can find it at TJs again!

12/10 highly recommend the retinol and hyaluronic acid moisturizer by GlobalBeautyCare – especially if you are in my age range. This is a perfect introduction to retinol products and your skin will thank you!

How old are you turning this year? Do you feel your age? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Urgently Awesome

Urgently Awesome

Hello!! A few weekends ago, I took a tumble that resulted in some pretty gnarly cuts on two of my fingers. The boo boos were in the most inconvenient spot – right on the crease beneath the pad of the finger. My right hand ring finger was healing pretty well, but the one on my middle finger was a different story. I felt like the wound was barely closing and what’s worse, it felt infected too. By the time I was nearing the end of a course of antibiotics, I was worried that it wasn’t enough so Johnny and I decided to go to the Well Now urgent care clinic down the street from us. This place actually used to be a Family Video lol.

We went to Well Now this past Monday and we were both most impressed with it. We were in and out in less than an hour, which was great. The care was phenomenal and there were also TONS of goodies there too! Check it out:


Before going to the Well Now clinic, I looked up some reviews online to see other people’s opinions. For the most part, it came highly recommended. This was nice, but what stuck out the most to me was that this place had a Slushie machine in the waiting room! Obviously, I just had to see this for myself and by god there was. Lol, I have never seen anything like it before and it was so fantastic to sip on a blue raspberry Slush Puppie as we waited to get called back. It reminded me of when my dad would take me to skating practice because he would always get us a Slushie to share afterwards. Such a lovely burst of nostalgia. 🙂

We were called back to a room less than five minutes after sitting down and the PA who took care of us was the best. He was so nice and funny, which really helped put both me and Johnny at ease. He dressed my finger to help get it to close and wrapped it up in some crazy contraption that made it look like a banana. Trust and believe I couldn’t wait to flip people off with it! The process was quick and pain free and before we knew it, we were ready to walk out the door. Of course, we had to grab some snacks to go on our way out. Another very nice touch, indeed!

Going to the Well Now clinic was a great experience and I would definitely recommend it. Not just for the Slushie machine, but for the excellent level of care too!

What was the best waiting room you have ever been in? Have you ever been to an urgent care before? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

New Coral & Lilac Nails

New Coral & Lilac Nails

Hello! This past Monday, I was able to finally get my nails done after work and it was SO very needed. I was unable to come in during Christmas week because sick and my salon takes a week off after New Years so that was a no go either. After a much deserved break for all of the wonderful employees of Elysian Nails, my appointment for a fill couldn’t have come sooner. My nails were looking awful – they were insanely grown out, dull as dishwater, and there was some lifting too. I couldn’t stand it! Thankfully, a new to me tech got me right and it was one of the best fills I’ve had in months. Check it out:


During the grey months of winter, I normally opt for deeper colors for my nails. However, after a not ideal holiday break, I needed some brightness in my life and decided to change things up. I was craving the poppy, fun shades of spring and a coral polish caught my eye as I was scouring my selection. This hue just screamed spring and was like an instant pick me up. To keep with the spring motif, I went with a lovely lilac as my complimentary color and loved how it turned out. I seriously can’t stop staring at my nails as I type this and they are a breath of fresh air to start the new year with.

For such a pretty color palette, I needed pretty nails to match and my tech did an incredible job. I was very impressed with her from the jump because she was so detail oriented. For example, she took the time to really work on my cuticles and that is something that I have never had a tech do before. I didn’t realize how bad mine were until she removed all of the dead skin that was ready to come off. My tech tended to everything wrong with my nails with so much precision and care. By the time she was done, it was like the lifted nails never happened in the first place. My nails felt strong, sturdy, and sharp enough to poke an eye out and that’s exactly how I like it!

One of my favorite things about Elysian Nails is that your hands will always be in the best hands no matter which tech is pampering you. Everyone is so amazingly skilled and even though I couldn’t get an appointment with my go to girl, I was still treated like a long term client by the tech who did my fill. You simply can’t beat that level of customer service! ❤

What color of nail polish are you currently rocking? Are you craving springtime already? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah