Tag Archives: dirty thirty

BFF Birthday Gift

BFF Birthday Gift

Howdy!! I had a fantastic weekend and it was great from start to finish because my BFF, Lea, came over on Friday for my birthday hang out. We spent the evening catching up and girl talking away and it was just what the doctor ordered. Lea and I both have insanely busy schedules so we don’t get to get together as often as we would like and I missed her terribly! As with the best of best friends, however, her and I pick up as if we just saw each other the day before. That’s what sixteen plus years of BFFhood gets you and it’s a beautiful thing! As are these lovely prezzies that I was surprised with:


For my dirty thirtieth birthday, Lea gifted me with a darling cartoon rendering of us on my wedding day and a simply fabulous middle finger candle lol. When Johnny and I got married, we had a very small ceremony and Lea was the only person I invited outside of my immediate family. I considered both her and my big sister to be my co maids of honor. My big day was even better because Lea was a part of it and she selected one of our favorite pictures together as the inspiration for my gift. I clocked this immediately and it gave me ALL of the feels. So much so that I almost shed a tear. It is the most perfect gift and Johnny surprised me the following day by hanging it up while I was out running errands. I smile every time I look at it. ❤

And, of course, both of my besties know that spooky gifts are the way to my heart and I cannot get over my middle finger candle. In fact, this prezzie was spot on because I have recently become obsessed with candles compliments of my other bestie’s birthday gifts to me. Lea is most fond of shopping at craft shows so I have a feeling she bought this a while ago and was saving it for my b-day. She is so thoughtful like that and is just like me – I am the queen of shopping early for gift giving occasions! I haven’t had the chance to burn this candle yet, but I am really looking forward to it. It’s going to look cool AF! 😀

I had the best time having a low key birthday get together with my bestie and I can’t wait to celebrate her big day later this summer. I am the luckiest gal in the world to have a BFF like Lea and that is always the greatest gift I could ever ask for!

How long have you been friends with your best friend? What kind of gifts do you like to give? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Best Weekend Ever!

Best Weekend Ever!

Hello!!! With a very busy schedule between me and Johnny and our friends and family, my birthday celebrations have extended beyond June seventh. I am SO okay with this and it is much more my speed to have quality hangouts with my loved ones rather than jam pack everything into one weekend. This past weekend, I was able to have my belated birthday get togethers with my sister and nieces and my best friend, Lea. It was fantastic from start to finish – so much so that the only picture I took was of this lone Margarita when I was out to lunch lol:


On Friday, Lea came over for the evening and, as always, it was nothing short of a delight. Lea and I have been best friends for a whopping sixteen years and have had a hang out every single year for each other’s birthday. It is something that I cherish so much, even on the most low key get togethers like we had this weekend. We just chilled on the couch with White Claw and girl talk – a match made in heaven! I genuinely believe if given the opportunity, her and I could chat away for forever and still find something new to talk about. I cannot wait to show you all the gorgeous prezzies she gifted me with so tune in for that tomorrow because it is the sweetest! ❤

After a chill evening in, it was onto all of the activities on Saturday. For my b-day celebration with my sister and darling nieces, Kristen treated me to lunch at my favorite restaurant. We went to El Meson, which is the hands down best Mexican restaurant in my general vicinity. It is divine every time and it’s so much fun to go there with my sis and the girls because they share the same passion for the cuisine as I do lol. Between bites of our delicious food, we were in stitches from the littlest girlie and her attempt to eat chips and queso and both girls trying on mine and Kristen’s stunner shades. I love being able to spend one on one time with all of my best girls so this was the perfect gift for the proudest TT and little sister.

Once lunch was over, I went to my parents’ house for a spell to see my dad before Father’s Day. Then, I picked up my brother, Andrew, and him, Johnny, and I went to Quarter Up. It’s a super fun arcade bar down the street from my apartment. I used to frequent Quarter Up when it first opened, but Johnny and I haven’t been in a while and I’m genuinely not sure why after Saturday evening! It was a hoot and their game selection has improved greatly since opening. We all enjoyed playing ski ball, basketball, and the shooting games. Johnny was particularly enamored by the Elton John pinball game – a new addition that is definitely worth going back for!

I have been feeling SO spoiled by all of the birthday love and this past weekend literally had me on cloud nine. There is nothing better to me than time together with my nearest and dearest and I couldn’t ask for anything more!

What is your favorite arcade game? How about your favorite restaurant in your neck of the woods? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Blogging Bestie Birthday Gift Pt. 2

Blogging Bestie Birthday Gift Pt. 2

Hi!! One of the most exciting parts about my June birthday isn’t so much the actual day, but the surrounding ones. My Johnny had his birthday on the first, our wedding anniversary is on the fourth, and my best friend’s birthday is on the thirteenth. Between all of these special days, it has been hard to feel down and out about turning thirty. It also makes it easier to be in a festive spirit when you have the best Gemini Twin hype girl!! My BFF, Kate of Live In The Nautical, always makes our Gemini season the most wonderful time of the year and I love her so much for it. She surprised me with a fabulous spooky gift box and I couldn’t believe it when she told me there was more on the way. The remainder of my prezzies arrived this past week and it was definitely worth the wait! Check it out:


Johnny and I live for Halloween, horror, and all things creepy, scary, and spooky. Kate is most certainly not a horror fan, but her gifts to me could say otherwise lol. They are always the most fantastically creative with a dose of creepy for good measure! Just like these gorgeous skull earrings with pressed flowers and leaves. I legit could not believe my eyes when I opened the tiny package because I had never seen anything like them before. I live for edgy fashion with a girly twist and my new flower skull earrings fit that to the T.

Kate and I have known each other for almost a decade (Please don’t do the math on this!) and it has made all of our past b-days even better. She is one of my nearest, dearest, closest friends so it only makes sense that our big days are only six days apart. It is such a beautiful thing to be able to celebrate each other and our textbook Gemini-ness all month long. And, when Gemini season is over, we still treat each other like it’s our birthday. Lol, that’s what best friends are for! It truly is the best gift of all to have Kate in my life and everyone deserves a friend like her. I am the luckiest gal in the world. ❤

The June birthdays have come and passed, but good friends and memories are worth celebrating all lifetime long. I am thankful for my Gemini Twin every day and every birthday since meeting her has been even better than the last!

What is your style aesthetic? How do you celebrate your besties? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Bonus Birthday Surprises

Bonus Birthday Surprises

Howdy!! I turned the dirty thirty on June seventh and had the most wonderful time celebrating. The beauty of birthdays is that you can prolong the festivities and I definitely do. With insanely busy schedules between myself, my family, and friends some of the hangouts have had to wait and I am eagerly awaiting them! Although some get togethers are on the back burner, I have still been treated to lots of birthday love, especially from my work family. It is so nice to be thought of and I adore these sweet surprises:


During the work week, I run on sheer willpower and lots and lots of caffeine lol. You can almost always catch me with hot or iced coffee or a Diet Coke and my work fam knows this, which inspired my Stanley Cup gift. Yes, the super viral Stanley Cup! I will be honest with all of you, when these tumblers blew up the internet, I had zero interest in buying one. I have plenty of to go mugs and they have always served me well. However, now that I have this lovely sea foam green Stanley, I can’t believe I didn’t get one sooner. It is the bee’s knees! This cup keeps my drinks either piping hot or icy cold and you just can’t beat it. I also couldn’t have gotten it at a better time because it is officially summer weather and it’s so nice to have a tumbler that keeps my water cold all day. Highly recommend!

And, of course, it wouldn’t be a birthday without some sweet treats. I am not a huge candy fan, but one of my favorite families made a guess at what I would like and they were actually spot on. My Johnny freaking LOVES Mike and Ikes and was simply thrilled when I tossed him the candy box upon my return home from work. I am much more of a chocolate girl than chewy or fruity candy so the peanut M&Ms will pull through in the clutch when my sweet tooth acts up on the rare occasion. Normally when this happens, I have nothing in the apartment to staunch my cravings. Not anymore. 😀

Between the birthday greetings and gifts, I have felt so loved and appreciated and this is the best of all. The fact that people took time out of their day to do something just for me really does mean the world. Turning thirty wasn’t so bad after all… I guess! 😉

Do you have a Stanley Cup? What is your favorite candy? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

30th Birthday Fun

30th Birthday Fun

Howdy!! This past Friday was my dirty thirtieth birthday and it was absolutely fantastic. Am I particularly thrilled to enter into a new decade? Not especially lol. But, I had such a lovely weekend celebrating and that really helped make up for it. For my big day, I didn’t want anything major and requested a dinner at Olive Garden for a date night with Johnny. I was craving it something fierce and wanted to get my Middle Class Fancy on! I like to think we cleaned up pretty well and if you peep my hairy armpits – mind ya business haha:


Before it was time for my birthday dinner, I had to work up an appetite! I worked in the morning getting my transport client to his job and doing the social media thing. Then, I spent the afternoon hanging out with my brother. We went on a fantastic hike and saw so much wild life – a snake, turtles, and two tiny baby bunnies. They were so precious and it took all of my willpower to not snatch them up and take them home. Of course, I would never but Johnny probably would have had a harder time saying no on my b-day lol. Work smarter, not harder amiright?!

Once Johnny and I were both home, we took some OOTD pics (See those later this week!) and made our way to the OG. We were famished and it was a good thing we left early. About a half hour after we were seated, the place was packed. We had a delicious meal of salad, bread sticks, cocktails, and fettuccine alfredo (Plain for me, with chicken for Johnny!). Dinner was simply divine and we had such a great time gorging ourselves lol. There was no room left for my free birthday dessert of strawberry cheesecake so we took it to go. It was perfect to have with our leftovers the following day and we definitely plan on going to the Olive Garden more often. 😀

After we returned home from dinner in our respective food comas, we decided to break out Johnny’s new record player (A prezzie from me) and play some games. I got to pick the very first record we listened to on it and I chose none other than the original recording of Jesus Christ Superstar. This was my first time hearing it because we didn’t have a functional record player until now. It was freaking dynamite and an ideal soundtrack to completely annihilate Johnny in Monopoly. To the birthday girl gets the spoils!

The rest of my birthday weekend was nice and chill. I was able to video chat with my best girl, Kate, of Live In The Nautical on Saturday and watch countless episodes of Degrassi. I’ll be looking forward to the last of my birthday hangouts with my sister and other bestie, Lea, later this week! ❤

What is your favorite Middle Class Fancy restaurant? How do you prefer to listen to music? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Sweet Surprises: Birthday Edition

Sweet Surprises: Birthday Edition

Hi! This past Friday, I celebrated my thirtieth birthday and had the most wonderful time. I felt so loved and spoiled and that definitely helped cushion the blow of entering into a new decade. On Friday, Johnny stopped at his parents’ house after work to pick up the remainder of his birthday gifts from me – a new record player. He returned home with his prezzie and a sweet little something from my beloved in laws for my big day. As always, the gifts from Johnny’s parents are so thoughtful, lovely, and totally perfect for me. Check it out:


Johnny’s mom loves to shop at the cool little boutiques that are in the greater Akron area. It makes gift giving occasions really exciting because I don’t shop at those stores so everything is something I haven’t seen before. Like the gorgeous silver earrings, for example. My mother-in-law knows that I am all about pretty things with an edge and my new jewelry is that description to the T. The flower stud that goes into dagger blades is *chef’s kiss* and fits me so well. I have several pairs of dagger earrings, which I am most fond of. These will fit in beautifully with my collection and I can’t wait to wear them!

I was also gifted with a gift card to the Cashmere Cricket and that is just the sweetest. The Cashmere Cricket is the most charming martini bar and is both mine and Johnny’s favorite. It also happens to be where we had our first date and went to celebrate after we got engaged. Needless to say, the Cricket is very special to us both. During the summertime, Johnny and I love to go have a drink or two on the balcony at the Cashmere Cricket. It is decked out in fairy lights and an ideal spot for an evening date. This gift card will definitely come in handy for drinks and dinner too. Not only are the martinis the best I ever had, but their food is literally to die for. I see a date night in my future, for sure. ❤

The best gift of all is feeling like a true daughter to Johnny’s parents. I love them both so much and am really looking forward to our belated birthaversary celebrations together!

Where did you and your partner have your first date? Do you still like to go there together? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

New Tangerine & Neon Blue Nails

New Tangerine & Neon Blue Nails

Hello!! On Tuesday, I spent some time getting some much needed pre birthday pampering at Elysian Nails. I was in desperate need of a fill and I was even more eager to go because my nail tech just did a manicure for my mom last week. Tuesday has become my new go to fill day and I make my way to the salon during a break from work. It is the perfect treat to get me through the day because nothing is better than showing off some fresh new claws! I was ready for some bright, summery colors for this appointment and am loving what I picked out:


Sometimes, I have absolutely no idea what colors I want my nails to be. Other times, inspiration strikes and that was the case for this fill. It has been heating up in Akron, Ohio and I had vivid orange hues on the mind. But paired with what? At the nail polish wall, I made a beeline to a neon tangerine shade and it was exactly what I wanted. I toyed with the idea of purple and neon pink, but an electric blue caught my eye and it was game over. Orange and blue is a combo that screams fun in the sun and we were in business for some poppy, so bright you need shades nails.

During my nail appointments, my tech and I normally catch up on the latest in each other’s lives. This time around, there wasn’t too much to discuss because I literally just saw her four days ago lol. This was totally fine by me because I could just sit back, relax, and go brain dead for a bit before it was back to work! While I zoned out, I swapped between watching HGTV and the magic that was unfolding at my tech’s station. Before this appointment, a few of my nails were definitely lifting and were feeling less than sturdy. In what felt like no time at all, I had a fill so good that it felt like I had a brand new set on. They are sharpened and shaped just the way I like them and just right for ringing in the summer vibes!

This was just Part One to my birthday pampering and I can’t wait for Part Two later this month for a brand new do at the Shear Shop. I am stepping into my thirties in maximum style!

How do you treat yourself for your birthday? What color of nail polish are you rocking? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Happy Birthday To Me!!!

Happy Birthday To Me!!!

Hello!!! Johnny’s birthday came and passed, our three year wedding anniversary was next, and now it is time for… DUN DUN DUN… My thirtieth birthday! Oh yes, your girl turns the Dirty Thirty today and I’d be a liar if I said that I’m completely okay with it lol. But hey, another year older another year *hopefully* wiser, right?! As my sweet husband has said, “at least you’re not turning thirty-five” so there’s that. 😀 Despite the slight sense of impending doom I’m feeling, there is so much in life that I am so thankful for. And, a lot of it took into my mid to late twenties to happen. When I remind myself of that, aging doesn’t seem so much as aging but more like an improvement.

While I am sad to be officially done with my roaring twenties, so much good has taken place during my last trip around the sun. The excellent health of one of my loved ones was celebrated, Johnny and I got to spend another year together and watch our nieces and nephew grow, and I even got a new job. And, of course, I can’t forget another year of loving my bunnies and creating daily content for lifewithlilred. Clearly, twenty-nine was pretty good and it makes me feel hopeful that this positive trajectory will continue into a brand new decade.

Although welcoming my thirties is bittersweet, it is the best to be able to celebrate with my Johnny. We have a hot date planned tonight to go to the Olive Garden and rent the new Strangers movie at home and I am thrilled! I have been craving the Olive Garden for months and I have also been looking forward to this new scary movie for months. It is exactly how I want to spend my birthday and I love that we are keeping it simple for maximum quality time. Turning thirty or not, I feel like the luckiest girl in the world to be so loved by our nearest and dearest for mine and Johnny’s birthaversary week and always! ❤


Happy Birthday To Me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

GlobalBeautyCare Retinol & Hyaluronic Acid Moisturizer Review

GlobalBeautyCare Retinol & Hyaluronic Acid Moisturizer Review

Hello!! On June 7th, I am turning the dirty thirty. I definitely don’t feel my age, but I was born in 1994 so you can’t argue with that. I take that back – sometimes I feel my age. I feel like I’m at the point where I injure myself from sleeping weird and have to grunt every time I hoist myself up from the couch! One other thing that I clocked, which is perhaps the worst of all, is the start of some fine lines on my face. We are our own worst critic so what is a glaring issue to me is more than likely unnoticeable to most. That doesn’t mean that I don’t want to fix it, though! Which brings us to this moisturizer review:


Normally when I shop skin care at TJMaxx, I go for anything with Vitamin C or hyaluronic acid. They have both been staples in my beauty routine for years and really agree with my skin. However, the needs of your skin change and I began experimenting with products that have retinol in recent skin care hauls. I can’t say that I was overly impressed with any of the moisturizers I sampled and was okay with that. The world of retinol is a totally new ballgame for me. Then, the retinol and hyaluronic acid moisturizer by GlobalBeautyCare scored a home run in the clutch.

My past experiences with retinol moisturizers was either underwhelming or far too potent for what my skin needed. The GlobalBeautyCare moisturizer was the true definition of “just right”. I used this product twice daily for a month and never felt any discomfort. It felt like using a regular old moisturizer. This wasn’t just a regular old moisturizer, though! I can, without a doubt, say that I noticed visible results from using it. Results so good that I consider this moisturizer to be Botox in a jar. The area that I was particularly concerned about was the fine lines around my mouth. By the time the jar was empty, I could tell that my skin looked plumper and the lines seemed to smooth themselves out. I was amazed by this because it’s not every day that you find a product that is that effective. I was so sad when I finished this moisturizer and am keeping my fingers crossed that I can find it at TJs again!

12/10 highly recommend the retinol and hyaluronic acid moisturizer by GlobalBeautyCare – especially if you are in my age range. This is a perfect introduction to retinol products and your skin will thank you!

How old are you turning this year? Do you feel your age? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Turning Thirty (Ahhhh!!)

Turning Thirty (Ahhhh!!)

Hello!!! June is an exciting month for Johnny and I because we celebrate our birthaversary. Johnny has his thirty-fifth birthday on the first, our three year wedding anniversary is on the fourth, and I will be turning thirty on the seventh. While this is a banner time to be us, I’d be a liar if I said I wasn’t a tad nervous about turning the dirty thirty. There’s something about not being in my twenties that just doesn’t sit right with me lol!

On Wednesday, my sister came over for a quick visit. She told me that she showed the pictures of my new hair to my niece, Val, and lil bestie had an interesting response to it. She said “Wow, TT looks so young“. And just when I thought I couldn’t love her any more than I already do! This was actually the third or fourth time I have gotten this compliment over the past month when people find out I’m turning thirty. I’ve got to say, I now understand why people love to hear it because it has definitely helped soften the blow of my milestone birthday.

Thanks to the handful of “wow, you don’t look thirty at all” that I have received, I am feeling more okay about June seventh. Yes, it was nice to hear that I don’t look my age. But, it was nicer to hear that my personality doesn’t reflect it either. In my head, I am still a twenty something and I think that’s the most important thing. This is something that I have been reminding myself of because the cliche is so true – you’re only as old as you feel. I think once the initial shock of entering a new decade wears off, I will feel much better. But, for now, I will be using these positive affirmations to get me through and they are already working wonders!

Normally, I am psyched for my birthday. It feels strange to have anxiety about an exciting day, but I think a big party will ease the nerves so I have that going for me!! 😀

How do you feel about your birthday? Which age were you nervous to turn? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah