Tag Archives: support local

Constellations Show

Constellations Show

Hello!!! Johnny and I had an incredibly busy weekend, but it was such a fun one. On Friday, our sweet niece had her preschool graduation. Saturday was the first show for Constellations, a metalcore band that I do social media management for. And on Sunday we celebrated my brother’s birthday. The show on Saturday was an absolute blast and I have been looking forward to it for a long time. This was the first time I got to meet all of the band members in person. The guys and gal of the Constellations crew were all exactly how I imagined them to be – a total delight. Not to mention they tore their first set up!


Constellations had their first show at Mahall’s, which is about forty-five minutes away from us in Lakewood. Mahall’s was such a cool venue that featured the concert space, a bar and restaurant, and a vintage bowling alley on the lower level. Before the show, Johnny and I enjoyed drinks at the bar, taking pictures, and mingling with the band and other concertgoers. Everyone was decked out in their emo/goth/metal best and we loved to see it! Constellations was the first opener for Until I Wake and that was great because Johnny and I can’t hang like we used to lol. They took the stage around six fifteen and…

It was INCREDIBLE!!! Right from the jump with their first single, RIP, they were completely in their bag. Between the music, their stage presence, and the vibey deep red and indigo lighting, Johnny and I were blown away. It was so very cool to finally see what the band is capable of and the joy that was radiating off of them when they were doing their thing. The guitarists, Chandler and Heather, went into the crowd with their instruments and the audience just went nuts. Max on bass gave the band a thumping heartbeat. Mike on drums was so effortless in his performance and our vocalist and screamer, Tre, led the show like a seasoned pro. Needless to say, I was beyond proud!

To Johnny’s delight, we helped the band load up their van after the performance (He missed it!) and got to hang out before it was time to make our way home. We sang Constellations praises the whole way back and can’t wait for the next show!

Who is your favorite local band? What is your favorite music venue? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Constellations Merch!!

Constellations Merch!!

Hello everyone!!! I have been working as the social media manager for an awesome local metalcore band called Constellations. It is legit the most fun job I have ever had and it is so exciting to be a part of their continued growth. In case you aren’t following Constellations on social media (You should!), an amazing guitarist named Heather has joined my favorite ragtag group of gents. She is fantastic and it’s even better having her on board! We also just released… MERCH! The designs are made by our very own vocalist, Tre’, and he did a banner job. Sometimes he models too as you are about to see:


This past Friday, our online merch shop officially opened for business and it is yet another stepping stone that Constellations has completed in a short time. February 19th was the one month anniversary for the release of the band’s first single “RIP” and we can’t wait to start teasing new music soon! I also am looking forward to rocking some merch in a few brand new OOTDs on my end. 😀 To help support my sweet crew, you don’t have to buy anything from the shop (Even though it would be VERY NICE!). You can show them love on social media and, in turn, show your favorite Lil Red blogger some love too:

Facebook: ConstellationsBand

Instagram: @constellations330

X: @seeingstars330

TikTok: @constellationsband

YouTube: ConstellationsBand330

Spotify: Constellations

Shop merch here!

On behalf of Constellations and yours truly: Thank you! Some extra follows and likes might not seem like a big deal, but it means the world and galaxies to us. Stay tuned for more great successes from the band because I just know there are going to be a ton!

How do you support local artists? What is your favorite song by a local band? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Constellations Call To Action

Constellations Call To Action

Hi everyone!! My most recent work endeavor has been doing social media management for a local metalcore band called Constellations. It has been an absolute blast and I have had the best time collaborating and getting to know all of the guys. They are, of course, amazingly talented. But, most importantly, they are the sweetest, kindest, goofiest dudes you could ever hope to meet. It makes my job not only easy, but a complete pleasure. I am SO proud to even know them and I can’t wait to see what the future holds for my new besties.

This past Friday, Constellation’s first single called RIP dropped and it was most exciting!! We have all been working so hard for this release for the past month and change and it was a joy to share in the big day all together. It would mean a lot to all of us if you took the time to follow our social media pages and give RIP a listen. Even if metalcore isn’t your thing, it would be doing your favorite Lil Red blogger a huge favor! You can give some love to our pages at the following:

Facebook: ConstellationsBand

Instagram: constellations330

TikTok: constellationsband

YouTube: ConstellationsBand330

X: seeingstars330

You can also stream RIP on Spotify!!!


Myself and all of the guys from Constellations can’t thank you enough for your support! Let us know what you think about RIP in the comments. 🙂 Much love. -Sarah

Slow Things Down At Akron’s Farm Table

Slow Things Down At Akron’s Farm Table

Hello! This past Friday was a hoot because Johnny and I went out to dinner with my boss, Karnchea, and his wife, Pam. Karnchea and I have been working virtually together since January and it was SO nice to be able to meet him in real life! In collaboration with our website, Nightlife 330, we were given the opportunity to meet up with the owners of Akron’s Farm Table, have a meal, and get the scoop on the brand new restaurant. It was such a delight to chat with John, Amber, and their sweet son, Tristan, about the ins and outs of Akron’s Farm Table. It’s an amazing concept run by amazing people! Take a look at some pics and read on for a lifewithlilred exclusive interview:


LR: You recently had your grand opening of Akron’s Farm Table and how do you think things are going so far?

John: Slow. We just aren’t getting the outreach right now. But, we offer a good place to come and have a cheap meal that’s all sourced locally. There’s not many places out there that you can get the same type of ingredients for the same price.

LR: What was your inspiration behind opening the restaurant?

Amber: We wanted to make good food accessible in downtown Akron to provide that feeling of security to everyone. We wanted to show people that this is where we get our food from and you can make the same things at home too.

John: Our customers aren’t just dollar bills to us. We want them to be able to come here and have an escape for as long as they need but have the comfort of feeling at home.

Amber: We want people to come and have a cup of coffee, to enjoy our handmade desserts. We want everyone to feel like they can hang out and have a good conversation because everyone has their own story just like we do.

LR: Wow, perfect segue! Tell me about your story.

Amber: John and I met through Plenty of Fish six years ago in November…

LR: Johnny and I met on Plenty of Facebook ba dum chhhh.

Amber: I picked him up from a three quarter house for sober living, John is a recovering addict. I took him home, we got married a year after we met. I picked him up and just never took him home! We want people to know that change is possible and it’s okay to slow things down to get back to your roots.

LR: Your roots are a common theme on your Facebook posts and your menu is filled with comfort classics. What do you both bring to the table for food prep?

Amber: When we started this big idea, John said “cook what you know” and that’s what I do. I cook most of lunch and dinner and John does most of breakfast. Our son, Tristan, is a huge help too!

LR: Are these dishes things that you grew up eating?

John: Definitely! These are recipes that we have known and loved for a long time.

LR: What is your favorite item on the menu?

John: The meatloaf.

Amber: The meatloaf, for sure. We had a lot of trial and error and found that making it in a bread pan made it too dry and grainy. I didn’t feel good standing behind it because I would never serve anything that I won’t eat myself. So we came up with individual patties, instead. We try to think outside of the box so our food is made fresh and not sitting in a warming tray all day.

LR: Where would you like to see Akron’s Farm Table one year from now?

Amber: Open.

John: I want to bring the people here. I would love to create a space for people to sell their fresh produce and come together. I hope in a year people will be here to have coffee and enjoy local produce without driving to the farms.

LR: What would you like to say to your future patrons?

Amber: Come here if you want to slow things down and get back to your roots. If you want to support a small business, we’re a small business and we would love to see you!

Akron’s Farm Table is bringing locally sourced goodness to downtown Akron and it is a joy to see. We loved our evening at this new spot and are sure that you will too. Support local and check it out!

What is your favorite local restaurant? How about your favorite local artist or musician? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah