Tag Archives: chewy

About Our Bunnies

About Our Bunnies

Hello!!! On November first, it will be one whole year since Johnny and I welcomed our sweet bunnies, Melvin and Penelope, home. We adopted Mel and P from a friend who adopted Penelope from some type of fair I think? Little did she know, Penelope was pregnant and had eight (Yes, eight!) babies. When Johnny and I decided that we were committed to adopting bunnies, I scoured humane societies and posted on Facebook for any leads. My post was answered by the new bunny parent of nine and we took our babies home two weeks later!

Screenshot 2023-09-21 at 06-18-39 Sarah Mushenheim (@lifewithlilred94) • Instagram photos and videosScreenshot 2023-09-21 at 06-19-13 Sarah Mushenheim (@lifewithlilred94) • Instagram photos and videosScreenshot 2023-09-21 at 06-18-59 Sarah Mushenheim (@lifewithlilred94) • Instagram photos and videos

It was and still is so exciting to have pets in our apartment. Melvin and Penelope are our little buddies and we are just as obsessed with them now as the day we brought them home. It is such a blast to watch our two gremlins romp around our bunny proofed area, play with their beloved Chewy boxes, and get into mischief. Mel and P’s favorite activities include snack time, chewing literally everything, and getting all of the cuddles from their mom and dad. Although, cuddling definitely wasn’t on their agenda when we first got them… It took a while for them to get warmed up to being held, but now they are always on the couch with us when we watch TV! 🙂

Our almost first year of being bunny parents felt like a lot of trial and error. It took both Mel and P a while to get about 95% litter trained, for starters. The first few months involved a lot of cleaning up accidents and rearranging their litter boxes to find a solution that worked. We had to figure out the best ways to clean their hutch, the best places to shop for their leafy greens, as well as finding supplies that they liked and getting them acclimated to our touch. This process took a while, but we never gave up and it feels like we have had them for so much longer than a year.

Melvin and Penelope are completely different bunnies from when we first brought them home. Pen was SO shy and was not interested in exploring her new digs whatsoever. Melvin, on the other hand, was quite skittish and would rather run away than be near us. Now that they know who mom and dad are and are so used to us, we finally see their real personalities. Pen is sweet as can be and loves to be held – the way to her heart was lots of yummy treats! Mel is our little adventurer and tolerates being held for a while, then he scampers off to play, play, play. He loves toys and thinks it’s hilarious to dump his food dish all over the hutch as soon as I refill it! Their personalities compliment each other so well and I am thrilled that they are comfortable enough with us to show it off. ❤

Since Johnny and I did not have a birthaversary bash this year, we are hoping to combine it into a party for Mel and Pen’s Gotcha Day. Our bunny babies are so loved and in my perfect world, we would have an apartment full of them!

What is your pet’s personality like? When it your pet’s Gotcha Day? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah


Bunny Care Essentials

Bunny Care Essentials

Hello!! Johnny and I brought our sweet mother and son bunny duo, Melvin and Penelope, home this past November. They are our lil besties and our apartment has so much more joy in it ever since we adopted them into their forever home. The longer that we have had them for, the more amazed I am by the day that rabbits are often given as pets or gifts for children – they are a lot of work and Johnny and I are adults!

Today, I thought I would discuss some Bunny Care Essentials that are 100% necessary for their well being. Bunnies are not just cute balls of fluff to look at through their hutch and require a decent amount of care to keep them happy. Like the following:

Clean Up Crew:

Bunnies are social animals and it is best to have a pair of them. With a pair of bunnies comes double the expenses and double the cleaning up!! We have a designated area in their hutch for their bathroom breaks and both Mel and P are pretty good about using the litter boxes. However, that doesn’t mean that they don’t have accidents! Every morning, it is an absolute must that I clean out their potty area of any soiled bedding and refresh their litter boxes. Bunnies are rather picky and as soon as their litter boxes get nasty, they refuse to go in it. It’s obviously not the most enjoyable chore in the world, but having bunnies means having to clean up after them. And, be warned – bunnies go to the bathroom a lot lol.

Play Time:

Bunnies are energetic AF and they are currently zooming around the apartment as I type this. Yeah, bunnies get the zoomies too! Johnny and I are in the process of bunny proofing a section of our apartment for them to free roam all day every day, but for now, they are in their hutch while we are at work and asleep. Any other time, though, their door is open and they have free reign to go in and out as they please. Throughout the play area, we have a wide variety of Chewy boxes, toys, scratch mats, and hideaways for them to interact with. Despite everything at their disposal, their favorite plaything will always be the Chewy boxes! Playtime is so important to Mel and P’s well being and bunnies should never be confined to their hutch for more than a day.

Care Packages:

I love to online shop for literally anything and Chewy has become the site where I now purchase from the most frequently. Since two bunnies is a standard, that means that their essential items run out fairly quickly. Every month and a half or so, I order more bedding, hay, pellet food, toys, and cleaning spray and it typically totals out to around $100 each time. Johnny and I also visit the grocery store weekly for their fresh veggies and occasional fruit treat. While I love to spoil them constantly with new toys, the rest of the order really isn’t spoiling them at all – it is all needed for them to live their best bunny lives.

Consideration Is Key:

If you think that bunnies are animals that you can instantly snuggle up to, pick up, and coddle then you are wrong. Bunnies are, honestly, a lot like cats and you truly have to let them come to you. Bunnies are also prey animals and it is ingrained in them that they don’t like to be picked up. It took time and patience to gain Mel and P’s trust and they show their affection in their own way. They both love to be brushed and pet and, if I’m lucky, they’ll let me pick them up. You are not going to become trusted by your rabbit immediately and you have to be okay with that. Pushing them out of their comfort zone is only going to terrorize them and will ruin any progress you have made. Slow and steady is key and they will come around in their own time and respecting that is essential.


Although I knew what I was getting into before Mel and P came home, all of their requirements still came as a bit of a surprise and it’s important for other people considering bunnies as a pet to know them too. I wouldn’t trade one minute of their care for the world, though, and I am the proudest pet parent to two wonderful little gremlins! ❤

What are some care essentials for your pet? What is your pet’s favorite toy? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Chewy Boxes: A Bunny’s Favorite Toy

Chewy Boxes: A Bunny’s Favorite Toy

Hello!! My bunnies, Melvin and Penelope, are my precious angels. Things have been very glum in Lil Red’s world for a long time and Mel and Pen have brought so much joy into my life. Johnny and I truly couldn’t have picked a better time to welcome these two little balls of fluff into our home and I miss them constantly when I’m out! We are very proud bunny parents and as a pet mom, it is my job to spoil them rotten and Mel and P definitely aren’t complaining about it. 😀

Two bunnies means lots of everything! We have to restock our supplies on Chewy fairly often for bedding, pellet food, hay, and their cage cleaner. And, with every order, I can’t resist buying them lots of toys. However, it’s the Chewy boxes that are always the biggest hit:


Melvin is my tiny wanderer and has a very playful disposition. Pen, on the other hand, is much more chill but has come out of her shell a lot since adopting them in November. They both enjoy playing with the toys in their hutch well enough, but their true play time comes when we give them free rein of their bunny proofed area. Johnny and I have them out several times a day for hours on end and it is such fun to see them zipping around and getting into adorable mischief. And, of course, having lots of box time!

When Johnny and I were preparing for the arrival of our pets, the Chewy boxes were arriving non-freaking-stop. We had grand dreams of building a cardboard castle for them, which I still hope will come into fruition in the future. However, the bunnies have been doing a pretty good job of making their own hideout all by themselves. For the past month or so, Mel and P have been working diligently at creating a tunnel in one of the Chewy boxes to dash in and out of. The work has been slow going because I limit their time playing with the cardboard so it doesn’t hurt their bellies. And, this past week, they finally achieved success!

I take the bunnies out every morning when I’m working and it was hysterical to watch their little faces poke out of the tunnel they were making. I would look down and there would be a sweet bunny face looking back at me from the cubby hole; It was the cutest! Mel and P worked so hard to create another access point into their box and I am honestly so proud of them lol. It is also the perfect spot to play bunny peek-a-boo at, which is one of their favorite games. Like I said, SO f’ing cute!

Toys from Chewy are great, but the boxes are second to none when it comes to Mel and P’s entertainment. Lucky for them, I just placed a big order on Chewy so another box will be at their disposal soon. I can’t wait to see what they do with it!

What is your pet’s favorite toy? Where do you get your pet supplies from? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Chewy Haul

Chewy Haul

Hello! For Christmas, Johnny’s aunt gifted Mel and Penelope with a Chewy gift card for all of their supplies. It was so thoughtful! With the gift card, I was able to stock up on all of their necessities as well as some new toys and old favorites. As per usual, though, the bunnies are much more interested in playing with the Chewy boxes than anything else lol. Check out what these spoiled pets got as a late Christmas gift:


The Chewy gift card was, honestly, one of the best gifts of my holiday haul because all of the products seen above were things that were going to need to be bought anyways. While I did spend a little of my own money, the gift card covered almost everything and most of these purchases will last us until March, at least. If that seems quick to you, remember that two bunnies means double everything! Also their favorite activity is to dump their food dish out which is equal parts adorable and annoying lol.

The most important purchases from this haul were definitely their pellet food and bedding. The past four times I have placed an order with Chewy, their food has been unavailable. Then, once my order has been placed, I get an email saying their pellet food is back in stock *eye roll*. Since their food was available during this order, I decided to go big and get three bags to avoid this in the future. I also decided to get two bags of their bedding since I also use it to fill their litter boxes. The bunny litter that I was using was pricey AF and even if I have to change their litter bedding more often, it is still less expensive in the long run.

One final essential from this order was their Timothy hay and then it was onto the toys! The Kaytee Play n’ Chew hideout is one of their favorites and they love to destroy it. Thankfully, it takes them a while to do so and since they are still working on the one they have, this will serve as a backup. The Rosewood play and chew balls are also a Mel and Penelope fave and they can chew through the rope and thin wood ones in a matter of minutes. I also wanted to give them some new options like the Timothy hay lollipops and the hourglass and piece of cake chew toys. The hourglass has been hit or miss so far but they made quick work of one of the lollipops. 😀

Mel and Pen were cool with their mom spending their gift card for them and as far as I know, they are happy with what I picked out! And I am too. 😀

Where do you get your pet supplies from? What is your pet’s favorite toy? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Is A Bunny The Pet For You?

Is A Bunny The Pet For You?

Hello!! Johnny and I have had our sweet Lionhead bunnies, Melvin and Penelope, for over two months now and they are the absolute best. I have wanted pet rabbits for so long and it was worth the wait because I couldn’t imagine having anything but Mel and Pen. Prior to bringing our bunnies home, I did extensive research to make sure that Johnny and I could provide amazing care for them because they deserve nothing less. Having a small animal as a pet might seem easy but there is so much more that goes into it than you would think. If you are considering adding a pet bunny to your family, think about all of the following before you make your choice. Remember, pets are a life commitment!


Constant Cleaning:

The girls who I adopted Mel and Penelope from were working on litter training them and Mel was pretty good about using his. Penelope, on the other hand, would go potty right outside of the box and that meant not only cleaning litter boxes daily but the surrounding bedding too. It took a little over a month to get both of them going consistently in their boxes and it took a lot of trial and error with the placement, amount of boxes, and hay and treats in the litter area. The fact that they use the boxes now is so awesome but it is still something that needs cleaned daily so they can live their best lives.

Oh yeah, the cleaning outside of the hutch is a constant too so make sure you have a broom and pan as well as a Dustbuster. It is astounding how much bedding, bunny hair, hay, and food pellets can make its way outside of their hutch in just one day. Thankfully, this is one thing that I don’t deal with because it’s Johnny’s chore! 😀

Time Commitment:

Mel and Penelope live in a great big hutch but come out twice daily (Morning and evening) to play and explore our bunny proofed area of the apartment. Their “recess” can last anywhere from a half hour to two hours and is such a necessary part of their well being. They deserve to run around, jump, and go on bunny adventures to decrease boredom, have fun, and keep them at a healthy weight. If I didn’t mainly work from home in the mornings, I would have had to take a second thought about adopting them. Because their rec time is so important, I get up at 5:15 during the work week to make sure they can come out before I leave for my other job.

Nonstop Chewy Orders:

Bunnies are surprisingly more expensive than you would think and I put in an order for supplies on Chewy at least once a month. These orders include essentials like bedding, food, and hay as well as their toys, treats, and spray cleaner for the hutch. Not to mention going to the grocery store weekly for their leafy greens and other safe veggies and fruits for them to consume (This is very important to research!). If this is a monetary commitment that you can’t make, it is best to hold off because every item listed (and others not included) are absolutely necessary for them to live healthy, happy lives.

Adequate Space:

There should be at least one bunny proofed area in your home that you are okay with your bunnies roaming in and I highly recommend it to be hard floored. My bunnies rarely have accidents outside of the hutch but it would be such a pain if they aren’t litter trained and are playing on a carpeted area. The hard flooring also helps keep their nails filed! Be vigilant about bunny proofing your area because they are such curious little things and that can really increase their chances of hurting themselves (IE: A stack of something falling, a space that is too tight of a squeeze, etc).

The list above isn’t even scratching the surface of how much care pet bunnies entail and you must think realistically if a bunny is a good pet for you. Despite all of the hard work, they are truly the perfect pets for me and Johnny and it makes me feel so good to care for them every day. I promised that Mel and Penelope would have healthy, happy lives and I know I am making good on that! ❤

What kind of pet do you have? Are you considering adding a small animal to your family? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Getting A New Pet? Tasks To Complete Beforehand

Getting A New Pet? Tasks To Complete Beforehand

Hello! Johnny and I will soon be bunny parents to the adorable Mel and Penelope. I can’t freaking wait! It has been a long while since I have had a pet that was truly my own and I almost forgot how much preparations had to be done beforehand. All of the following should be completed before you bring your pet home so you can both fully enjoy the experience:


You cannot go in blind for the care of a new pet so step one, most importantly, is doing your research. How long does your pet live for? What does it need to eat? Are there any health complications specific to your pet? Can you afford the extra expense? Will you have the time to spend with your pet? These are all necessary things to explore beforehand so you don’t find yourself in a situation down the road where you can’t adequately care for your pet. Having a firm understanding of everything that this new pet entails will best prepare you for providing the best care.

Doing your research will also help you when it comes to purchasing pet supplies…

Supply Shopping:

Much like the arrival of a new baby, you will have to do some stocking up on necessities before your pet comes home. I, for one, went freaking HAM on Chewy and Amazon and had an endless stream of boxes coming in daily for my bunnies. They are going to be so spoiled! These are just some of what you might need for any new pet:

  • Cage or pet bed for a comfortable place to sleep
  • Playpen for exercise
  • Pet food, food and water dishes, or a water bottle
  • Treats and toys
  • Fresh fruit and veggies
  • Cleaning supplies for cages, accidents, etc.

Find A Vet:

Animals need a doctor too and finding the right vet for you will assist in providing the best care for your pet. You can get recommendations from friends or online or continue on with a vet you have used before. Remember, you might have to find a vet outside of your immediate area if you are a pet parent to farm animals, reptiles, or various small animals.

Make A Pet Friendly Home:

Your home should provide adequate space for your pet to move about freely and safely. When you are doing your research, be sure you are looking into ways to pet-proof your place. This could include moving houseplants to a different area, securing electric cords, and keeping human food out of reach. Having a comfortable place that is conducive to your pet’s health and wellness should be a top priority.

A new pet is so exciting but it is a lot of work. I’m ready for it, though, and I can’t wait to bring my bunnies home!

Do you have a pet? How do you provide the best care for them? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Hip Hop Hurray!

Hip Hop Hurray!

Hello!! I have wanted pet bunnies for pretty much forever now and it just never worked out. My old apartment was small and that was before Johnny even moved in! Then, it was doubly cramped and the temperature was difficult to control. It was always either way too hot or way too cold, which was so uncomfortable for us let alone a pet.

Moving into our new apartment was a huge upgrade for Johnny and I. We have plenty of space, a functioning air conditioning unit, and windows that open. We are very well settled and happy and now seemed like the perfect time to finally welcome some bunnies into our home. So… we are! Meet Penelope (brown and white) and Mel Kenda (black and white):


For the past month, I have been scouring PetFinder nonstop to find a pair of small rabbits. This was counterproductive because I didn’t even have any supplies or a hutch lol. After a while, I felt like I was just spinning my wheels and then my brother-in-law tagged me in a post on Facebook. His neighbor was looking for someone to adopt lionhead bunnies from a surprise litter after her and her partner adopted a rabbit from an auction that they didn’t know was pregnant.

My bunnies’ current parents are so wonderful and have been working diligently to get each rabbit spayed, neutered, and adopted to a good home. And, one of the homes is mine! The stars definitely aligned and within a day, I had a date to pick my new babies up and endless orders from Amazon and Chewy on the way. Johnny and I are just waiting on the hutch to arrive – I can’t wait!!

Also, can we just talk about how fantastic Chewy is really quick? The litter pan that I ordered was way too big and when I contacted their customer service they refunded my money, waived shipping for a smaller pan, and told me to donate the other one to an animal shelter. The new one arrived the same day and this interaction alone makes me a loyal customer. Highly recommend!

I am beyond thrilled to finally have rabbits of my own after daydreaming about it for so long. Keep it posted here on lifewithlilred to officially meet Penelope and Mel soon!

Have you had pet rabbits before? Do you have any advice for me? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah