Tag Archives: artists

Brick Convention 2023

Brick Convention 2023

Hello!! I had a fantastic weekend! On Friday, Johnny and I went to the shooting range and on Saturday, we attended the Brick Convention with my brother. The Brick Convention was an ode to all things Lego and it was an absolute blast! Johnny and I are avid fans of Lego and this event did not disappoint. There were displays, vendors, and even a contestant from Lego Masters. The only not great thing was that the building the convention was held in wasn’t air conditioned. It was hot as bejeezus and even though we had a lot of fun, we were ready to get the hell out of there lol.

Today, we’re going to take a look at some of the awesome displays from the convention. Keep it posted this week for more because we have an OOTD, my convention haul, and meeting Patrick Durham! Let’s get started:


Talk about WOW, right?! Walking through the Brick Convention was like being a kid on Christmas day. It was Lego as far as the eye could see and it was incredible to take it all in. While it was nice to shop around with the many different vendors, the most fun was looking at all of the displays created by such amazing artists. Every single piece begged the question of “how did they do that?!”. Johnny and I love to build Lego sets together and sometimes I have difficulty with that let alone free building masterpieces. It was like being in our own personal episode of Lego Masters!

It was hard to get a close look at some of the builds because the convention center was very crowded. It was basically get in front of the build, snap a picture if you want, and move on. While all of the creations were excellent, I was extremely partial to the art gallery that was set up. There were Lego pictures of Mario and Luigi that moved, Mickey and Minnie Mouse, The Child, and of course the Lego rendition of the Creation of Adam. That was my favorite and my mind is still blown by it. Seriously, how did they do that?!

Despite the fact that we were sweating bullets the entire Brick Convention, I am so happy to have gone. I have never been to an event like that before and it was an experience I’ll always remember. Tune in tomorrow for more about my meeting with the one and only Patrick Durham of Team Grandpappies!!!

Do you like to build Lego? Have you ever been to a similar event before? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Where To Look For Artistic Inspiration

Where To Look For Artistic Inspiration

If you’re feeling blocked creatively, it can be helpful to seek out inspiration from other artists. But where do you find it? And once you’ve found it, how do you use it to create your own art? Let’s explore some of the best places to look for artistic inspiration and offer some tips on how to make the most of it:

Art Galleries:

Art galleries are a great place to start your search for artistic inspiration. There are usually several different artists featured in each gallery, giving you a wide range of styles and mediums to choose from. You can also ask the gallery attendant about the artist’s process and what inspired them to create their work. Check out the best exhibits from women chosen by Frederica Wald.


Museums are another excellent source of inspiration, especially if you’re interested in historical art or want to learn more about a specific artist or movement. Many museums offer tours led by knowledgeable staff who can provide insights into the artwork on display.


Photography can be a great way to get inspired, especially if you’re looking for ideas for a new project or want to explore a different style of art. There are many different types of photography, from landscape and portraiture to still life and abstract, so you’re sure to find something that catches your eye.


Film is another medium that can be very inspiring, particularly if you’re interested in storytelling or visual effects. Watching films from different genres and eras can give you a new perspective on your own work, and you may even find yourself borrowing some of the techniques used by your favorite directors.


Nature is one of the most popular sources of inspiration for artists, as it provides an endless array of colors, textures, and forms to explore. Whether you’re taking a walk in the park or exploring a new city, keep your eyes open for interesting patterns and shapes that could be incorporated into your work.

How to Use Inspiration:


When you find something that inspires you, it’s important to experiment with it and see what you can create. Don’t be afraid to try new things or to fail. The more you experiment, the more likely you are to find something that works for you.

Be Open-Minded:

It’s also important to be open-minded when looking for inspiration. You never know where you’ll find it, so it’s important to keep an open mind. Who knows? Maybe your next great idea will come from something completely unexpected.

Take Your Time:

Finally, don’t rush the process. Inspiration can strike at any time, but it’s often not something that can be forced. If you’re feeling stuck, take a break and come back later with fresh eyes. Sometimes all it takes is a little bit of time and patience.

For an artist, there can be inspiration everywhere you look. However, sometimes people can get stuck. Take the time to explore art hubs in your area and you might have an aha moment for your next great work!

Featured Image By: Pxhere

At Home Concerts Pt. 2

At Home Concerts Pt. 2

Hello! For those of you who don’t know, my “big girl” job is as an independent provider for adults with special needs. Pre-COVID, community integration was my specialty and I was always finding exciting activities and events for my clients to participate in that they might not have had access to before.

One of my favorite haunts “back in the day” with a client who is a music lover was a vinyl record club at the library where a group of our now good friends would sit around, eat pizza, listen to music, and talk about anything and everything. It was such fun and we both miss it a lot so, naturally, at home concerts had to happen when record club was no longer an option.

At home concerts are one of my favorite activities to do with clients now because it’s fun, safe, and I love singing and dancing with my pals! If you remember my original At Home Concerts post, you will know I taught one of my friends how to use YouTube and we are still going strong on watching his favorite golden oldies artists perform.

My other client has a much different taste in music, though. He loves rap! And so do I so at home concerts with him are an absolute trip. In fact, he was the one who introduced me to Cardi B and she’s one of my faves now! Every week we alternate who is going to pick the album and we spend the entire time dancing on opposite ends of the room, laughing, and talking about everything from the important to the downright silly.

Pre-COVID, at home concerts were the last thing on my mind when I could take my clients to all kinds of wonderful events where live music was played. Post-COVID, I find at home concerts to be an inspired idea and it has become my new favorite part about my job.

Exploring different genres of music, hearing songs I’ve never listened to before, and seeing my clients have fun is a high point of my day when we feel like listening to some tunes. We all consider our at home concerts to be an exciting event and it could be for you and your friends/family too!

Dress as your favorite artists, celebrate a different theme or genre, or even learn the different dances of the times so you can better groove to the music. An at home concert can turn a blah day into something really awesome – all it takes is a little creativity. 🙂

What are some of your favorite at home activities? Do you have any suggestions for what my clients and I should listen to next? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

October 2020 Funky Time Jams

October 2020 Funky Time Jams

Hi! One of the big things that my clients and I do together now that we don’t really go anywhere is listen to music. I swear, we are constantly having concerts starring each other and honestly can make an afternoon of it. Sometimes I’m dancing the YMCA and other times I’m spitting bars to Cardi B! Lol, my job is never boring and it’s impossible to hear the following songs without thinking of the people I work with:

^^^ As always, I have no rights to these songs or videos!

This is such a random compilation of songs but each set of three are usually the first songs that come to mind when I think of a specific client. I really get a tour of different styles of music each week, going from girl power anthems to golden oldies all the way to rap and, yes, Marilyn Manson. (I got one of my guys hooked on him!)

Impromptu dance parties, sing alongs, and at home concerts have become primary sources of entertainment when I’m at work and my clients have a blast every time. In some way shape or form, I’m pretty sure we’ve developed some kind of hand movement routine or different melodies to all of my client’s top picks. We even make music videos of us singing our favorite songs together!

Coming up with enticing activities to do at home is the name of my work game now. Whether that be dancing the Hokey Pokey or the Electric Slide in someone’s kitchen to going for a drive with the windows down and music blasting, my brain is always working overtime to help my clients stay safe while still enjoying themselves. I love having “our songs” with each person I work with and nothing warms my heart more than when one of them hears a tune and says “this is our jam”. ❤

Is there a song that reminds you of someone whenever you hear it? What is your favorite song to dance to? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

January 2020 Funky Time Jams

January 2020 Funky Time Jams

Howdy! The Roaring 20s are officially among us and, despite a little flu bug I caught, the new year has started out strong. New tattoos, a raise at work, and some exciting happenings coming up on lifewithlilred have me excited to see what 2020 holds for me next. If you’re anything like me, though, you need a soundtrack depending on your mood and January has been full of happy, poppy tunes for me to play as I go about my day. Take a listen:

^^^ And, as always, I have no rights to these songs or videos.

At the end of 2019, I couldn’t turn on the radio without hearing “Roxanne” by Arizona Zervas and I am still not over it, obviously! I listen to it at least once a day because it is so damn catchy and it’s the perfect song to sing along to because of the repetitive lyrics. I drive a lot for my job and nothing breaks up the monotony of being stuck in traffic or driving the same route than a good old fashioned session of karaoke in the Little Red Love Machine!

Roxanne has been my go to to bump in the car or in my apartment but I have also been on the biggest Cobra Starship kick that I’ve had since high school. Don’t ask me why, but for some unknown reason I had the urge to listen to them while I was getting ready for work and that desire has yet to go away. Am I mad about it? Slightly, lol. But, there’s no denying that they had some definite bangers during their run as the scene kid heroes. 😀

What are your favorite songs to play when you’re in a good mood? What is your favorite song to sing along to? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah