Top Cat: Keep Your Feline Feelin’ Fine

Top Cat: Keep Your Feline Feelin’ Fine

A lot of people choose cats as pets because they are independent and don’t require as much direct care and attention as dogs. But there is plenty that you can do to ensure that your feline friend stays at their healthiest. Getting into good daily habits with your cat is important, just as it is for your own health. So, let’s talk about a few of the ways that you can help your cat to live a happy and healthy life.

Brush Them Every Day: Brushing or combing your cat on a daily basis will help to cut down on the number of hairballs that develop in their digestive tracts. If you find it difficult to get your cat to cooperate with the brushing process, you should try combing them before a meal so that they will always associate it with a treat. Get into a regular routine and your cat should begin to accept brushing rather than fighting against it!

Don’t Give Them Too Much Dry Food: Cats rely on meat as the foundation of their diets and this should always be included in their main meal of the day. Dry food which contains a lot of carbohydrates is not usually good in large quantities as it can lead to them becoming obese and increasing their odds of developing conditions like type-2 diabetes.

Remember: Cats DO Get Thirsty: While cats may not have the same level of thirst as dogs, you still need to be aware of when they need liquids. Cats tend to get a big percentage of their fluid supply from their food, but you should always ensure that they have access to fresh water so they can drink whenever they need to. Elderly and nursing cats tend to need more water than others, and you should watch out for symptoms including lethargy, sunken eyes, and panting.

Keep Them Flea-Free: If your cat is scratching, chewing their skin, or seems restless, chances are that they have fleas. Watch for any signs of movement in their fur to make sure. There are plenty of products out there that you can use yourself if you think that your cat has fleas – visit this website for some of them. Make sure to de-flea your home as well to prevent a full-blown infestation.



Train Them to Use a Scratching Post: To protect your cat’s nails and your furniture, train them to use a scratching post. You can’t expect to put one in your home and your cat will know what to do instantly, so put it in the center of your room and try balancing some treats on the top. Once your cat is used to it, you can then move it to a less obvious position.

Choose a Feline-Friendly Vet: Developing a lasting relationship with your vet is important for your cat’s health, so make sure that you choose one who is experienced in dealing with cats rather than one who specializes in dogs.

Featured Image By: Pexels

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