Tag Archives: meow

Top Cat: Keep Your Feline Feelin’ Fine

Top Cat: Keep Your Feline Feelin’ Fine

A lot of people choose cats as pets because they are independent and don’t require as much direct care and attention as dogs. But there is plenty that you can do to ensure that your feline friend stays at their healthiest. Getting into good daily habits with your cat is important, just as it is for your own health. So, let’s talk about a few of the ways that you can help your cat to live a happy and healthy life.

Brush Them Every Day: Brushing or combing your cat on a daily basis will help to cut down on the number of hairballs that develop in their digestive tracts. If you find it difficult to get your cat to cooperate with the brushing process, you should try combing them before a meal so that they will always associate it with a treat. Get into a regular routine and your cat should begin to accept brushing rather than fighting against it!

Don’t Give Them Too Much Dry Food: Cats rely on meat as the foundation of their diets and this should always be included in their main meal of the day. Dry food which contains a lot of carbohydrates is not usually good in large quantities as it can lead to them becoming obese and increasing their odds of developing conditions like type-2 diabetes.

Remember: Cats DO Get Thirsty: While cats may not have the same level of thirst as dogs, you still need to be aware of when they need liquids. Cats tend to get a big percentage of their fluid supply from their food, but you should always ensure that they have access to fresh water so they can drink whenever they need to. Elderly and nursing cats tend to need more water than others, and you should watch out for symptoms including lethargy, sunken eyes, and panting.

Keep Them Flea-Free: If your cat is scratching, chewing their skin, or seems restless, chances are that they have fleas. Watch for any signs of movement in their fur to make sure. There are plenty of products out there that you can use yourself if you think that your cat has fleas – visit this website for some of them. Make sure to de-flea your home as well to prevent a full-blown infestation.



Train Them to Use a Scratching Post: To protect your cat’s nails and your furniture, train them to use a scratching post. You can’t expect to put one in your home and your cat will know what to do instantly, so put it in the center of your room and try balancing some treats on the top. Once your cat is used to it, you can then move it to a less obvious position.

Choose a Feline-Friendly Vet: Developing a lasting relationship with your vet is important for your cat’s health, so make sure that you choose one who is experienced in dealing with cats rather than one who specializes in dogs.

Featured Image By: Pexels

The Joys And Trials Of Cat Ownership

The Joys And Trials Of Cat Ownership

For all of the “crazy” cat people out there! 😉

The Joys And Trials Of Cat Ownership

If you are a cat person, you’ll be well aware of how wonderful it is to have a furry feline friend or two in the house. The joy of their soft, warm fur when they are cuddled up with you on the sofa in the evening. Or their meows, when you come home from work, are so wonderful. But, of course, they can be little terrors too! Being a cat mom is truly the best of times and sometimes the worst of times. Read on to see what I mean.

Affectionate: Cats are known for being kind of aloof but in the right situations they can be very affectionate. The trick with cats is to let them come to you. Once they realize that they won’t be crowded and attention is demanded of them, they will be much more likely to come over and say hi.

The level of affection and fuss that your cats enjoys will also depend on its temperament, too. For example, some cat breeds like Rag Dolls have no problem being picked up and carried about. Although other breeds and moggies can dislike this intensely. Some brave individuals can be quite demanding of attention and meow and head butt until you fuss them!



Mischievous: Of course as well as being affectionate cats can also be mischievous, too. Sometimes they don’t totally realize that they’re doing wrong. When they bring a mouse or a bird in from outside, for example. This is usually meant as a gift for you. It’s food that they have hunted themselves, so it shows that they care about you, as they don’t want you to starve! They probably don’t understand why you scream or are cross because in their minds they have done a good thing.

The same goes for when they are overcome with the temptation to eat something that they shouldn’t. Cats have a very sensitive nose and can smell good things to eat from a fair way away. This means that keeping any fish or other things that they find yummy a secret is a pretty hard thing to do.

However, sometimes it seems as if they know exactly what they are doing wrong but do it anyways just to be naughty. This is especially true when they do the terrible, but the adorable thing of looking at you while they push an ornament off a high shelf. It’s like they are saying “Am I allowed to do this? No? We’ll I’m going to anyway!”


 Purrfect 😉

Clean: One of the major joys of owning a cat as opposed to any other pet is that they are relatively clean with their potty habits. For the most part, when you get a cat it is already litter trained. Although this may not be the case with a stray that needs re homing.

If they are litter trained, you are definitely onto a winner, as it means that all of their waste goes into the tray and you just have to keep that clean. Even so, emptying the litter tray and cleaning it out can be one of the least favorite things about cat ownership. That is why some clever people have come up with innovative robotic litter tray designs like the one reviewed on Petsho. These are designed to clean themselves making your life even easier.

Dirty: Of course, there is some issue with dirt that is specialized to having a cat. They are quite good at getting muddy or greasy paw prints over everything. Especially windows! There is also the dander to deal with. Dander is the hair that pets shed. This can be problematic for anyone that has asthma or allergies. However, you can use a pet vacuum like this and HEPA filters to reduce the amount of this in your home environment.



Relaxing: Cats are wonderfully relaxing. They are furry and warm and are more than happy to curl up in your lap on a cold day. Their purrs are actually healing as well. A cats purr vibrates at 20-140 Hz, which has been scientifically proved to encourage the healing of broken bones.

Stressful: While cats are for the most part a relaxing pet to have around when they are in good health and well behaved, it can also be stressful to own a cat. This depends on the cat’s own temperament. The lazier ones tend to be less stressful to look after. It also has to do with their health. Having a well-beloved pet get sick is bound to stress anyone out! cats4.jpg

 Pixabay Image

Having said all of that, the joys of cat ownership definitely outweighs the trials. Especially when you have a house filled with felines and still want more! MEOW! 😉

Are you a cat person or a dog person? What was your first pet’s name? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Adorable Featured Image By: Pixabay