Explore A Brand New You In 2017: How To Get And Stay Healthy


It’s almost the start of a brand new year, which means – of course! – it’s time to start making those New Year’s resolutions. Here are some tips on how to get healthy in 2017…

Change Your Eating Habits: If you’re planning on losing weight by going on a diet, the first thing to remember is that if you suddenly change everything you eat, you probably won’t be able to maintain that diet for very long. First of all, cut down on snacking between meals – start meal planning and making sure that you eat a good breakfast, lunch, and dinner to make sure that you don’t get hungry during the day. Go for lean proteins and plenty of leafy green vegetables, but don’t cut out sugar and carbs entirely as it’ll be too restrictive. Remember that moderation is the key to success.


Veg out in 2017

Start Gently Exercising: If you aren’t used to doing all that much exercise, now is the time to start! You don’t have to go the gym for hours to get fit. Start off by taking more walks – instead of going in the elevator, try to take the stairs. Or, if you get public transport to and from work, get off the train a stop early and walk for a little more time every day. Not only will you drop some pounds but you’ll also find that you might feel stronger and develop more stamina. If you’re finding it hard to motivate yourself, why not turn exercise into something fun and sociable? Enlist a friend to go to a Zumba or yoga class with you, and go for healthy smoothies afterwards so you can catch up and have a good chat. If you’ve been thinking about getting a pet and you have the resources and time to support that, go for it – this will also help you walk more and get you out of the house.


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Give Up Your Vices: Another year older probably means that you’ve noticed changes in your health. If you’ve smoked for years, then your cough is probably getting worse and you’re more affected by winter colds than you used to be. And if you drink to excess, you might have noticed that your kidneys have started to ache as your body processes the alcohol. If you think you might be drinking too much, or if you use recreational drugs in a way that you’re finding hard to kick, don’t be ashamed – instead tackle your problem head on by investing in some quality addiction treatment.


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Treat Your Chronic Illnesses: If you suffer from a chronic illness, now is the time to get on top of it and to really start feeling healthy. Start taking care of yourself and valuing your body. If you have asthma, make sure that you take your preventative inhaler as often as you’re supposed to, and if you suffer from mental health problems, take your medication as prescribed. You should make sure that you get plenty of fresh air and exercise, while remembering that mental illness does mean that you have your limits and that you shouldn’t push yourself too hard and ultimately feel worse.


 Here’s to a healthy 2017!

13 responses »

  1. Great tips! I agree with you when you say that moderation is the key to a healthy diet. I used to have very unrealistic objectives about my dietary habits. I would try to keep all the junk food out of my life, but I soon realized that I needed to allow myself to have some treats or otherwise I would go into crazy binges. I also find ways to make my favorite foods healthier so that I do not have to feel guilty about eating them 🙂


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