Tag Archives: stupid

Comfy Cozy Thxgiving OOTD Bloopers

Comfy Cozy Thxgiving OOTD Bloopers

Hello everyone and welcome to the blooper reel from my Comfy Cozy Thxgiving OOTD! For three Thanksgivings, I served three separate looks and now it’s time to check out the pics that most definitely didn’t make the first cut. This post is part bloopers and part story time because somehow while Johnny was snapping pics, something reminded me of one of the lamest things my bestie and I did in high school and I had to tell him all about it. Naturally, I had no idea he was taking my pictures throughout this lengthy tale but now I get to share them with all of you! Check it out:



Just a lil pre-Thanksgiving nap standing up


Making haste to a less sunny location – good thing I wore my running shoes!


STORY TIME… And realizing it was all captured by my loving husband lol


I can not remember for the life of me what brought upon this manifesto of a high school aged bestie and I but apparently I really needed to tell Johnny about it for the fifth time. I’m sure all of you knew a girl in high school who stuffed her bra with tissue or toilet paper but have you ever heard of anyone who used the same method for their butt? We did! In high school, there was this girl who stuffed her butt and it was not just a rumor – there was evidence to back it up. From tissue sticking out of her pants to her butt deflating after each class period, she was not fooling anyone and literally the whole school knew about it.

For shits and gigs, my best friend and I would pay homage to this person by stuffing our butts Every. Single. Time. we hung out. Needless to say, we went through a ton of toilet paper at our parents’ houses during our high school years. Was this a necessary thing to do? Absolutely not. Was it hilarious to us? ABSOLUTELY. We were like women possessed and our hangouts just didn’t feel right without it. It was, honestly, the dumbest thing but it still cracks me up to this day. In fact, if you look at the fourth image down, I’m pretty sure I’m about to say “butt” lol. Hey, what’s being in high school without doing the stupidest stuff ever?! Good times.

Am I particularly proud of this story? I mean… kind of lol I guess we just had to match the utter ridiculousness of the situation with some ridiculousness of our own. And now we can all share a laugh on the blogosphere fourteen years later! 😀

What is one of the dumbest things you did in high school? How about one of the dumbest things you did as an adult? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah



Monday Update: Car Crash Edition

Monday Update: Car Crash Edition

Hii everyone and happy Monday! I hope all of you had a wonderful weekend and a great time ringing in 2017. Unfortunately for me, my weekend kind of sucked because on Friday I got rear ended and I’m STILL annoyed about it! My beloved Little Red Love Machine, AKA my 2012 Mazda 2 hatchback, got a bit of a bumper boo boo but thankfully the other guy and I are okay. Let’s discuss and I’ll tell you how ridiculous this accident was:

So, I’m returning home from dropping my sister off at her apartment and am literally THREE MINUTES away from arriving back at the home front. (I guess it’s true when they say that you’re more likely to get in an accident when you’re closer to home.) Anyways, I am sitting behind at least eight or more cars at a red light just minding my own business and listening to my Learn French In Your Car tapes.

As I’m doing my thang and getting my French on, I decided to take a look see at my rear view mirror just out of habit. That’s when I see a car approaching at at least thirty-five miles per hour and he doesn’t appear to be stopping anytime soon. I legitimately didn’t know what to do. It was crazy, because I knew as soon as I saw the car coming that I was going to get hit so all I could do was lay down on my horn and brace myself for the inevitable.


Just as I secured my foot on the brakes and hoped that they would stay there so that I didn’t run into the car in front of me, the Little Red Love Machine was hit. The guy driving the enemy vehicle and I pulled over into the parking lot that we were in front of and after making sure that we were both okay, I phoned the police. It was weird. I’ve never been in an accident before, let alone called 911, so as soon as I hung up the phone I awkwardly told the guy that I was going to wait in my car. To put in mildly: I was freezing my nads off.

In my defense – all I had on was my slippers, a pair of leggings, and a long sleeved top because I wasn’t anticipating waiting outside with a person who hit my car and it was freezing, as Ohio tends to be in the winter. Rather, I was planning on being in my nice, warm car until my return home. Because I was clueless on “what to do after my car has been hit” etiquette on top of being cold and friggen annoyed, I don’t think I said ten words to the guy. Lol, whatever.

Long story short, the police came to where we were located, looked over our cars, talked to both of us, and then gave us the go ahead to go home. Honestly, it looks like the guy who hit me got the shittier end of the stick, if you will, because I am pretty sure he had to get his car towed. Sucks to suck!

But, the worst thing of all is that I am 99.99% sure that I heard him tell the police that he didn’t have insurance and that’s what really pissed me off. So, let me get this straight: you were blatantly not paying attention to the road to the point that you didn’t notice a red light and a significant line of cars and I’ll be the one paying my deductible if I chose to get my car repaired? SO. STUPIDDDD.

The only good thing that came out of that evening was that my dad got me post accident Taco Bell but other than that I was mad. Getting rear ended is dumb. It’s seriously the lamest type of a car accident because 1) The person being hit did nothing wrong and 2) It could have been avoided if people just pay attention to the road. Jesus!

I guess in conclusion to this long rant I will say that I encourage everyone to be a lot safer when they’re driving. Wear your seat belts. Don’t text or talk on the phone. PAY ATTENTION! Then, maybe you won’t wind up hitting a girl who worked her ass off to afford her dream car and has to write a long blog post afterwards to deal with it!

So, there you have it, this week’s Monday Update: Car Crash Edition. What is your biggest pet peeve while driving? What do you do to ease a case of road rage? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

It’s My Party & I’ll Cry If I Want To

It’s My Party & I’ll Cry If I Want To

Hiiii everyone and happy 21st birthday to me! Unfortunately my night out yesterday and day today have been anything but happy so I’m really not in the best of moods right now. I don’t feel like getting into all the details about it at the moment, but make sure you tune in for the Monday Update tomorrow so you can hear my sob story and feel sorry for me! 😉 Long story short: I went to bed crying last night and woke up only to cry some more this morning – so cue the cheesy Lesley Gore classic and let’s get mopey!

^^^ Yayyyyy. Now it’s time for the shameless “it’s my birthday so share my blog” plug…..In 5, 4, 3, 2, 1….

Hey there! In case you weren’t aware, today is Lil Red’s 21st birthday! If you want to be extra nice to me, then pretty please give my blog a share! If you want to be semi nice to me, then give my blog a follow! And if you want to be nice to me, then send some good vibes my way because god knows I need them right about now! I’ve been legitimately laying in bed feeling like a great big sad sack since I woke up this morning. #fml

So that’s that, I suppose. I hope all of you fabulous readers are having a much better day than mine! What was the worst birthday experience you’ve ever had? Does anyone have a time machine so I can have a birthday do over? I wanna hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

SARAH’S BIRTHDAY COUNTDOWN: It’s here and it’s not that great. 😦

Clip In Septum Trend – LAME!

Clip In Septum Trend – LAME!

Hey everyone and happy Hump Day! So a few days ago when I was getting the oil changed in the Little Red Love Machine, I read an issue of Vogue in the waiting room to pass the time. As I flipped through the pages of gorgeous photo shoots and glamorous clothing, I came across an article about the growing trend of the “clip in” septum ring. When I saw this article I literally laughed out loud and my first thought was “how lame!” My second thought was “stop being a freaking pansy and just get the piercing done!” I mean seriously? Anything “clip in” is for fifth graders. The full page spread on having a fake septum ring mentioned different celebrities that boast the real thing – Scarlett Johansson and Fka Twigs to name a few. Despite how much I don’t care for the big names in Hollywood, I couldn’t help but feel happy that their fabulous selves weren’t above sitting in a chair at a tattoo shop and having their septum get poked through the old fashioned way. If you can’t handle the piercing process, then don’t bother walking around with fake jewelry up your nose to fool people into thinking you’re a badass! The article discussed how convenient it is to be able to switch out your septum rings with new jewelry whenever you please without having to deal with the healing process of a freshly pierced septum. The author then proceeded to show different clip in pieces that started in the two hundred dollar price range and went up from there. How fucking ridiculous. If you went to the shop I go to in Ohio to get my work done, you could get your septum pierced and repierced FOUR TIMES for the cost of one over priced clip in ring. Fucking shameful. As all of you know I have quite the decorated nose – two studs on each nostril and one septum ring for a grand total of five piercings. I’ve gotten pierced and repierced over thirty times in my lifetime, so when I saw the article in Vogue raving about clip in facial jewelry of course I couldn’t help but laugh. For real, grow some balls and just get the piercing done. Let the piercing heal, and change out your jewelry through the hole that’s been pierced – NOT with a clip on!


^^^ Power to the pierced! Another thing that’s really been bothering me in the fashion magazines that I thumb through on occasion has been the many articles and suggestions on how to rock the “punk” look. In almost every photo shoot, clothing ideas, and advice columns there always seems to be only two things: Black and piercings. PSA: There’s A MILLION different ways to sport a punk look without gothing out at Hot Topic or sticking a clip in ring on your nose or lip. Think 90’s grunge. Think a deep crimson lip, a dope pair of cross earrings, or an over sized shirt with the skinniest skinny jeans humanly possible. There’s no need to go overboard like these ridiculous articles are showing you. All of the clothing they feature look more like costumes, and in all reality NO ONE dresses like that. Not even the most hardcore self proclaimed “punks” in the world. You would think that fashion magazines would be more innovative in their ways of teaching their readers how to put together a punky cool outfit. Unfortunately, every article I’ve ever seen has lacked creativity and has stuck with everyone’s obviously false ideas of a “punk” look by drowning their models in a sea of black and an abundance of fake piercings. SHAMEFUL.

Alright, I had to get that off my chest and boy do I feel better! I hope all of you guys have a fabulous day! How do you feel about the clip in septum trend? What’s your favorite piercing or tattoo that you have? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Bad Day Vent Session

Bad Day Vent Session

Whatsup crew. I don’t know about you guys, but my Monday fucking sucked. I’m still sick as can be and I’ve had to break out the Lil Red sassafras on two different assholes today, so yeah, I’m not happy. I’m not going to go into great detail about the two gentlemen who I had to stick it to, but I will say that Operation One Strike You’re Out (#OOSYO) was in full force, which I was sort of proud about. It’s like, if I wasn’t sick and irritable as all get out, I wouldn’t be so annoyed by the situation. But unfortunately, people breathing too loudly has pissed me off during my sickness stint – so imagine how two evil men being stupid made me feel…yeah, not pretty. I don’t wish to discuss the one guy, but here’s the story about the other in a nutshell:

SO this bloke who I’ve known for a very long time and who I’ve been somewhat romantically involved in (but not recently in the slightest) got in touch with me this afternoon. He went on to tell me this sob story about how his apparent dream girl cheated on him and asked if I could help send him some positivity. BOO FUCKING HOO. I mean seriously? Does this dude honestly think I want to hear about the girl who has “never made him feel this way before”? Like sorry I couldn’t do that for you when we were talking. THEN, he texted me again this evening telling me about how his use of booze and recreational drugs isn’t helping him feel better. That’s when I told him off. 1) I’m not going to be your shoulder to cry on when we haven’t spoken in ages and when you’re talking about a girl who isn’t me. 2) It is NOT my responsibility to make you feel better and to hear about your dumbass decisions. I straight up told him “do not put that on me.” Sorry not sorry, but I have a million problems of my own, the last thing I want to hear about is some woe is me tale from someone I haven’t been in touch with for months. Jesus Christ.

*Deep breaths* Okay, vent over. Cue the music!

Alright, I really needed to get all of that off my chest, and now it’s off to bed. I hope all of you had a much better day than mine! Where are my fans of The Following at? How did you feel about tonight’s new episode? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -A very angry, upset, annoyed, irritated, sick Sarah

PS: Happy happy birthday to my darling daddy! I love you so much! ❤ (Even though you hate your birthday!) :))))