Facebook Buy/Sell Groups

Facebook Buy/Sell Groups

Hey everyone and happy Thursday! So I don’t know about you guys but I can’t stand clutter. Once I don’t find use out of anything from clothing to perfume to old childhood toys and jewelry, I want them gone. But here’s the catch – I’d love to make some moolah off of these unneeded items, too! I recently became introduced to the Buy/Sell Groups on Facebook and they’ve been working brilliantly for me so far, so let’s discuss:

I’ve used and am still using the virtual garage sale app, LetGo, but I’ve found that items on there take forever to sell. Don’t get me wrong, it is a very handy little app and I don’t plan on deleting it any time soon because I do make sales on there…I just want something that’s a little more fast paced. I saw a girl on my Facebook newsfeed post about using the Buy/Sell Groups and how quickly she has sold her unused belongings on there so I figured that I would give it a go. All I did was search the Buy/Sell Groups on Facebook based on my area and then I requested access to the group.

By the next day, I was accepted to the groups and was eager to post some of my unwanted treasures for sale. I spent some time uploading pictures and descriptions of my items and before I knew it, my posts were up. Within minutes I had likes on the posts, comments requesting more information on items, and offers to make a purchase. In five days of my posts being up and running, I had made fifty dollars. Thanks to one lovely woman, I finally sold some of my unused perfume and another lady bought a Victoria’s Secret umbrella that I got for free with a purchase and have never used once.

Between my use of Letgo and the Facebook Buy/Sell Groups, I’ve made over one hundred and fifty extra bucks by getting rid of my unused items. I’ve been so pleased with my discovery of these handy tools because other than having a garage sale, I don’t know any other way to get rid of my unwanted but still somewhat valuable items. These virtual yard sales have also been my much preferred alternative to selling clothes at Plato’s Closet. I love it because I get to make the price as opposed to blindly accepting whatever they offer for the clothes they selected. Therefore, more money for me!

The Facebook Buy/Sell Groups really are the epitome of the phrase “one man’s trash is another man’s treasure” and I would absolutely recommend them if you’re itching to get rid of some clutter! I’m looking forward to clearing out my hoard of unwanted items even more and making a few extra bucks, to boot! What is your way of saying bye-bye to your unneeded belongings? If you use the Facebook Buy/Sell Groups, how would you rate your experience? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

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