Tag Archives: holiday haul

Happy Haulidays: Second Family Edition

Happy Haulidays: Second Family Edition

Hello!! Prior to me getting sick on Christmas day, Johnny and I had a wonderful holiday celebration with his parents and aunt over the weekend. It is such a joy to be able to spend Christmas with both of our families and I love the traditions that Johnny and I participate in every year with his. We have a delicious meal, open presents (Including a stocking for each of us on the mantel, which I adore!), and have our annual viewing of National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation – our favorite! I had never seen that movie until my first Christmas with Johnny’s family and now I think I can out-quote all of them lol. πŸ˜€ As always, Johnny’s family is way too generous with their thirty something year old kids and we are so enjoying everything that was waiting for us under the tree:


Every year, Johnny’s mom gifts me with amazing goodies from Hope Soap, which is a local business in Cuyahoga Falls. These products couldn’t have come a moment too soon because I was literally all out of lotion! In fact, I just started using the jar of Fruity Loops Body Nectar last night and it is divine. It smells exactly like Fruit Loops, as I’m sure you all guessed, and I am so there for it. I also received two bottles of the body cream from Hope Soap in Grapefruit & Bamboo and Honey & Almond. The grapefruit scent is zingy and refreshing and the honey one is SO lush and rich. I am very partial to a Honey & Almond fragrance and I can’t wait to use it!

As always, Johnny and I received lots of chocolate to satisfy our sweet tooths and we have been in heaven! Every night since, we have had a piece or two during our viewings of Criminal Minds and it is with sheer willpower and determination that we don’t have everything in one go haha. My favorite gift of all, though, has to be the sweet leopard print shawl that Johnny’s mom got for me. It is just SO damn cute and I am most eager to wear it with my French Rooster cami top. The shawl is soft and cozy, perfectly unique, and such a fun cold weather accessory. I don’t own anything like it whatsoever, making it the ideal gift for me. ❀

Two holiday celebrations make for twice the holiday joy for me and Johnny on Christmas and it is the best gift to be able to spend time with our amazing families!

How did you celebrate the holidays? What is your favorite gift you received? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

BFF Christmas Gift

BFF Christmas Gift

Hi darlings!! In the past few days I have received so many early Christmas gifts and it has warmed my little heart. My Christmas countdown has been going on since the beginning of the month and these early prezzies are the perfect thing to tide me over until then. I am SO looking forward to some time off to celebrate with my family and finally giving them the gifts that have been sitting in my apartment for months! This Tuesday, I was delighted to receive Santa Mail from my beautiful angel best friend, Kate, of Live In The Nautical. She is my blogging/IRL bestie and her gifts this year simply sleighed – check it out:


For literally every gift giving occasion, Kate wins. Lol, I consider myself to be an excellent gift giver but my best girl is on a whole other level. For my Christmas prezzies, Kate gifted me with a hand massager and an amazing set of horror themed bath bombs by Rusted Acre Soap Co. What I love about presents from Kate is that her gifts are always perfectly tailored to me. They are SO thoughtful and I can tell that she saves little tidbits from conversations in her Christmas Rolodex to find something just right. In fact, her gifts to me are either something that I would buy for myself or think about purchasing but never do. It’s that best friend telepathy, baby!

Kate gave me the gift of pampering this year and I can’t wait to use all of my new goodies. A car accident when Johnny and I first started dating left me with a lot of issues in my hands and arms that come and go. Spending a ton of time on the computer doesn’t exactly help the cause either lol so the hand massager is going to be fabulous to use! It is also so sweet to me that Kate clocked my complaints of hand pain throughout the year and said “I know the gift for her”. Johnny is also most eager to use it too haha so it’s a double gift. πŸ˜€

The piece de resistance, however, is the horror themed bath bombs by Rusted Acre Soap Co. Kate and I are both avid true crime fans, but she is SO not a horror movie gal! Yours truly, on the other hand, lives for them and I clutched my pearls when I opened my bath bomb box. These bath bombs are the absolute coolest and they look so great that I almost don’t want to use them. I totally will, though, and I just know they are going to be awesome. Bath bombs are a product I love, but rarely buy for myself and they are almost always a staple in Kate’s gifts. She has gifted me with spooky bath bombs before, but these ones take the cake!

The best gift of all will forever be having a best friend like Kate. I thank my lucky stars for her every day and for the wonderful blogosphere that brought us gals together. I love you, BFF!!! ❀ ❀ ❀

What is your favorite scary movie? How did you and your bestie meet? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Happy Haulidays: Husband’s Family Edition

Happy Haulidays: Husband’s Family Edition

Hello! On Christmas Eve, Johnny and I celebrated with his wonderful parents and Aunt Elaine and it was a hoot! We had a delicious dinner, opened gifts, and continued on with the thirty year strong Miller family tradition of watching National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation. We spent a fantastic day together and it felt so warm and fuzzy – both from the family love and the fact that it was way warmer at Chez Miller than it was in mine and Johnny’s apartment! As always, Johnny’s family spoiled us rotten and we are so appreciative for their way too generous gifts. Check it out:


This is my third Miller Christmas and just when I thought that my second family couldn’t outdo themselves any more in their holiday game, they proved me wrong. Johnny and I were blown away by our gifts under the tree and in our stockings and our gifters truly know us too well. Three or so days before we celebrated, Johnny was so close to buying the Willie Nelson Chia Pet at Walgreen’s! I was really surprised that Johnny didn’t make the purchase and part of me thought he was holding off to make it a post Christmas treat. That’s one future errand to cross off the list. πŸ˜€

My favorite gift from this haul has to be the hilarious mug my father-in-law gifted to me. I haven’t been tempted yet to send Johnny off to the circus but this mug has certainly given me some ideas to think about. πŸ˜‰ Johnny’s dad also gifted us with the spray fire extinguishers. He is the king of funny and practical gifts! And, can we talk about how adorable the Son’s Survival Kit is that Johnny’s mom got him as a stocking stuffer? I thought that it was so sweet and had to include it in this post even though it’s not mine. ❀

Aunt Elaine gifts me and Johnny with our absolute favorite chocolates from Boston every year. They are simply the best and we have been making very quick work of our Christmas candy selection! Candy is synonymous with Christmas at the Miller home. My mother-in-law makes amazing homemade chocolates that are seriously to die for. I actually have one of her huge homemade candy trays at my parents’ house that I can’t wait to dig into later today!

I am lucky enough to celebrate every holiday with two families that I love so much and this Christmas was a GREAT SUCCESS. I’m already excited for next year’s celebration! πŸ˜€

What kinds of gifts did you give this holiday season? What is your favorite gift that you received? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Happy Haulidays: Blogging Bestie Edition

Happy Haulidays: Blogging Bestie Edition

Hello!!! Kate from Live In The Nautical has been one of my best friends for well over eight years. She was one of the first people who I came in contact with when lifewithlilred first began and the rest is history. These past few months have been difficult on our friendship. No, we absolutely did not have a falling out – we have both just been crazy freaking busy. My poor bestie was severely under the weather and my life was insane with a month of almost daily trips to downtown Cleveland to visit a loved one at the Cleveland Clinic.

They say that the holidays bring people together and this was so true for both of your favorite bloggers. This past Monday, I received Kate’s Christmas prezzie in the mail and the best friend telepathy was still as strong as ever. I had been waiting since Friday for Etsy links to the gifts I wanted to purchase for her!! As always, Kate spoiled me rotten and I can’t wait to relax with all of these goodies from Lush. I can feel my worries soaking away already! Check it out:


Anyone who follows me on my blog or social media knows that my husband and I share a deep love for Halloween and all things macabre. As you can see, Kate knows this too and turned my Christmas gifts into a part two celebration of the happiest time of the year for me. As soon as I opened my package, I knew that there were Lush products involved because I could smell them right away! Kate is so thoughtful because she knows that I would take a bath with a Lush bath bomb every day if I could but I literally never buy them for myself.

I cannot wait to pamper myself with all of these wonderful bath time treats and it is truly a two part present because it gives me the gift of content! Keep it posted for brand new Bath Bomb Blitz posts to see the scary good results of each product. While I am looking forward to using all of my gifts, I think I am most excited to try the Black Rose bath bomb. And, of course, I am especially partial to the vampire bubble bar or, as Lush cleverly calls it, the Bubble Lugosi lol! πŸ˜€

Kate’s Halloween themed Christmas gifts were all treats and no tricks. Not only did she go above and beyond with Lush goodies galore but she also got me a super cool music sheet of This Is Halloween from the Nightmare Before Christmas. It is going to look so amazing framed and hung up on mine and Johnny’s art wall! Anything that adds to the Halloween decor in my apartment is a GREAT SUCCESS of a gift and I also love the front and back of the protective covering she put the music sheet in. The skeleton couple on the back is definitely me and Johnny!

A month ago, I was not looking forward to Christmas at all. However, the holiday season got started with a bang after I received my gift in the mail from Kate. We are reunited and it feels so good and this Grinch’s heart is bursting at the seams!! ❀

What is your favorite Lush product? What gets you in the holiday spirit? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Happy Haulidays: Parents Edition

Happy Haulidays: Parents Edition

Hello everyone and welcome to the last edition of my holiday haul compliments of my parents! The one thing that I asked for for Christmas was a new set of pots and pans and they definitely delivered. I can’t wait to use the beautiful set that they got me and it will be nice to not have to do dishes immediately after cooking dinner as I originally only had a handful of pots and pans before! Check it out:


Thanks to my husband’s family graciously giving us a new air fryer for Christmas and the new cookware from mine, we have everything that we need in our kitchen now. I am so happy! I try to cook an “actual” dinner instead of air fried foods several times per week so these pots and pans will certainly come in handy. My old cookware is also, admittedly, not the best so using quality cookware for the first time is something that I’m really looking forward to.

While some might consider cooking to be a chore, it is one of my favorite things to do. Serving food for someone is an act of love, and I always enjoy whipping up mine and Johnny’s favorite meals. Our middle class fancy conversation after dinner usually is something along these lines…

Me: I love cooking you dinner.

Johnny: And I love eating it!

Lol, there is nothing more satisfying than that to me!

After a much needed curbside grocery order, I have a feeling that I will be cooking up a storm. Thanks to my parents, I have all of the tools I need to make my time spent cooking an even more joyful experience. ❀

What are some of your favorite vegetarian recipes? How do you show love to someone? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Happy Haulidays: Sister & Family Edition

Happy Haulidays: Sister & Family Edition

Hello! To celebrate Christmas part two, my entire family went to Oglebay in Wheeling, West Virginia all together. It was such a wonderful long weekend filled with good company, good food, and all of the holiday cheer. To kick start our festivities, we began with a gift exchange for all of the presents that hadn’t been opened yet. My sister, her boyfriend, and my sweet niece gifted me with the following:


I was so happy to give everyone their presents and receiving some for me was the cherry on top. I am very excited to test out my new makeup from Nars and Anastasia Beverly Hills because I have never used anything by either brand before. Be sure to keep it posted on lifewithlilred for some swatch posts soon!

Not only did I get some new makeup but I also was gifted with some pretty copper mugs to make Moscow Mules with – my favorite. As always, the Chipotle gift card will serve me well because that is also one of my favorites. It isn’t quite Taco Bell but it still holds a special place in my heart. ❀

The crowning jewel of my gifts from my sis and her family is definitely the handmade mustard yellow beanie from Discounted Dreams. It is a small business run by one of our friends who is pretty incredible with some needles and yarn. I have already worn my gift several times and it is nice and warm – not to mention one of my favorite colors too!

My long weekend with my whole family was the best gift in the entire world but I sure love my presents from my big sis. Keep tuning into lifewithlilred for more about Oglebay, a brand new OOTD, makeup swatches, and haulidays!

How did your family celebrate the holiday season? Have you ever been to Oglebay before? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Happy Haulidays: Bestie Edition

Happy Haulidays: Bestie Edition

Hello! This past Wednesday, my best friend of fourteen years, Lea, and I had our holiday gift exchange. It may have been a bit late but it still felt like Christmas magic to me. As soon as she walked in the door, we immediately began opening presents and spent the evening girl talking away. I am so in love with what my best girl gifted me with and my new flower pressed coasters she got me from Etsy already have a very special place on my coffee table:


Lea and I both know the value of receiving bath and body care during gift exchanges so I was very excited for some eos brand goodies to add to my beauty hoard. I have only ever used their lip balms before, which are fabulous, so I can’t wait to test out the lotion and hand cream. Eos is a brand that I have always been interested in, but would never buy for myself so it was a perfect present.

Of course, the piece de resistance were the handmade coasters that she purchased off of Etsy. We both share an affinity for shopping on Etsy and my gifts from her were actually ordered on there too. I have never owned coasters before so it definitely felt like moving up in the adult world. And, what an amazing place to start because they are beautiful! πŸ˜€

For over fourteen years, Lea and I have participated in gift exchanges and it will never get old. It is so special to share holidays and birthdays with her and, oh yeah, half of our lives too. She is the best friend a gal could ask for and I love her so much! ❀

How do you celebrate holidays with your bestie? Do you have a favorite Etsy shop? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Happy Haulidays: Husband’s Family Edition

Happy Haulidays: Husband’s Family Edition

Hello! Due to the high rates of COVID in Ohio, Johnny and I have had to have late Christmas celebrations with our families. This is why you haven’t seen any OOTDs or Hauliday posts recently but keep your eyes peeled because they are still going to happen! This past week, we celebrated with Johnny’s family and one of his aunts who is just wonderful and it was such a great time.

Living during a pandemic is insanely difficult but especially during the holidays as Johnny and I want to protect our vulnerable populations as much as we can. We haven’t seen his family as much as we would like so it was so nice to be able to share a meal, catch up, and open presents. Johnny’s family so generously gifted me with the following:


Hanging out with Johnny’s family after so much time apart was the best gift of all, of course, but I am so appreciative of everything that they treated us to. I love my cobweb earrings the best of all and I am tickled by the gift from Johnny’s dad of the flashlight/screw driver/whistle/everything else lol. It is such a dad gift and I am obsessed – even if I don’t quite know how to use it. πŸ˜€

I am also very touched by the ornament from his mom made for caregivers, although we all had a laugh about how we couldn’t read the sweet sentiments that were on it. Johnny and I have been diligently working through our holiday chocolate – my favorite being the chocolate covered chips. I have never tried one before and it is the perfect combination of sweet and salty. I could seriously eat twenty bags of them!

The piece de resistance of our holiday haul had to be the new air fryer for the both of us. We meant to buy a new one after we got married as ours was on the fritz but we just never got around to it. It finally went kaput a few months ago so we were thrilled with the new appliance. We have been air frying literally everything and have missed it so much. The novelty of air fried food never wears off. πŸ™‚

Although we didn’t keep up with our Miller family tradition of watching Christmas Vacation together, it was still an amazing celebration. I am so thankful to have two beautiful families to join in the holidays with and have my fingers crossed that we can celebrate next Christmas on time altogether! ❀

How did you celebrate the holidays this year? What is your favorite gift in your holiday haul? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Happy Haulidays: Bestie Edition

Happy Haulidays: Bestie Edition

Hi!! When lifewithlilred was in its early years, I developed a friendship with a fellow blogger and fashion enthusiast named Kate of Live In The Nautical. What started as comments on each others blogs turned to Facebook friendship, texting, video chats, and a trip to New York City to visit her! For years, Kate has been one of my absolute best friends and I am so thankful to the blogosphere for bringing us together. ❀

From a love of Harry Potter and figure skating to celebrities we can’t stand, Kate and I can talk for hours on end about everything and nothing and I always look forward to our FaceTime dates. We also both love gift shopping for birthdays and Christmas so the holiday season and our close together June birthdays are a very exciting time for us!

This past week, Kate and I exchanged super early Christmas gifts in the mail and it was such fun. Despite the fact that her package used SO. Much. Tape. that I compared it to trying to break into a jail when attempting to open it! Lol take a look at these darling prezzies from my darling bestie:


Both Kate and I can concur that our friendship is the best gift of all but the gifts above are a nice touch! I am obsessed with the Espresso Patronum mug a la Harry Potter and plan on drinking all of the coffee spiked with Baileys in it… Or maybe just Baileys! And, of course, I can’t wait to test out the bath bombs from Lush because Kate knows that they are my favorite. ❀

Every day I am so grateful for Kate but times of celebration like the holidays make me realize how lucky I am to have her in my life even more. I can go to her for anything, judgement free, and I know that she will listen, offer sound advice, and make me laugh like no other. I love the self who I am when we are together (albeit through a computer screen) and she is one of the best things that came out of starting my blog in the first place.

The blogosphere is such an amazing way for people to come together and near or far, I have made a best friend for life. Kate, I love you so much and thank you for everything you do for me. Now, everyone go check out her page!

Have you met any best friends through your blog? What is your favorite thing about blogging? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Holiday Haul: Gift To Myself Edition

Holiday Haul: Gift To Myself Edition

Hello! It would not be the holiday season without purchasing a little post Christmas prezzie for myself so, armed with gift cards to TJMaxx so generously gifted to me, I began to online shop. Well… I actually wouldn’t call this “shopping” because, for once, I knew exactly what I wanted when I went on TJ’s website instead of searching for what I didn’t know I needed.

I have had my eye on a beautiful skull adorned cashmere sweater by 360 Cashmere for the past several months now but it was too expensive for me to justify buying it. Then, as a Christmas miracle, it got marked down and I said “I think I can swing that”! My new sweater is totally me and I am so happy with my purchase. Merry late Christmas to myself! Check it out:


The first time I saw this sweater all of those months ago, I fell in love. I absolutely adore skull prints on clothing, which just goes to show that some people never outgrow their emo phase lol. I have also never owned anything cashmere before and the mere idea of wearing it felt luxurious. I was so eager to finally try this sweater on and I felt just as posh and cozy as I imagined – if not MORE!

My skull sweater is as soft as puppy fur and it doesn’t feel too hot, either, which is something that I was worried about. The oversized shape also allows the fabric to breathe for maximum comfort. Despite loving the style of slouchy sweaters, I actually can’t say that I own one and not for lack of trying. I have never found one that was just right until now, I suppose. πŸ™‚

From the charcoal grey palette to a V neck line that isn’t plunging and my favorite pattern, this sweater checks all of my boxes. I can’t wait to wear it with jet black super skinny jeans and tall boots but I can also picture myself pairing it with a long skirt, similar to my OOTD this past Christmas. Now, if only things were safe so I could break this bad boy out for a game night with Johnny and our friends.

My holiday haul ended with a special gift from me to me and I know that I will get great use of it. I’m also proud of myself for waiting for my sweater to get marked down because it showed self restraint that I didn’t know I was capable of, haha!

Did you treat yourself to anything this past holiday season? What is your favorite gift that you received in your holiday haul? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah