Tips For Job Hunting In A New City

Tips For Job Hunting In A New City

Job hunting in a new city can be overwhelming. You may feel as if you are making steps forward one minute and then going ten steps backward in the next second. Whether you’re moving because of personal reasons or because you just want a new opportunity and a fresh start, navigating the job market adds another stressor on top of the move. Here are some things that can help:

Research the Job Market:

Before you make the move, make sure that you are researching the job market thoroughly. Look for the industries in the area that are arriving and growing. There’s always a couple of them if you do your digging ahead of time. If you are in these industries already, then you are in luck. If you are not in these industries but you’re interested in them now, it’s a great time to pivot.

You can do courses online to upgrade your skills and make you more marketable when you arrive at your destination. Check out any online job portals that may be in use as well. Also, take a look at the best US cities for white-collar workers, according to Checkr’s new report, to see if your city is included.

Update Your Resume:

Having an updated resume is an absolute must. You need to tailor your resume so that it will show off your greatest skills. If you need to update your LinkedIn profile and any other professional platforms, do so. You want to make sure that there’s always the latest information available about you. The quicker you do this, the sooner you will land your dream job in your new city.

Dive Into Local Resources:

There are several resources available for job seekers so you should make sure that you are doing your best to hunt them down. Find a local career center, find out when their job fairs are happening and where all the employment agents are located in the city. If you do a bit of detective work you may find that being Sherlock Holmes is not too difficult. You will find what you are looking for and get the help you need.

Remote and Freelance Options:

You may want to consider remote and freelance options so that you can work from just about anywhere. In today’s digital age this type of arrangement is very common. If you’re ready for a change then try to find an opportunity so you can work from just about anywhere you can pitch a tent and have Wi-Fi!

You may find that your next opportunity comes in a jaw-dropping way. So keep your eyes open and your ears to the ground you never know what you may find!

Featured Image By: fauxels

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