What To Do When You Have COVID

What To Do When You Have COVID

Hello! Johnny and I are finally COVID free and thank the most high because it sucked majorly. I am so looking forward to getting back to work and returning to my normal schedule because the cabin fever is real! My COVID experience was exhausting and I cannot recall a time when I have ever been sicker. I am very much enjoying feeling back to normal and also breathing out of my nose! Your girl was sounding like Napoleon Dynamite for days and I was starting to annoy myself lol. If you find yourself bit by the COVID bug, here are a few things you can do to slightly improve your situation:

Stay Home:

I wish that this were a given, but for some people it isn’t and that is so not cool. If you have tested positive for COVID, please stay home!! If you have symptoms of COVID, please stay home!! Have yourself a merry little staycation and come back to the land of the living when you are testing negative and feeling better. You never know who you could be infecting and it’s not right to be spreading your sickness around to those in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Hydrate, Hydrate, Hydrate:

When you have COVID, hydration is your best friend. Johnny and I consumed more Gatorade and water than a football team and even then it didn’t feel like enough. I was constantly thirsty while I was sick and blue Gatorade was my saving grace. It tasted like liquid gold or rather, liquid blue lol. It is so important to give your body what it needs when you are ill so drink up. Cheers to that!

Try To Eat:

I had no appetite whatsoever during my COVID tenure and chances are you won’t, either. However, you just have to try to eat anyways. Your body needs that fuel to recover. No one is saying you need to have a five course meal, but a bowl of soup, some crackers, or in my case – a plate of spaghetti can go a long way. My bedside featured a box of tissues, a bottle of Gatorade, a bottle of water, and a box of crackers to munch on. For me, it was really hard to eat when I genuinely wasn’t hungry, but it was something that needed to be done so I just pushed myself to do it.


When you are sick, there is literally nothing else to do but watch TV so put it on! Bingewatch away anything that your little heart desires. In my case, it was a Saw movie marathon! Having a movie or a comfort show like The Office on provided a welcome distraction to how miserable I was feeling. It gave me something else to focus my attention on and that was a welcome reprieve. Whether it’s video games, your favorite show, or a good book to get lost in, allow yourself to get distracted and try to get some enjoyment out of what you’re doing.

Get Up:

This is not to say get up and run a marathon, but try and get up and move after you have been laying down for a while. Not only will this help prevent blood clots, but it can also assist in loosening up your body if you have any stiffness. Every few hours, I would get up, go downstairs, and pet the bunnies or see what Johnny was watching in the living room. These little excursions were exhausting, but it made returning back to bed so much sweeter!

If you have COVID, get well soon!! I understand firsthand how badly it sucks, but you will feel better. In the meantime, give your body the tools it needs to start healing itself. ❤

What were your COVID symptoms? What did you bingewatch if you had COVID? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

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