Looking For A House? Savvy Tips For Your Search

Looking For A House? Savvy Tips For Your Search

House hunting is probably one of the most exciting and important things that you will ever do. You are looking for a place that you will be investing lots of time and money in, as well as living in, so you are definitely going to want it to be one hundred percent right. That means you have to be savvy and up to speed when looking for your new property. With that in mind, read on to find out all you need to know about being a smart home hunter and finding the place of your dreams:

Be ready to move financially:

One thing that savvy house hunters do to speed the process up and make it less stressful is to make sure that they are ready to move financially before they start looking. That means that they have their deposit saved, they have their mortgage approved provisionally, or they have their previous house sold. This also means no going to open houses unless you are truly in a position to make a move if you like it. Otherwise, you risk finding your perfect home and not being able to do anything about it. Then, you will experience the heart break of having to watch as someone else waltzes in and takes it out from under your nose.

Having your finances in order is essential, because as soon as you see a home that you like, you can swoop in and make an offer. This makes the process a lot quicker for you, and it also stops other people from getting there first.

Know your budget and what you can get for it:

Next, savvy home hunters are well aware of their budget before they start looking and they are able to adhere to it. Sure, it can be fun to look at places that stretch the budget, especially if they have everything on your wish list, but the fun will stop once you realize that there is no way that you can move forward with the purchase.

Having said this, some folks do anyways and then get stuck with a property that they cannot comfortably afford. This means that they risk a reduction in the quality of their life and possibly foreclosure if they get too far behind. Obviously, neither of these situations are ideal.

The key question that you need to ask yourself is whether what you want and what you can afford actually tally up. It’s easy to get into a situation where we think that we should have a huge home with all sorts of amazing additions, especially since we see them on TV all of the time. However, back in the real world, your budget may just not stretch to that, so as a smart home hunter, you need to have a serious reality check before you even start to actively look for homes.



Consider all of the options:

Savvy home hunters are particularly clever when it comes to exploring all of the options available to them. That means that they look at houses, apartments, and bungalows before making their final decision. It also means that they consider better value options such as resale hdb instead of new builds, micro houses, or even houseboats. Remember for a smart house hunter, the main goal is for the property to meet their needs and be within budget, and if a more alternative option does this, then it shouldn’t be ruled out as a contender.


A big house may seem appealing, but remember the cost!

Decide on a location:

The importance of location when buying a property is well known, and another strategy that savvy home hunters use is to know exactly which locations they want and then stick to it.

To be able to do this yourself you will need to do your research first. A good way to go about this is to write down a list of attributes that you want the area to have. These may include being picturesque, modern, city central, near to good schools, and the like. Then, use this list as a guide when looking at possible locations. However, while using the list, you must always remember to cross-reference this with whether the types of properties available there fit in with what you need and your budget.


Keys, please!

With the tips above in mind, you will be a savvy home hunter in no time! Make your list, check your budget, and hit the market for your dream home!

Featured Image By: Flickr

4 responses »

  1. For sale by owner can be a great way to go too. We did that with selling and sold pretty much instantly. We were able to ask less for our house and still get more money than if we used a realtor. Not for everyone though!

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