Monday Update: Versatile Blogger Award Edition

Monday Update: Versatile Blogger Award Edition

Hellooo everyone and welcome to another week here on lifewithlilred. I hope that all of you had a fantastic weekend despite the fact that we lost an hour of sleep! I was a little under the weather over the weekend but I still had lots of fun so expect some posts about all of my adventures soon! I was recently nominated by my pal, Simon, over at sfarnell for the Versatile Blogger Award. I was pretty excited because this is an award that I’ve never been nominated for before. So thank you very much, Simon, and everyone be sure to check out his blog! With all of the fun blogger awards comes a set of rules to follow so check them out and then read up on some fun facts about yours truly:

The Rules:

  • Display award.
  •  Thank the person who nominated you.
  •  Share seven facts about yourself.
  •  Nominate up to 10 other bloggers.

All About Me:

  1.  This week is my spring break at Tri-C and unfortunately a trip to Cancun isn’t in my future. Instead, I’ll be attending an internship fair at school to interview for a summer internship! Fingers crossed.
  2.  My family has two dogs – a Golden Retriever named Gem and our newly adopted Terrier mix named Ollie. Now I have my heart set on getting a black dwarf bunny and naming him Floppy! I’ve been begging my boyfriend to get one for me for my 22nd birthday in June since Christmas! Fingers crossed.
  3.  At this moment in time there is someone knocking at my door but I’m not going to answer it. BYE!
  4.  My boyfriend and I just finished the three seasons of Wentworth that are on Netflix and are now looking for a new show to binge watch so if you have any suggestions, let me know!
  5.  I LOVE the Despicable Me movies so much and the minions and Agnes are my spirit animals.
  6.  I love to read and have recently just finished Room and The Danish Girl. Both were excellent and I’m looking forward to watching the movies soon! Now I am on to a book called Charlotte’s Story which is part of the Bliss House series. It’s very good so far!
  7.  I love all types of food. Chinese, Italian, Mexican, Indian, you name it. There’s an amazing Indian restaurant down the street from my house and I seriously think that I could eat there every day. YUM.

My Nominees (I’m only doing three):

So there you have it, this week’s Monday Update: Versatile Blogger Award Edition! Thank you again to Simon at sfarnell for the nomination! What are some fun facts about yourself? Did you do anything exciting over the weekend? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah


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