Tag Archives: knick knacks

Super Early Birthaversary Presents

Super Early Birthaversary Presents

Hello!!! June is a banner month for Johnny and I because it marks our birthaversary. Johnny has his birthday on June first, our wedding anniversary is the fourth, and my birthday is on the seventh. It is such fun to be able to celebrate all of these special occasions and in true us fashion, we have already given each other a majority of our gifts. What can I say, we’re both horrible at keeping secrets lol. While I was perfectly content with waiting for June for a gift exchange, Johnny picked up some prezzies for me this past Friday and didn’t want to wait to give them to me. As luck would have it, I brought home his gifts that day too! Check it out:


One of my biggest gripes about our apartment is our lack of shelves. We have so many awesome knick knacks and Lego sets and they need a home. Granted, we can’t do much about it with the minimal space we have. This is where the shelving unit that Johnny got me comes into play. His plan is to haul out our broken record player desk with a friend, build the shelf, and add a few more to fully display our collections. I am beyond excited for this because it is something that I wanted to happen for a long while. I think it’s going to be so much fun to rearrange all of our mementos in a more pleasing fashion and I can’t wait to see the end result.

Johnny also gifted me with a new Harry Potter Lego set – Dumbledore’s Office. We haven’t built Lego together since the wintertime so we were definitely due for a new set! Building Lego with Johnny is one of my favorite things and if they weren’t so damned expensive, our apartment would be full of them. Although it would be amazing to have an infinite supply of Lego, I quite like the sporadic sets we give to each other. It keeps the novelty of building alive and I love when we plan an evening in to complete the set together. And, yes, it will look lovely displayed on our new shelves! 😀

I have had Johnny’s gifts planned for a while – probably the past two months which is when we last watched National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation. It is one of our all time favorite any time movies and it’s our tradition to watch it every Christmas with his family. Whenever we have a viewing, Johnny always brings up two things without fail. 1) He wants a moose mug SO bad. 2) He wants the dinosaur pajamas that Clark wears in the attic scene SO bad. So, of course I had to make it happen! His reaction to these gifts was the absolute sweetest and it was literal kid on Christmas Day level. I was so happy to have given him something that has been on his wish list for forever and he looks adorable in his jammies. 🙂

Even though our birthaversary is still several weeks away, I am so okay with this early start to the festivities. We have a few more gifts in mind for each other and I can’t wait to celebrate our upcoming week of us!

How do you like to celebrate your birthday? What is on your birthday wish list? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Halloween Haul

Halloween Haul

Hello! This past week, I went on a dinner and shopping outing with my sister and niece and it was the best! For dinner, we went to one of our favorite restaurants, Lemongrass Grill, for Thai food. We each got an order of their delicious curry and spring rolls and were completely stuffed after barely finishing half of it. That’s no matter, though, because it tasted even better the following day! 😀

After dinner, my sister said that she wanted to check out a few stores to look at Halloween decorations and I just had to tag along. Halloween is mine and Johnny’s favorite time of the year and we are always on the hunt for fun decor to keep it Halloween all year round in our apartment. These new goodies should definitely help the cause:

^^^ The cowboy skeleton is from Big Lots and everything else is from Michael’s.

We started our shopping at Big Lots and there wasn’t very much left in terms of Halloween decor as Christmas had already taken over. I found the cowboy skeleton which I knew that Johnny would love and my sister got this hilarious stuffed ghost that would repeat everything you said back in a funny voice. My niece had so much fun with it before we even left the store!

Since the selection at Big Lots was lackluster, I suggested that we try Michael’s and I’m glad that we did. All of their Halloween decorations were half off so I was able to get three pictures and my lil bunny for forty bucks. Not bad at all and I can’t wait to add my new additions to my art wall. While Michael’s still had a decent amount of Halloween decor left, I know that it will go quickly because Christmas came early there too and you can’t beat half off.

If you need Halloween decorations, I would hurry to the stores because it might be Easter time at your favorite places if you wait too much longer!

What is your favorite holiday to decorate for? Which store has the best holiday decor selection? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Cool Decorating Ideas

Cool Decorating Ideas

Heyyy everyone and happy Sunday! So every once in a while my parents and I like to hit up Tuesday Morning, which is a lot like TJMaxx minus the clothing. The store has a lot of cool home decor pieces including everything from furniture, mirrors, artwork, and any knick knack you can imagine in one convenient location. Every time I go to Tuesday Morning I tell myself that when the time comes for me to decorate my own apartment I will most definitely be shopping there. I took some pictures of some pieces that I thought were fun and unique to share with you guys and maybe give you some ideas of your own for decorating! Take a look:


^^^^ Rad, right??

I’m a really big fan of the antique-y vibe that I get from all of these cool little odds and ends. My absolute favorite thing pictured above is the step ladder shelf. I admire that baby every time I go to Tuesday Morning and I would love to have it in my room to house my beloved shoes on. I also really like all of the floral painted wall hooks – I can picture a plethora of those hanging up on the walls in my room to display all of my hats and scarves. I get happy just thinking about it! One item in particular that I’m not sure that I would put in my apartment would be the bust statue – but I guess it would be a pretty good conversation piece! What I was instantly drawn to today when I entered the store was the mini pedestals with the glass container covers. Those are absolutely gorgeous, and my first thought when I saw them was that I would love to display all of my jewelry in them. I imagined a row of the containers going across my desk with each of them holding a necklace or bracelet. So cute! It’s always so fun going into Tuesday Morning to see what’s new and exciting, and I can’t wait for the day that I can go there and fill up a shopping cart with all of the decorations that my little heart desires! Until the fateful day that I move out, I’ll just be admiring all of these items from afar!

I hope these pictures inspired all of the decorators out there to get to work on a new project! Where is your favorite place to buy home decor at? What is your favorite decorative piece in your living quarters? I wanna hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Have a great day! -Sarah