Perfect Valentine’s Day Gifts For Your Boyfriend

Perfect Valentine’s Day Gifts For Your Boyfriend

Hello! Yesterday, we went over some perfect Valentine’s Day gifts for the special ladies in your life and, now, it’s on to the fellas. I, myself, find Valentine’s Day particularly difficult to shop for when I’m in a relationship. I definitely don’t want to go overboard with presents, as we just finished the holiday season. But, I don’t want to purchase too little, either! It’s a fine balance and today we are going to look over a bunch of different gifts for your man for every budget. Let’s get to it:

The Classics:

Who says guys can’t get chocolate, too?! The classics for the girlfriend is often chocolate, flowers, and a bottle of wine. Give these ideas a masculine twist like a six pack of his favorite beer, chocolate with pieces of bacon in it, and beef jerky bouquets… Yes, they are a thing. Or, you could always go to Five Below and grab one of these hunky chocolate bars that I got for my beau:


^^^ Lololol.

Dapper Dudes:

Does your man candy enjoy dressing up or have a unique personal style? Go with this and treat him to a new pair of shoes or a goofy T-shirt. Help him accessorize with tie clips, pocket squares, and cuff links for a suave touch to his OOTDs. Any apparel based gifts will make him think of you every time he wears it, which is the whole point! But, if you gift him with a hoodie it is partially yours, of course. 😉

Sports Fan:

If you’re in a relationship with a sports fan, an ultimate gift would be tickets to the next big game. Ballin on a budget? That’s okay! Plan a night in when the next game he’s interested in is on TV. Provide Super Bowl level snacks, cold drinks, and a positive attitude in case his team is losing!


My boyfriend is a music connoisseur and we both have an affliction for movies. So, this is always a safe route to go if your partner is the same way. Snag him a cool new band T-shirt, get a coffee mug with his favorite Star Wars character on it, your options are limitless! And remember, nothing beats a good old fashioned night at the movies, which would be a great choice if a flick he’s dying to see is playing.

From The Heart:

Guys appreciate heartfelt gifts just as much as girls and just might be better at not showing it. Frame some of your favorite pictures together, write a poem, or take him to dinner at the restaurant where you had your first date. There is nothing wrong with going the more romantic route and it could be his favorite gift to date.


Experience gifts often go very well for guys and you could go as big or as small as you wish. How about a weekend getaway in a cozy cabin? A winter hike with thermoses of warm spiced cider? Or maybe a trip to a local museum for your history buff? Either way, you will be sharing in a day together and that is the most special part about Valentine’s Day! ❤

And who says guys are hard to shop for with the tips above?!

What do you like to gift your guy for Valentine’s Day? How do you plan on celebrating this year? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

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