Tag Archives: fandom

Akron Comicon Haul

Akron Comicon Haul

Hello!! Akron Comicon this past weekend was a blast and I spent the best afternoon with Johnny and my brother. We came, we saw, we shopped and each walked away with a bagful of goodies featuring all of our favorite things. I wasn’t able to attend the Con last year and Johnny surprised me with all kinds of gifts to decorate our apartment with. It felt so good to be able to participate this time around and I am loving all of our new swag! Check it out:


^^^ The last three posters were made by Vile Consumption and the Wolfman was painted and autographed by Drac of Transylvania Tonight!

It was SO hard to exercise self restraint at the Comicon because there was a ton of merchandise from my favorite fandoms to buy! We’re talking Demon Slayer, Assassination Classroom, horror flicks, Lego, and much more. The first thing I selected was my Funko Pop of The Little Prince. I had no idea that this Funko existed and my brother got it for me in exchange for paying for our tickets. I have countless tattoos from the book and it is a piece of literature (and film) that is very dear to my heart. Best believe it is proudly displayed on our knick knack shelf! ❤

Johnny also treated me to a few little prezzies including the V mini fig from V For Vendetta and the crocheted Plague Doctor. Like The Little Prince, V For Vendetta is another book/movie that is one of my all time favorites. And, also like The Little Prince, I have a buttload of tattoos from V For Vendetta too! The mini fig is perfect and I love that Johnny always knows exactly what I would like without consulting with me. We both fell in love with our tiny Plague Doctor friend and as soon as Johnny saw me give it a cuddle, it was as good as ours lol.

Finally, the Akron Comicon was an amazing place to gather more art for our expansive collection. While visiting with Drac and Countess Carita of Transylvania Tonight, we noticed that Drac had a new piece of his artwork on display: The Wolfman. This was a must buy because we already have all of his other movie monster prints from last year’s Con. Now, we have the Mummy, Dracula, Frankenstein, the Creature From The Black Lagoon, Doctor Jekyll, and the Wolfman all painted and signed by Drac! We also couldn’t say no to the posters by Vile Consumption because they are hilarious lol. I was geeking out over the Sister Act one from The Nun, it wasn’t even a question about the David Pumpkins print, and Trick R’ Treat was an obvious choice because it’s one of our fave Halloween flicks. SAM!!! 😀

The Akron Comicon was a GREAT SUCCESS and I am so happy with all of our fun purchases. I can’t wait to get our new artwork hung up around the apartment! 🙂

What is your favorite fandom? What is your favorite horror movie? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah


Cute At Comicon OOTD

Cute At Comicon OOTD

Helloooo everyone and welcome to a brand new OOTD here on lifewithlilred! This past Saturday, I attended the Akron Comicon with my big bro, Andrew, and Johnny. We had an absolute blast and I cannot wait for next year’s Con. I have to admit, that I didn’t really know what to wear to this event. I don’t cosplay and I don’t have any clothing pertaining to a fandom except for a hoodie with Michael Scott on it. I also had no idea what the temperature would be like at Comicon – it was boiling at the Brick Convention! So, I just put together something cute and comfy with some help from my brother. The end result? Being told I look like a Pokemon gym leader so I think I won! Check it out:


^^^ It was hard to get lots of pics at Comicon because it was jam packed!

Who? What? Wear?

Black Clover T-shirt: This is my brother’s and it’s from Hot Topic

Distressed Skinny Jeans: American Eagle Outfitters

Fire Boots: Dolls Kill, Cape Robbin

Comicons are all about repping your favorite fandom and I was SO happy that Andrew let me borrow his Black Clover T-shirt to wear. Black Clover is one of my all time favorite animes and I have been dying for a new season! Although I didn’t see as much memorabilia from it as I would have liked, everyone sill definitely knew the show I was sporting on the T. Andrew pulled through in the clutch because I actually did have on my The Office hoodie at first, but I just wasn’t feeling it.

Knowing while I was at home that I could change into the Black Clover T when we picked up my brother helped me style the rest of the look. Since the T-shirt was going to be big on me, I went with my super distressed skinnies from American Eagle. There’s nothing wrong with a baggy T, but I wanted to be able to show some skin to break up the bulk of it. These jeans helped balance things out and offered a pleasing silhouette between the oversized top and super skinny bottoms.

Since this was my first Comicon, I had no idea about the size of the facility and really wasn’t trying to wear a crazy pair of heels. At the Brick Convention, I made that mistake and it was one I deeply regret because my dogs were barking by the end of the day! For cute and comfort’s sake, I chose my amazing boots from Dolls Kill by Cape Robbin. These boots are absolutely insane and I am SO there for it. They give me Elton John in an anime vibes and I can’t think of anything better than that! My boots are over the top and oversized and their bigger shape gave cohesion with the T-shirt. This outfit would have looked kind of silly with a pair of skinny heeled stilettos. Picture it in your head and you’ll see what I mean!

Akron Comicon was the best and I loved the outfit I put together. It was simple, but effective and I was getting compliments left and right. Here’s to many more years of Cons with my two favorite guys!

What is your favorite fandom? Do you have any merch from your favorite shows or movies? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Akron Comicon

Akron Comicon

Howdy!!! This past Saturday was super fun because my brother, Johnny, and I went to the Akron Comicon. I have been looking forward to this event since last year as I wasn’t able to attend, but Johnny and Andrew had a blast and I couldn’t wait to join in the fun too. We all walked away with SO many goodies and although my wallet was protesting, my heart was very full lol. You can see my purchases later this week so keep it posted for that! Now, let’s take a look at some pics and have a chat:


The Akron Comicon was full of vendors, fans of fandoms, and minor celebrities both local and from afar. Other than being in TJMaxx, I had never seen so many things that I wanted to buy from my favorite shows, movies, and animes. Also, huge shout out to my big bro for letting me borrow his Black Clover T-shirt because I had no anime gear to wear. Although I like to think my boots with the flames on them more than made up for the fact! During our afternoon, we schmoozed, we shopped, and we enjoyed being in the presence of so many people who shared our interests.

As far as celebrities went at the Con, it was a bit of a mixed bag. There were a few ladies who were in literally one scene from Scream, the guy who played Timmy from Lassie? haha and the voice actors from a few seasons of Charlie Brown who played Lucy and Charlie B. The most exciting people we met was our hometown hero from Akron, the Son of Ghoul who hosted a public access horror show. It was also very exciting to get a peck on the cheek from him! We also got to meet Drac and Countess Carita who host Transylvania Tonight, another horror show. Johnny and I have Drac’s artwork hanging up in our living room so it was SO nice to hang out with them for a bit and buy a new addition to our movie monster portraits. They were all nice as can be and I am thrilled to have spent some time with them!

The Akron Comicon was such a hoot and it was wonderful to finally be able to experience it with Johnny and Andrew. I can’t wait for next year’s Comicon and maybe get another smooch from the Son of Ghoul! ❤

Have you ever met anyone famous before? Have you ever attended a Comicon? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Patrick Durham Meet & Greet

Patrick Durham Meet & Greet

Hello everyone!! The Lego Brick Convention that I attended this past weekend was so great! The displays and shopping with the vendors was fun, but the highlight of the day was meeting a former Lego Masters contestant. Patrick Durham of Team Grandpappies in season three was the piece de resistance of the convention and we couldn’t wait to see him. Johnny and I got a huge kick out of him and his partner, Kerry, during the show and I was on pins and needles to meet a Lego celebrity. Check it out:


After Johnny, my brother, and I made our rounds throughout the first section of the convention, we approached a very long line. We all assumed it was the line to meet Patrick, but it turns out it was formed to get a closer look at the displays. So, we bypassed it completely and went on the prowl to meet the Lego Master. And, we were in luck!! Patrick was literally just standing at his area beyond the line and we only had to wait briefly for our turn at a meet and greet.

Saying Patrick was the nicest person ever is the understatement of the century. He greeted my crew and all of his other fans with such warmth and good humor – it felt like having a chat with your own grandpappy. After exchanging pleasantries and quips, we asked about Kerry and learned sad news. He had passed away from heart complications on June 11th. This was such a disappointing thing to hear and we extended our deepest sympathies. Not only were Patrick and Kerry beloved grandpappies to their own grandchildren, but they were America’s grandpappies too.

We got to spend almost ten minutes with Patrick and after he signed my autograph, we had a photo shoot! Johnny snapped lots of pics and Patrick was SERVING. At one point, he assured Johnny that he wasn’t flirting with me and I let it be known that I was most definitely flirting with him! Lol, we all had a laugh. We were also so flattered when he told me and Johnny we were the coolest looking people he had seen that day. What a guy!

Spending time with Patrick Durham at the Brick Convention was one of my favorite things I have done this year. It was just really cool and it’s always awesome to meet someone on TV and finding out they are exactly how they appear on screen in person. Thanks for the laughs and your time, Patrick. Long live Team Grandpappies! ❤

Have you ever met a celebrity? Who were some of your favorite Lego Master contestants? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Brick Convention 2023

Brick Convention 2023

Hello!! I had a fantastic weekend! On Friday, Johnny and I went to the shooting range and on Saturday, we attended the Brick Convention with my brother. The Brick Convention was an ode to all things Lego and it was an absolute blast! Johnny and I are avid fans of Lego and this event did not disappoint. There were displays, vendors, and even a contestant from Lego Masters. The only not great thing was that the building the convention was held in wasn’t air conditioned. It was hot as bejeezus and even though we had a lot of fun, we were ready to get the hell out of there lol.

Today, we’re going to take a look at some of the awesome displays from the convention. Keep it posted this week for more because we have an OOTD, my convention haul, and meeting Patrick Durham! Let’s get started:


Talk about WOW, right?! Walking through the Brick Convention was like being a kid on Christmas day. It was Lego as far as the eye could see and it was incredible to take it all in. While it was nice to shop around with the many different vendors, the most fun was looking at all of the displays created by such amazing artists. Every single piece begged the question of “how did they do that?!”. Johnny and I love to build Lego sets together and sometimes I have difficulty with that let alone free building masterpieces. It was like being in our own personal episode of Lego Masters!

It was hard to get a close look at some of the builds because the convention center was very crowded. It was basically get in front of the build, snap a picture if you want, and move on. While all of the creations were excellent, I was extremely partial to the art gallery that was set up. There were Lego pictures of Mario and Luigi that moved, Mickey and Minnie Mouse, The Child, and of course the Lego rendition of the Creation of Adam. That was my favorite and my mind is still blown by it. Seriously, how did they do that?!

Despite the fact that we were sweating bullets the entire Brick Convention, I am so happy to have gone. I have never been to an event like that before and it was an experience I’ll always remember. Tune in tomorrow for more about my meeting with the one and only Patrick Durham of Team Grandpappies!!!

Do you like to build Lego? Have you ever been to a similar event before? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah