How To Boost Your Kids’ Confidence

How To Boost Your Kids’ Confidence

During the pandemic years, it was tough for little ones to learn social skills without being around other children their age. As we’ve moved past the COVID times and into the open world again, some of our kiddos might be shy and need a little confidence when starting school or engaging with other kids. This article will share some advice on how to boost your kids’ confidence:

Enroll Them In A Literacy Program:

Literacy programs can help kids improve their written and verbal communication and engage with other kids around them. Foundations like Scottish Rite have speech-language and literacy programs in California. The foundation provides fully-funded courses to help children overcome speech or language obstacles and become confident individuals who enjoy engaging with written and spoken language.

Teach Them Responsibility:

Giving kids a taste of manageable independence can help them become more resilient and able to complete tasks independently. Teaching your kids how to look after a garden can teach them a lot about responsibility, patience, and allow them to see their work rewarded as plants grow and flourish. You could also give them a small item of responsibility if they are younger, like selecting an activity for the weekend.

Set An Example:

Your children learn from you and how you interact with the world around you. Try to set a good example by being positive and engaging with other parents in a group setting. Let them see you try something new and enjoy the experience. Help them to persevere by ensuring they see you follow a task through to the end. Your kids will learn from your example if they see you happy and confident.

Help Them Get Comfortable With Failure:

Studies show that up to a third of the population could be considered perfectionists. Perfectionists often find it hard to handle failure and tend to over prepare for events so they can constantly meet high standards. It’s important to get kids comfortable trying new things without fearing failure. This will teach them to be well-rounded adults who can adapt and thrive in new environments. They will also learn essential life skills like resilience and problem-solving.

Get Them Engaged In Learning:

Getting kids engaged in learning is fundamental to giving them confidence in school. Try Learn Bright’s hands-on learning programs to give them a taste of real-life experiments that they can engage with and complete in groups or independently. Getting kids involved in hands-on learning is a great way to appeal to visual learners and help boost their confidence in a school environment.

Encourage Team Work:

You can encourage kids to work better together in groups at home. You can do everyday things like letting them plan a meal with you or playing collaborative board games together. Help them build their confidence by encouraging them to work with you and the family to get things done. When they have play dates, you can also get the kids involved in a team activity or encourage them to join an after-school club to engage with children of a similar age.

Praise Perseverance Over Results:

Praise your child for persevering through a hard task, not just for the results they get. Teaching them to keep going even when things get tough is important to raise resilient children. Remember, top marks aren’t always the goal. If your child struggles in math, going up from a C to a C+ can be a significant achievement. If they aren’t into sports, getting them to join a soccer club is something to be celebrated.

There are many ways to engage children through learning or playing and, in doing so, raise them into confident and well-rounded adults.

Featured Image By: Pexels

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