Home Flooring Renovations: 5 Tips To Keep In Mind

Home Flooring Renovations: 5 Tips To Keep In Mind

Flooring is an important part of any home renovation project. However, choosing the right type of flooring for your needs can be tricky and there are a few things you should keep in mind before starting your renovation. This blog post will discuss five tips for renovating your home’s flooring:

Choose the type of flooring you want:

There are many different types of flooring on the market and each has its own advantages and disadvantages. First, you need to decide what type of flooring will best suit your needs. There are four main types of flooring: hardwood, laminate, vinyl, and carpet.

  • Hardwood floors are a classic choice that can add beauty and value to your home. However, they require regular maintenance and can be scratched or damaged easily.
  • Laminate floors are a more affordable option that looks like wood but is less durable.
  • Vinyl floors are a great option for high traffic areas and are very durable. But, they can be damaged by water and are not as comfortable to walk on as other types of flooring.
  • Carpet is a cozy and comfortable option but it can be stained easily and is difficult to clean.

If you are unsure of what type of flooring would look best in your home, call in an expert! They will be able to assist in the design and installation to tie the whole space together. To find a flooring professional, simply enter a search for “Flooring contractor in Columbus, OH” or your local area.

Consider the cost:

Flooring can be a significant investment so you must choose a material that fits your budget. Hardwood floors are typically the most expensive option, while carpet is usually the least expensive. You should also remember that installation costs can vary depending on the flooring you choose. Installation costs for hardwood floors tend to be higher than other types of flooring because they require special tools and skills. Laminate and vinyl floors are often less expensive to install but they may not last as long as hardwood floors. Carpet is usually the most affordable option to install but it may need to be replaced more often than other types of flooring.

Think about durability:

You need to choose a material that can withstand heavy traffic and wear and tear. Hardwood floors are durable but can be scratched or damaged easily. Laminate and vinyl floors are also durable but they may not last as long as hardwood floors. Carpet is not as durable as other types of flooring and can be stained easily.

Cleaning & maintenance:

Hardwood floors require regular cleaning and maintenance but they can be damaged easily if not properly cared for. Laminate and vinyl floors are easy to clean and require little maintenance. However, carpet is difficult to clean and requires regular vacuuming and shampooing. Or you can try this robot vacuum for high pile carpet. You should also remember that some flooring types require more care than others. For example, hardwood floors need to be refinished every few years, while laminate and vinyl floors do not need to be refinished.

The warranty:

When investing in new flooring, you want to ensure a warranty covers it. Most hardwood floors come with a 25 year warranty, while laminate and vinyl floors typically have shorter warranties. Carpet usually has a one year warranty. Make sure you understand the terms of the warranty before purchasing the flooring. Some warranties require that you use a certain type of cleaner or follow specific cleaning instructions.

Keep these five factors in mind when choosing new flooring for your home and you will be able to find the perfect option for your needs!

Featured Image By: Pexels

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