Hot Topic Hair Accessory Haul

Hot Topic Hair Accessory Haul

Hi! It is no secret that I love hair accessories. From cute clips and scrunchies to barrettes and headbands, there is nothing better to add a healthy dose of adorable to your OOTDs. I, personally, am at a crossroads with my hair as I am torn between growing it out or just chopping it off, yet again. So, while I make this decision, I have been addicted to buying hair accessories to keep me in love with my hair even though I am not thrilled with it.

While shopping a sale at a Hot Topic near me that is closing, I couldn’t say no to some darling Disney inspired hair bling to spice up my do. And, hopefully, they will keep me feeling confident until I can *finally* make it to the hair salon on Friday. Check it out:


I have loved the idea of hair chopsticks for forever but never saw any in a store until my shopping trip over the weekend. There is something so elegant but insanely trendy about hair sticks and, although I’ll be sporting bedazzled feathers, my mind always goes to a boss babe in the office throwing her hair into a bun and sticking pencils into it. Too. Cute. I have been wearing my hair up more often now that it’s getting longer and I can definitely see myself popping these babies in next time I’m too lazy to do my hair… Which is often. -___-

I have ALSO always loved the idea of hair cuffs like the Maleficent inspired raven one seen above. Once upon a time, I used to have two cuffs in blue and brown with a lovely, earthy pattern on them. Of course, I have no idea where they are now but, I have been on the hunt for something similar since delving into the hair accessory worm hole. I am so obsessed with the one I found because it is the edgy update that I’ve been waiting for since the cuffs I had in grade school. And, what’s wrong with wanting to channel your inner Angelina Jolie as Maleficent? Case in point.

The amethyst hair fork was kind of an impulse purchase. I can honestly say that I have no clue how to style my hair with it but the directions say to tuck a ponytail into it or something and that could be cute?! I’m sure I’ll figure it out but, if not, that’s what YouTube tutorials are for, amiright? 😀

There is nothing like some fun new hair accessories to shake the countdown to your hair cut blues and I think these pretty goodies from Hot Topic definitely did the trick!

Where do you like to shop for hair accessories? Does anyone know how to use a hair fork?! I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

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