If The Skate Fits

If The Skate Fits

Greetings!! As a child and teenager I figure skated competitively, but hung up my skates when I was sixteen or so. After this decision was made, I would still go to the rink and skate for fun but wasn’t really interested in much else. However, this past year, I ran into one of my old coaches and decided that I wanted to get back on the ice.

I started learning how to ice dance simply because I thought that it would be fun and I always wanted to try it. I also felt better starting with this because it’s all footwork as opposed to jumping and spinning. But, during a session this summer, as I worked with one of the ladies who taught me how to skate, she encouraged me to give some freestyle a try. And, after landing a few of my old jumps and nailing some spins, I was hooked.

Now, I practice both ice dancing and freestyle during my sessions and it makes me feel so good. I enjoy my time on the ice more than anything else throughout the week but, I was facing a major problem: the need for a new pair of skates was so real.

The skates that I was using were probably the better part of two decades old. And, they weren’t even mine. Lol, they were a hand me down from another coach so that my family wouldn’t have to invest a ton of money in a new pair. Believe me, they served their purpose well and I am so thankful to them and the coach who gave them to me. And, frankly, if I was only ice dancing, they probably would have still cut it. But, once I began jumping and spinning again, there was just no way that I could continue skating safely with them.

My skates definitely felt unstable and lacked the support I needed for freestyle and I knew that something needed to be done if I wanted to continue practicing without an injury. So, my mom and I took a trip to the Skaters Edge to see what my options were.

The Skaters Edge just so happens to be the skate shop that I went to in all of the years that I’ve been skating. From my first pair of skates to my first competition dress, they were there for all of it. So, imagine my surprise when my mom and I walked into the shop to see that the same two gentlemen were working there ten years later. It felt like going back in time!

Chris was the guy who took care of me during my years as a skater and I remember him well because I had a massive crush on him. And, not much has changed and he has aged like a fine wine. He told me that nothing could be done to make my old skates better and the best option would be to buy a new pair. This is what I was fearing, because I knew that it would be expensive. But, we were able to cut the cost down by putting my old blade on a new boot and I ended up with these pretty new babies by Jackson:


^^^ Peep that blinged out back!

My new skates fit like a glove and I am so in love with them. They are simply beautiful and they feel like they were made just for me. The tweaks and touches that Chris added to make sure that they fit me properly were done with the steady hand and eye of a surgeon and I am so thankful for his precision and workmanship.

I have yet to skate on my new babes because there is a break in summer ice before the fall begins. But, I can’t wait to get back on the ice and test them out! I know that they are just what I need to continue to skate safely and advance in my sport and I could not be happier with them. ❤

Do you play any sports? What kind of equipment did you need to invest in to play? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

8 responses »

  1. I don’t do any sports, but I do roller skate. I have always wanted to ice skate, but I’m terrified. Your skates look great!😁


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