Liebster Award #12

Liebster Award #12

Hello everyone and happy Sunday! This past week, lifewithlilred was nominated for its 12th Liebster Award by my sweet friend, Aishwarya, at Eclipsed Words. Aishwarya is an extremely talented blogger and her page is absolutely fantastic so do be sure to check it out and give it some love! Now let’s get on to the rules:

The Rules:

  • Answer the 11 questions given to you.
  • Share 11 facts about yourself.
  • Nominate between 5 to 11 other bloggers.
  • Ask your nominees 11 questions.

Fun Facts:

  1. I’m pretty much out of fun facts about myself at this point.
  2. I am freaking STARVING as I write this.
  3. I’m currently dog sitting and both pups look like little potatoes with legs. It’s a hoot!
  4. Taco Bell gives my life purpose.
  5. My family jokes that I have a tapeworm because I’m literally always hungry.
  6. My favorite TV shows are Seinfeld, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Naked & Afraid, Botched, and My 600 Lb. Life.
  7. If you ever saw me driving in my car, it would probably look like I’m talking to myself because I listen to French tapes while I’m driving.
  8. I’m already looking forward to eating Thanksgiving food, lolol.
  9. Obviously, food plays a very important roll in my life.
  10. I love to read and just finished a book called Ginny Moon. It was alright.
  11. I am a Diet Coke fiend!!! It’s my absolute favorite pop and I could legit drink it all day.

Q & A:

What are your favorite smells? I love vanilla, apple, and anything citrus-y.

What do you do when you’re stressed? Read, listen to music, watch a movie. Pretty much what everyone else does, lol.

What is your favorite season and why? I LOVE THE FALL. Autumn all day every day. I love the weather, the activities, the leaves changing, and the clothes!

Is there anything you regret from your childhood? I’m not comfortable answering that.

Early bird or night owl? Early bird, for sure. I kid you not, I go to bed at like nine o’clock every night, hahaha.

What is your biggest time-wasting habit? Mmm…This is an obvious one but I can definitely kill some time on Facebook!

What’s one thing you want to master? I want to perfect my French speaking skills. I also want to start learning American Sign Language.

What have you never tried but want to? I would love to be able to travel more. Aside from Canada, I’ve never been out of the United States.

What’s your biggest fear? Too many to list here!

Describe the most precious thing in your room. Lol, also not comfortable answering this one, either.

What do you want the old you to look back on and remember fondly? That I’m a decent person and am kind to whomever I meet. And that I have a wonderful sense of style. Ayyyy.

My Nominees (I’m only doing three):

My Questions For You:

  1. Really good makeup or really good skin care?
  2. Do you have a favorite vacation that you’ve been on?
  3. Is there a certain type of landscape that you prefer (Beach, mountains, etc.)?
  4. What is something that you admire about your best friend?
  5. What was your favorite childhood toy?
  6. Favorite junk food?
  7. Describe a perfect date night.
  8. What is your dream job?
  9. Who is your celebrity crush?
  10. Best concert you ever went to?
  11. Are you going to dress up for Halloween? If so, as what?

Thank you so much again to Aishwarya for lifewithlilred’s twelfth Liebster Award nomination! How would you answer some of the questions that Aishwarya asked her nominees? How about my questions for mine? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

10 responses »

    • Thank you!!! And LOL Taco Bell is my literal favorite food on the planet. It’s amazing for vegetarians because you can get beans on everything instead of meat so it’s really the only fast food option I have where I can order anything I want on the menu. And also Thanksgiving food is my other favorite haha

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