Tag Archives: clutch lanes

Bowling Bonanza

Bowling Bonanza

Hello!! On Sunday, I did the impossible. What is it? I went bowling with fake nails! Lol, granted, I employed the rolling/throwing technique to protect the talons but I still think it counts! For my brother’s birthday, we want bowling at Clutch Lanes, a cool little bowling alley down the street. It was the perfect atmosphere for a party and they had phenomenal pizza, which I feel like you can’t say about many bowling allies. This was the first time I had gone bowling in close to a decade and even though I wasn’t bowling properly and getting hella gutter balls, it was still a blast!


Bowling is one of those things that Johnny has suggested before and I had no interest in. It definitely takes me back to the dreaded years of middle school when the classes would go bowling before summer break. I always hated it lol and the last time I went bowling was on a date with an awful person. Needless to say, bowling is never high on my list of potential weekend activities. Until now, that is. I guess you just have to go bowling with the right people because that made all of the difference!

For close to two hours, Johnny, Andrew, and I dominated the lanes. Well, Johnny and Andrew did really good and I was humbled by my score of 27 on game one. I am pleased to report that I improved during our time and had a high score of 51. Not too bad for someone who is basically just throwing the bowling ball lol. Regardless of if we did well on our turns, we celebrated hard. Victory dances, cheering, whooping – the whole nine yards. And, whenever a strike or spare was scored we celebrated harder. If this is what bowling is, I deeply regret waiting this long to try it again.

During our time at the bowling alley, we all decided that this is going to be our new thing. The way Johnny and I see it, there is no other sport that encourages you to eat and drink booze while playing! Our plan is to start doing monthly or bimonthly trips to the bowling alley with Andrew and our bestie Cliff to form an informal friendship league. Maybe we’ll even shoot some content for a fake bowling documentary we made up called “Ballz: A Bowling Story”. We have several ideas for this and I think it would be hilarious if we turned it into a web series. We’ll see what happens. 😀

Not going to lie, I was sore AF the following day after hurling a bowling ball for two hours straight. But, it was so worth it and fun and I can’t wait to go again!

What is your favorite sport to play with friends? Do you go bowling often? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah