Simple Stripes OOTD

Simple Stripes OOTD

Hello everyone and welcome to a brand new OOTD here on lifewithlilred! The weather in Akron, Ohio has been fluctuating back and forth faster than I can keep track of it. We go from thirty to fifty-five degrees in a day and I think it has been throwing everyone for a loop! With constantly changing temps, it really can be difficult to dress for this time of year. One day you’re bundled up and the next it feels like spring. Whatever the weather, I put together a Simple Stripes OOTD that is perfect for a warmer day, but can easily be worn underneath your favorite jacket during a cold spell. Check it out:


Who? What? Wear?

Striped Top: Modern Works, TJMaxx

High Waisted Skinny Jeans: American Eagle Outfitters

Snakeskin Pattern Boots: Vince Camuto, TJMaxx

I have no idea where the owl earrings are from lol

Earlier this month, I had a very successful shopping trip to TJMaxx with my mom. We had a blast and I have been so excited to wear all of my new clothes, including the striped top by Modern Works. Although this shirt isn’t as bold as some of my usual choices, I was immediately drawn to it. I loved the black stripes against the pearl white base, the shape is universally flattering, and it is SO freaking soft and comfortable. This is a top that can be worn as is when the weather permits or underneath a cozy jacket or cardigan when you need some extra warmth. It’s such a versatile piece and can be dressed up with a great pair of trousers or an A-line skirt for work or paired with jeans for an on the go ensemble.

As you can see for this weekend look, I went the play route and paired my Modern Works top with a pair of high waisted skinny jeans. I actually completely forgot my go to pair of skinnies from American Eagle were high waisted until this past Saturday lol. I tucked my top in slightly and was amazed by the revelation! I am normally not one for high waisted bottoms but, in this case, they made the look even better. It added that little extra something to the outfit and and it made such a classic silhouette, ideal for a classic, statement top.

Next on the agenda was shoes and accessories. Since I was working with a fully neutral palette, it basically gave me permission to wear whatever shoes I wanted. I chose a much beloved pair of Vince Camuto snakeskin pattern boots to help complete my look. The colors in these boots are so rich and I thought the cinnamon and chocolate hues looked stunning paired with the soft shade of the top. Finally, for earrings, I put on a pretty pair of gold and cream colored owls. This was all I needed to add some length to my neck as anything extra would have taken away from the minimal V-neck the top offered. With that, I was on my way!

I felt so chic in my Simple Stripes OOTD and this is an outfit that can be very easily replicated. Sometimes, a simple look is the best and I think this OOTD is a definite testament to that!

What do you normally wear for work? What do you like to wear for an outfit for play? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah


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