Constellations Merch!!

Constellations Merch!!

Hello everyone!!! I have been working as the social media manager for an awesome local metalcore band called Constellations. It is legit the most fun job I have ever had and it is so exciting to be a part of their continued growth. In case you aren’t following Constellations on social media (You should!), an amazing guitarist named Heather has joined my favorite ragtag group of gents. She is fantastic and it’s even better having her on board! We also just released… MERCH! The designs are made by our very own vocalist, Tre’, and he did a banner job. Sometimes he models too as you are about to see:


This past Friday, our online merch shop officially opened for business and it is yet another stepping stone that Constellations has completed in a short time. February 19th was the one month anniversary for the release of the band’s first single “RIP” and we can’t wait to start teasing new music soon! I also am looking forward to rocking some merch in a few brand new OOTDs on my end. 😀 To help support my sweet crew, you don’t have to buy anything from the shop (Even though it would be VERY NICE!). You can show them love on social media and, in turn, show your favorite Lil Red blogger some love too:

Facebook: ConstellationsBand

Instagram: @constellations330

X: @seeingstars330

TikTok: @constellationsband

YouTube: ConstellationsBand330

Spotify: Constellations

Shop merch here!

On behalf of Constellations and yours truly: Thank you! Some extra follows and likes might not seem like a big deal, but it means the world and galaxies to us. Stay tuned for more great successes from the band because I just know there are going to be a ton!

How do you support local artists? What is your favorite song by a local band? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Leave me a comment and let's chat!