Wedding Dress Delight OOTD Bloopers

Wedding Dress Delight OOTD Bloopers

Hello everyone and welcome to the blooper reel from my Wedding Dress Delight OOTD! My sis, nieces, and I loved attending a Disney Princess Party together and I invoked the princess vibes from my wedding day by wearing my wedding dress. Yes, I am that extra aunt lol. Although I felt like royalty in my outfit, there are always some pics from an OOTD shoot that don’t make the first cut. I’m pretty sure I have never seen a Disney princess making these faces:

Who, me?


Lol, my fingers look like straight up nubs


The face I make immediately after scratching myself


Just standing here


Gazing forlornly into the distance


Gazing stupidly into the sky


I LOOK GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Johnny has been my master OOTD photographer for over four years and we have our system running like a fine tuned machine. This shoot was different, however, because my sister was the one who took the pictures. This was my requirement for her because I paid for the tickets to the party – the sibling barter system at its finest! After we rubbed elbows with Anna, Elsa, and Kristoff it was time to head home and I posted up by a brick wall to get my OOTD on. You guys all know how much I love a good brick wall! 😀

In yesterday’s post, I mentioned my awareness that literally every picture from my OOTD shoot featured the same pose. This was purely out of necessity because it was cold out!! Val chattered her little teeth and I knew we had to get the girls back in the car ASAP. So, I stuck with poses that I knew would work and faces that I knew would be flattering so we could go home with the heat blasting. We took pictures for barely two minutes, I saw a few that were winners, a few that were questionable, and called it. Huge shout out to Val for being a trooper for her ol’ TT – she’s such a star. ❤

Although my sister did a stellar job as my OOTD photographer, I’ll be happy to have Johnny back to doing what he does best… Making me look good! It’s nice to know that I have someone else on standby, though!

Do you like to get your picture taken? Who usually takes your pictures? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

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