Whatever The Weather OOTD Bloopers

Whatever The Weather OOTD Bloopers

Hello everyone and welcome to the blooper reel from my Whatever The Weather OOTD! This past year, I have made it my goal to do weekly OOTDs and minus a few misses, I feel like I have been achieving it. I trudged through summer looks even though it’s not my favorite season to style for and now it is officially fall – AKA the best season for fashion ever. Although the weather doesn’t feel fully fall yet, I welcome a crisp morning any day of the week and have been creating outfits for fluctuating temperatures. Whatever The Weather, however, some pictures definitely don’t make the cut… Until they have their day in the sun during the blooper reel! Let’s check it out:

Something STANK


Don’t mind me doing the potty dance


Showing off my dazzling smile 🙂


WERKING that wind in the hair, baby


My signature, adoring “wtf” face to whatever it was that Johnny was saying ❤


To pop the foot or not… that is the question


… The answer is not -_-


Johnny and I had quite the adventure around TimberTop finding a place to take these stunning pictures. We went to the location seen here first and was greeted by a HUGE pile of dog crap because no one in TTop cleans up after their dogs and it’s so foul. So, we began to walk and ended up on a charming path that we didn’t even know existed. It was a wooded area and offered a view of the charming, dirty creek that runs through the apartment community, appropriately named Mud Creek lol. You can’t make this stuff up!!

This location was much more like it, but the lighting sucked butt so we continued on our quest for another OOTD spot. Then, we found a clearing that I thought might work, but it was a Red Herring. You guessed it – the lighting sucked butt there too! On the bright side, we did meet an adorable puppy named Kody – short for Kodiak – short for Kodiak The Maniac according to his owners. This was a huge plus, but we were still struggling to find a good spot to shoot at.

Finally, we went back the way we came and when we exited the woods it was a total “let there be light” moment. There was perfect lighting shining down on the super cool stone base of one of the apartment buildings. I think it looks so neat! We were derailed by dog poop, poor lighting, and a cute pup (which was a most welcome reprieve!) but we ended our trek victorious. The things I do for this blog! 😀

Whatever The Weather during the fall is thankfully always pretty good for a walk and did we ever for this shoot. Johnny was SO ready to go inside afterwards and so was I!!

What are some of the names of bodies of water in your area? Do any of them top MUD CREEK?! I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

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