Summer In Fall OOTD Bloopers

Summer In Fall OOTD Bloopers

Hello everyone and welcome to the blooper reel from my Summer In Fall OOTD! We are stepping into year eight of lifewithlilred with my goal in mind of lots more OOTDs so I hope that you are all ready for some fashion fun. Today, we are going to take a look at what didn’t make the cut during my last hurrah for summer shoot. Then, it is back to all of the fall fashion! Let’s get to it:

As always, I have no idea what I’m doing


Three cheers for lifewithlilred and this terrifying picture!


Surprised by my own butt


What a babe!!!!!


Just here getting my America’s Next Top Model on ๐Ÿ˜‰




How did I even get up here??


Looking like Heatmeiser from that one Christmas movie


Give me my phoooooone


Lol, what a HOOT! There is nothing better than a good ol’ blooper reel to make me laugh and these posts are, honestly, so refreshing to make. After taking pictures with Johnny, it might take me upwards of an hour to sort through the millions of pictures he has snapped. During that time, I am looking for the “perfect” pictures while weeding out the ones that aren’t up to snuff. You know, the ones where the lighting is just right, your face is pretty, body looks awesome, and the outfit shines. It’s enough to drive anyone crazy and it’s easy to start scrutinizing every single shot.

With the bloopers post, it’s so different because my mindset changes drastically. With a snap of the fingers I go from “wow, I’m working it” to “wow, I look terrible… perfect!” And that’s okay! For bloopers, the cringier the better and I have no shame in it. I am a huge believer in being able to poke fun at yourself and showing my entire photo taking process along the way. The good, the bad, and the:


^^^ Lol, had to casually toss this in one more time!

Has anyone had any blooper reel worthy moments lately? What happened? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah!

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