Six Ways To Bring Out Your Inner Artist

Six Ways To Bring Out Your Inner Artist

Art is often seen as something that is reserved for a dedicated few. It’s something that seems incredibly beginner unfriendly, inaccessible, and also expensive – but all three of those claims are far from the truth and the reality is that everyone possesses the creative mind required for art. The big hurdle to overcome is the initial step and, in this article, we’re going to show you six ways to bring out your inner artist:

Visit an art gallery or art-related event:

There are likely dozens, if not hundreds, of art-related events and galleries that you can visit for inspiration. It could be an art gallery, it could be a photography workshop, or even just a speech by a famous artist or design professional. Whatever the event is, attend it and see if it can change your mind to bring out your inner artist.

Look at the art of your favorite books and movies:

Everyone has a source of inspiration for their creative works and yours could be from your favorite books, movies, or cartoons. Plenty of cartoonists love watching different cartoons from all different eras for inspiration and some painters enjoy fantasy scenes from movies and use them as references for creations.

Find an alternate art medium:

You don’t have to stick to paints and canvas or even pencils and paper. There are plenty of fun and expressive mediums and tools that you can use such as chalk, graphite, sculpting, or even using Lego to create unique works of art. There are no limitations when it comes to art, so use whatever you want to be expressive and create something unique to you.

Try and go digital with your art:

Many people stay away from traditional art tools and mediums because they believe that it’s hard to recover from mistakes and they just hate to see their work crumpled in the bin. This is where digital tools can come in handy. With features like copy and pasting, layers, and the ever-so-useful undo button, it can make getting into art a lot easier.

Make friends in the art community and learn from them:

There are plenty of ways to get out there to meet the art community either in your local area or even over the internet. You could attend a paint and sip class to make friends while you work or you could join art communities over the internet and discuss things such as art tools and ideas together. You’ll find that it’s much easier to bring out your inner artist if you have friends that enjoy the same things as you.

Have a purpose for your artistic creations:

Lastly, try and find a purpose for your art. If you just use art as a creative stress reliever, then that’s perfectly fine. But if you’re interested in art because you want to sell fashionable shirts or posters, then having a goal to work towards will help motivate you and bring out your inner artist.

Remember that art isn’t about being perfect so create, explore, and always have fun!

Featured Image By: Unsplash

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