Hump Day Update: STILL Sick Edition -___-

Hump Day Update: STILL Sick Edition -___-

Howdy gang and happy Hump Day! Guess what?! I’m STILL sick. Fml, fml, FML. I’m going on day four of misery so let me bring you up to speed with what’s been going on these past few days in the wonderful (and by wonderful I mean god awful) world of Lil Red.

Monday: In continuation of my last post, I went to the doctor on Monday afternoon and I was diagnosed with the flu. I was actually pretty disappointed about that. I wish that I had strep so I could get some antibiotics to cure it and be on my merry way. Unfortunately with the flu there’s not much you can do other than wait it out. The only good thing about going to see the doctor, was that the doc seeing me was a TOTAL babe. My only regret is that I didn’t look better for him. Quite frankly, he’s lucky I even put a bra on to go see him – but that’s neither here nor there. Anyways, SHAZAM and hubba hubba, because Mr. Doctor was looking mighty fine! I felt like death, but his staggering good looks gave me a glimmer of hope that everything would be okay. #hotfordoctor SO YEAH, Monday I was miserable and yada yada yada. I had really bad night sweats Monday night. I mean really bad. Like a body shaped pool of sweat on my sheets bad. Like my sleep shirt and skin were drenched in sweat bad. It was wicked gross, but I felt really skinny when I woke up so that was a plus I suppose. Ha!

Tuesday: Tuesday morning is when I have to be in Cleveland for class, and of course that didn’t happen which I was actually really mad about. I never thought I’d live to see the day that I was mad about not being able to go to school! I set my alarm to wake me up so I had time to get ready just in case by some miracle I felt better, but it took one minute of me being awake to decide to go back to bed. Tuesday I didn’t do much other than lay in bed and watch TV. (The 19 Kids and Counting wedding episode for Jessa was on and it was so cute!!) I was extremely achey all day and if I was out of bed for too long I started feeling dizzy. My chest has been hurting pretty bad these past few days as well from constantly coughing up a storm. I slept okay on Tuesday night, only waking up twice to cough for fifteen minutes straight and then pass out again. Like Monday night, I had really bad night sweats again. Lol it grosses me out because I’m the farthest thing away from a sweaty person and my sicko night sweats have been the most I’ve sweat in my entire life. Because girls don’t sweat, they glisten. 😉


Hump Day: Still sick. Still miserable. What else is new? I’m hoping that today is the day I can rest up and kick this flu in the ass for good because I NEED to get to school tomorrow. I have a quiz in math to take and I’d prefer to be somewhat healthy when I’m driving to Cleveland and sitting in a classroom for two hours. Ugh. -___-

Well guys I’m off to get some homework done and some Netflix watched so I will talk to you all later! Hopefully on the next post I’ll be a healthy woman! What are some home remedies for the flu that you swear by? I’m up for any suggestions, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -A still sick and still miserable Sarah

PS: Welcome to April! What April Fools pranks are you pulling today??

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