Tag Archives: rusted acre soap co

February 2024 Finishes

February 2024 Finishes

Helloooo everyone! We are wrapping up the month of February today on lifewithlilred and that means it’s time to discuss the beauty products that I used up. We have quite a few new to me empties to chat about with hit or miss reviews so why wait? Let’s take a look:


Would I Use Again?

Rusted Acre Soap Co. Whipped Soap in Sugar Cookie: NO

Hope Soap Body Nectar in Fruity Loops: YES

Home & Body Company Rose Body Oil: NO

Simple Brightening Eye Gel: YES

Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Moisturizer: YES

Why/Why Not?

Whipped Soap: I have always been intrigued by the concept of “whipped soap” and this was my first time using it. While Rusted Acre Soap Co. delivered with the Sugar Cookie scent, I wouldn’t use it again. I love a body wash that lathers really well and using the whipped soap just wasn’t the same as my standard shower gel from Bath & Body Works. I also found that I needed to use a lot of the soap to get a decent lather going so the value for this product wasn’t there. It took me under one month to finish the jar.

Hope Soap Lotion: I received the Fruity Loops Body Nectar by Hope Soap from my mother-in-law for Christmas and it was the best. Hope Soap is a local business in my neck of the woods and I have used several of their products before. Although all of them were pretty good, Fruity Loops took the cake for scent alone. It smelled exactly like Fruity Pebbles and it was divine! My niece also loved it and I had to send her home from my house with a little jar of her own. 🙂 It took me about five weeks to finish this jar with nightly use.

Body Oil: I have been working on the Rose body oil by the Home & Body Company since December and I am SO freaking happy to be done with it lol. I bought this oil from TJMaxx thinking that the bottle would last me a long time as a serum. And, it did. However, it definitely wasn’t my favorite. This product was very greasy and it felt like it never absorbed into the skin. It also didn’t sit well under makeup so I would have to use a different serum for the day if I planned on applying any. I did like this oil when my skin felt dry from the winter weather, but it isn’t practical for every day use. It took me two and a half months to finish the bottle.

Simple Eye Gel: Now, if you want to talk about a product with real longevity, the Simple Brightening Eye Gel wins by far. It took me a staggering over half a year of twice daily use to finish this little tube! How? The tiniest amount went a very long way! I was really impressed with this product and after such an extended use, I could see the results. I thought my designer bags decreased significantly and the skin around my eyes did seem brighter. I still can’t believe I got this eye gel for five bucks and it lasted this long. Highly recommend!

Palmer’s Moisturizer: I am a huge cocoa butter fan. I love the moisturize boost but, mainly, I love the smell! I had no idea that Palmer’s made skin care products too so I just had to snag a moisturizer when I saw it at TJMaxx. I’m glad I did because it was awesome! This moisturizer was so rich and creamy, but it still absorbed nice and quick. And, of course, it smelled good enough to eat. It took me about a month of twice daily use to finish the jar and I would definitely buy it again.

Despite some duds, I was stoked to be able to finish up some products that I have been using for forever this past month. I was elated to be done with the body oil lol. GREAT SUCCESS, indeed!

What is your favorite scent? What are your thoughts on any of the products above if you have used them before? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah


Bath Bomb Blitz: Rusted Acre Soap Co. Freddy Krueger Edition

Bath Bomb Blitz: Rusted Acre Soap Co. Freddy Krueger Edition

Hello!! This past weekend was a nice and relaxing one and I decided to take a soak with one of the amazing horror themed bath bombs my bestie got me for Christmas. These bath bombs by Rusted Acre Soap Co. are the literal bomb and I was highly impressed by the knife and Jason Voorhees ones that I used previously. They put on the most amazing show that put them on a Lush level for me and that’s really saying something! Needless to say, I was very excited to use the Freddy Krueger bath bomb but, unfortunately, it missed the mark in a big way. Take a look at some pics and let’s discuss:


One, two Freddy’s coming for youuu

Similarly to the other two bath bombs that I used in this collection, not much happened for the first few minutes of the Freddy Krueger bomb being in the water. It fizzed out white bubbles and didn’t start turning the water red until the bath water was topped with a hazy film. Then, the bath bomb started really going into action with red and yellow bubbles bursting out at a rapid pace. This was pretty par for the course and I was actually willing the process to go faster because I was looking forward to the surprise finish that the previous two bath bombs had.

Nearing the end, the knife bath bomb spurted out inky, glittery black water and it looked SO cool. The Jason Voorhees one, on the other hand, erupted green and red from the eyes and ended up replicating his mask in the water. For the grand finale for Freddy Krueger, I was expecting to see the water bursts create a pattern like his gloves. This was the most logical way for it to go and I couldn’t wait to see it. Sadly, nothing happened once the bath bomb was about to fizz out completely and that was a big disappointment.

I will say that this bath bomb turned the water into a fantastic shade of deep, blood red and that was a nice touch. However, it basically did everything the other bath bombs did without anything unique about it. I’m not sure if this was because these bath bombs are a bit older. They did come shrink wrapped but maybe they needed to be used by a specific date to be at their most effective? We’ll see what the Ghostface and Michael Myers bombs do when I use them to determine if this was a factor or not.

Overall, I am going to rate the Freddy Krueger bath bomb with a four and a half out of ten stars. This was my least favorite one from the pack so far for its lack of excitement. Whomp whomp!!

Who is your favorite slasher villain? What is your favorite color palette for the water to change with a bath bomb? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Bath Bomb Blitz: Rusted Acre Soap Co. Jason Voorhees Edition

Bath Bomb Blitz: Rusted Acre Soap Co. Jason Voorhees Edition

Hello! Unfortunately, my holiday was less than holly jolly because I was sick AF. This was so incredibly disappointing to me because I took a whole week off of work to relax and visit with friends and family. I mean, I guess I did relax because I watched So. Many. Episodes. of My 600 Lb. Life lol. I also very much enjoyed using the bath bombs from my BFF Christmas gift. My darling Kate of Live In The Nautical treated me to the most amazing set of horror themed bath bombs by Rusted Acre Soap Co. They have been such a blast to use and it was so soothing to be able to soak my troubles away. After using the Knife bath bomb, I decided to use the Jason Voorhees one the following day. Check it out:


^^^ Note how the final formation in the second to last picture kind of looks like the Jason mask!!

After the great success of the Knife bath bomb, I couldn’t wait to try more! Johnny and I watched all of the Friday The 13th movies this past Halloween and even though those movies suck, it was still a lot of fun. Nothing about this bath bomb sucked, however, and I was shook from the show this bath bomb put on! While Jason Voorhees is our least favorite slasher star, this is one of my favorite bath bombs I have ever used. As I watched this bath bomb do its thing, I found myself wondering at every surprise just how Rusted Acre Soap Co. created something so freaking cool!

Like the Knife bath bomb, the Jason one really didn’t start doing anything noteworthy until a few minutes in. It took well over five minutes (maybe eight?) for this bath bomb to fizz out entirely and this is both a blessing and a curse. While it does look awesome, it isn’t ideal for my situation because we do not have a lot of hot water at our apartment. By the time the bath bomb was done, the water was less than steamy, but I digress. Like any good slasher, the climax had a slow build up and the end result was phenomenal.

Out of nowhere, streams of blood red and forest green water began to shoot out of the eyes of the mask. It went this way and that throughout the tub and began changing the water to the inky red that the Knife bath bomb produced. This went on for a fair bit of time and I was honestly mentally willing it to go faster so the water would still be hot. Then, I noticed what the bath bomb was actually doing. It was replicating the Jason mask in the water! It took a good while for this to happen, but what a thrill when I realized it!!

I am going to rate the Jason Voorhees bath bomb with an eight out of ten stars. Yes, it took a minute to get to the grand reveal. BUT, this bath bomb accomplished something I didn’t even know was possible and it was fabulous. I can’t wait to see what the remaining three slasher stars in my gift set does!

Who is your favorite slasher star? What is the best bath bomb you have ever used? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

Bath Bomb Blitz: Rusted Acre Soap Co. Knife Edition

Bath Bomb Blitz: Rusted Acre Soap Co. Knife Edition

Hello everyone!!! I hope you all had a merrier Christmas than me because I have been sick as a dog. Thankfully, I have tested negative for Covid several times, but your girl has been feeling ROUGH. This has been most upsetting because I literally never take time off and took an entire week off for the holidays only to get sick. One thing that made me feel better in a sea of yuck was some pampering thanks to my Christmas gift from my sweet blogging bestie. Kate of Live In The Nautical treated me to an absolutely amazing set of horror bath bombs by Rusted Acre Soap Co. and I am in loooove. It was so nice to soak away my troubles for a bit and I was blown away by the show that my Knife bath bomb put on. Check it out:


It is hard to find a true substitute to Lush bath bombs, but I think that they have met their match with Rusted Acre Soap Co. This is, easily, the best not Lush bath bomb that I have ever used and it makes me so eager to try out the other four in the set I got. The Knife bath bomb was a slow fizzing one with thrilling surprises during every stage. What started off at a leisurely pace ended with a massive bang (As you can see from how the water was colored!) and I almost wanted to draw another bath to see what the other bath bombs were going to do!

When I placed the bath bomb in the water, it began to fizz white and smoky grey with the tiniest flecks of red. This process lasted for about two minutes and I assumed that was going to be all. I was so happy to be so completely wrong!! Just when I thought that this bath bomb showed me all it had to offer, the knife erupted in red and began to change the color of the water. After over a minute’s worth of red, the bath bomb changed to black, creating inky, glittery blood red water. It was like watching the climax of a horror movie all from my own bathtub. 😮

This was arguably the coolest bath bomb I have ever used and it smelled great too. Even while severely stuffed up, I could still smell the tangy lemon in the air which was both soothing and invigorating. I only had two qualms with this bath bomb and they are minor. 1) It stained my tub horribly. 2) It wasn’t as moisturizing as a Lush bath bomb, which is my favorite thing about them. Regardless, what a unique experience and I can’t wait to use more!

I am going to rate the Knife bath bomb with a seven and a half out of ten stars. If you are a horror fan, then I cannot recommend the Thriller Bath Bomb Set by Rusted Acre Soap Co. enough. You will love them!

How do you like to pamper yourself? What is your favorite horror flick? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

BFF Christmas Gift

BFF Christmas Gift

Hi darlings!! In the past few days I have received so many early Christmas gifts and it has warmed my little heart. My Christmas countdown has been going on since the beginning of the month and these early prezzies are the perfect thing to tide me over until then. I am SO looking forward to some time off to celebrate with my family and finally giving them the gifts that have been sitting in my apartment for months! This Tuesday, I was delighted to receive Santa Mail from my beautiful angel best friend, Kate, of Live In The Nautical. She is my blogging/IRL bestie and her gifts this year simply sleighed – check it out:


For literally every gift giving occasion, Kate wins. Lol, I consider myself to be an excellent gift giver but my best girl is on a whole other level. For my Christmas prezzies, Kate gifted me with a hand massager and an amazing set of horror themed bath bombs by Rusted Acre Soap Co. What I love about presents from Kate is that her gifts are always perfectly tailored to me. They are SO thoughtful and I can tell that she saves little tidbits from conversations in her Christmas Rolodex to find something just right. In fact, her gifts to me are either something that I would buy for myself or think about purchasing but never do. It’s that best friend telepathy, baby!

Kate gave me the gift of pampering this year and I can’t wait to use all of my new goodies. A car accident when Johnny and I first started dating left me with a lot of issues in my hands and arms that come and go. Spending a ton of time on the computer doesn’t exactly help the cause either lol so the hand massager is going to be fabulous to use! It is also so sweet to me that Kate clocked my complaints of hand pain throughout the year and said “I know the gift for her”. Johnny is also most eager to use it too haha so it’s a double gift. 😀

The piece de resistance, however, is the horror themed bath bombs by Rusted Acre Soap Co. Kate and I are both avid true crime fans, but she is SO not a horror movie gal! Yours truly, on the other hand, lives for them and I clutched my pearls when I opened my bath bomb box. These bath bombs are the absolute coolest and they look so great that I almost don’t want to use them. I totally will, though, and I just know they are going to be awesome. Bath bombs are a product I love, but rarely buy for myself and they are almost always a staple in Kate’s gifts. She has gifted me with spooky bath bombs before, but these ones take the cake!

The best gift of all will forever be having a best friend like Kate. I thank my lucky stars for her every day and for the wonderful blogosphere that brought us gals together. I love you, BFF!!! ❤ ❤ ❤

What is your favorite scary movie? How did you and your bestie meet? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah