New Kyodan Tennis Skirt

New Kyodan Tennis Skirt

Howdy! This past Tuesday, I spent a lovely time during my break with my mom doing what we do best: Shopping! We hit up TJMaxx for anything and everything and it was so much fun. I was on the hunt for new skin care because it was just about time to restock my supplies. I also was hoping to find a new outfit to wear to the next picnic Tim Misny is hosting in June. I am SO bored with everything in my closet and I wanted something new to show out in because it is the first picnic I’ll be working as Tim’s social media manager. As I browsed the clothing department, I was coming up blank. Then, I saw a pretty little skirt on display and knew I could work with it! Check it out:


This skirt only costed seventeen dollars as opposed to the original forty-two. Score!!

I was instantly drawn to this skirt by Kyodan because I love a skater skirt and the pleats and elastic waistband offered a fresh take on a classic. And, of course, you know I love all black everything! This skirt is so flirty, flouncy, and sweet and I couldn’t have found it at a better time. I had added a crocheted sweater vest to my cart (See tomorrow’s post!), but was just going to put it away because I had nothing to pair it with. As always, TJs pulls through in the clutch for me when I need it most. #blessed

In the fitting room, I expected to just slip the skirt on and my mind was blown when I discovered that it had shorts underneath the fabric. I suppose if I looked at the brand of the skirt, which is clearly for athletes, I would have put two and two together but, alas lol. This made the Kyodan skirt even better because I knew that I will be moving around a lot when I wear it at the upcoming picnic. This provides the insurance that no one will see anything unsightly if a breeze picks up or what have you. And, to add to the victory, the skirt looked fabulous with the top I picked out! 😀

I found this skirt right in the nick of time because I was about to have to return to work empty handed. I felt so lucky when I went into the fitting room with only two things and they both worked perfectly. I can’t wait to wear it!

What is your favorite brand for athletic clothes? Do you have any fun events coming up? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

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