Simple Stripes OOTD Bloopers

Simple Stripes OOTD Bloopers

Hello everyone and welcome to the blooper reel from my Simple Stripes OOTD! I was most excited to break out my new top by Modern Works and loved how my outfit turned out. While it was nice to wear it now, I cannot wait to wear it tucked into some cute jean shorts this summer. Add a little wedge heel? Forget about it! As per ushe when Johnny and I take OOTD shots, it was freaking freezing out. On the bright side, we are really fine tuning our craft here and were back into the warmth three minutes later. Yes, it took me an hour to heat up by the space heater afterwards but that’s neither here nor there lol. Let’s take a look at some of these yikes shots:

Grace, elegance, poise. JK deff about to fall over


How big is Sarah? Sooooo big!


Have any of yall seen The Black Phone? My face is giving me the mask from that movie vibes lol


Shutting my eyes to block out the haters


When you just can’t pop your foot smh


When I decided that’s enough foot popping for now


Who, me? Ayyy I LOOK GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


One of my favorite things to do over the weekend with Johnny is play video games! We are avid fans of the Diablo series and are working our way through IV one quest at a time. We have the best time with it, but it’s always fun to try something new too. That is exactly what Johnny and I are doing! Recently, Johnny had the inspired idea that he could play through a game and then help me when I play it. He just beat Resident Evil IV and has been guiding me every step of the way as I do my best to blow up everything.

Resident Evil IV is my first time in almost thirty years of living that I have played a shooter game and I had no idea what to expect. We both assumed the game would be a hit or miss for me and, as it so happens, it’s a hit! I have always been interested in the Resident Evil franchise because horror and it’s cool to finally give one of the games a go. Having said that, this game is a pain in my ass lol. If I didn’t have Johnny holding my hand the whole time I would have quit within the first five minutes. Same situation if he didn’t take over from time to time when I can’t beat something. Major shout out to him this weekend because I’m almost halfway through the game now and about at the point when I think he’s about to start having to do everything for me haha. Super frustrating, yes. But, still a hoot to do together!

After I do or don’t finish Resident Evil IV, the next game Johnny is going to help me with is The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker. I have wanted to play that game for so long and I can’t wait give it a try!

What is your favorite video game? What is the last game you beat? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

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