New Modern Works Top

New Modern Works Top

Howdy!! I had a surprise afternoon off two weeks ago and I got to spend it with my mom. We lunched at Panera and shopped at TJMaxx and it was absolutely fantastic! It’s finally time to take a look at my haul and it was a good one. TJs was fully restocked with spring fashion and, better yet, bunny decor galore! It was my lucky day and I walked away with a gorgeous new jacket, the cutest bunny themed decorations, and a top by Modern Works that we’ll check out now:


I think it’s extremely safe to say that I have an eclectic personal style and my wardrobe tends to reflect that. However, while I love bold fashion choices, I have a huge passion for classic pieces as well. We’re talking staples like trench coats, crisp button downs, and pants that fit like a glove. They’re clothes that will never go out of style and helps turn some of the louder pieces in my wardrobe into work appropriate when combined. The top above might not seem like a usual Lil Red choice but, with all of what we just discussed in mind, I was immediately drawn to it.

This top by Modern Works is a classic staple to the T. It is form fitting without being too tight, vertical stripes are always in, and the pearl white base makes for a perfect neutral. Not to mention that the top is soft and comfortable as can be. It felt fantastic on and I knew it was a winner because the outfit building portion of my brain began spinning into overdrive. I was picturing this little number tucked into black jean shorts during the summer and worn with a great pair of trousers for meetings at work. This is definitely a top that can be worn for work and play, which is always very appealing to me because I love versatile pieces!

I am so looking forward to featuring my new Modern Works top in an OOTD as well as sharing the rest of my haul with all of you. Stay tuned because I also have some matching shirts with Johnny that showed up in the mail that are hilarious if you know what they’re from! 😀

What is one of your favorite classic wardrobe staples? Are you updating your spring wardrobe soon? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

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