XOXO OOTD Bloopers

XOXO OOTD Bloopers

Hello everyone and welcome to the blooper reel from my XOXO OOTD! In case you couldn’t tell, this was a Valentine’s Day outfit and guess what I’m doing right now?? Enjoying my first cup of coffee from the Keurig that Johnny gifted me with! This is the first time I have had a Keurig cup of coffee since the Great Kitchen Flood of 2022 when a pipe burst in my apartment building. Water was literally pouring out of the kitchen walls and it ruined a majority of my countertop appliances. It was gross and highly inconvenient lol. ANYWHO, the coffee is great; These pics are not! Let’s check them out:

Easy, breezy, beautiful CoverGirl


Thank you, thank you! You’re far too kind!


TFYM when you’re drunk off Appletinis at Applebee’s


I LOOK GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I swear to stoned I’m not god


A very gingerly Ta Daaaaa


This past Saturday was a fantastic, wonderful day because Johnny and I got to hang out with our dear friend, Tim Misny. We made our way to Misnyland to create some content to show off the Valentine’s Day shirt that was released through MisnyMerch. On the front, it says “Tell me you love me” and on the back, it says “Or Tim Misny will make you pay”. Lol, classic! Not only is Tim’s merch cool AF, but it also does a lot of good too. All proceeds from each purchase goes towards supporting the Cleveland City Mission. This is a charity that is very close to Tim’s heart and I feel quite the same now. ❤ In fact, we sold over four hundred orders during the holiday season!

It is always such fun to do merch videos with Tim and it was even better this time around because Johnny was our videographer. We both thought he did a banner job for his first time doing anything remotely like that before. Videos are a whole different ball game than rapid fire OOTD shots! If you’d like to see the Part One and Part Two videos we made, visit me on social media! You can watch them on my Facebook page: Sarah Mushenheim. On my Instagram: @lifewithlilred94. OR on my blog’s Facebook page at: lifewithlilred . I hope you love them as much as Tim and I do. 🙂

I am pleased to say that none of these blooper faces made it into mine and Tim’s most recent content drop. They do, however, always have a very special home on lifewithlilred!

Who is your favorite internet personality? Do you prefer video or photo content? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

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