New Glitter Gold & Ruby Nails

New Glitter Gold & Ruby Nails

Hello!! This past week hasn’t been the best for yours truly so it was super nice to take a pause on Tuesday afternoon to get my nails done. I needed a new full set in the worst way and, as always, my nail tech hooked it up! Prior to my appointment, my acrylics felt dangerously close to a break with one wrong move. Now, they feel sturdy and durable and look amazing too. I am loving the glitter color combo I selected and my claws look perfect for the holiday season! Check it out:


When I get my nails done around the winter holidays, I like to do something seasonal without being too obvious about it. I have never been one for nail art (way too expensive!) and the only holiday I go all out for is Halloween. To give a subtle tip of the cap to the holiday season, I wanted to steer clear of the traditional red and green motif. That’s not to say that red couldn’t be in the color palette, however, and I opted for a gorgeous glitter ruby and gold, instead. The ruby red had me feeling all of The Wizard of Oz vibes a la Dorothy’s slippers and the gold was like tinsel for a Christmas tree. This color combo feels festive without being too in your face about it and that is exactly what I was going for.

I spent a wonderful almost two hours at Elysian Nails getting all of the pampering done. It always takes a bit longer when I get a full set because soaking my nails off beforehand is an absolute must. I am a huge baby and I cannot stand it when my nails are taken off without a soak. It hurts!! Once my nails were soaked off, it was so weird to see my real nails beneath the acrylics. At this point, acrylics are my real nails so that will forever come as a shock lol. Thankfully, it wasn’t long until my nail tech created brand new nails for me and she crushed. They are strong, shaped to perfection, and I couldn’t be happier with the end result!

These Glitter Gold & Ruby Nails are about as festive as it gets for Lil Red, but I would be a liar if I said they didn’t make me think of Christmas every time I look at them. I can’t wait to celebrate with my family! ❤

Do you get nail art when you get your nails done? How do you incorporate the holiday season into your personal style? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

5 responses »

  1. I don’t do nail art either. I don’t want to pay for it 😅 The red and gold kinda remind me of like old Hollywood Christmas. That’s what came to mind since it is the season. I haven’t done anything for my nails yet… After I removed my last ones, my nails kept breaking. I will have to ask my sister who does my nails if there’s anything we can do


    • Lol right?!?! I love how it looks but it is too expensive for my taste and I know for a fact if I start I won’t stop. I started getting my nails done nine years ago expecting it to be a one off and here we are now!! Girl I don’t even want to know the state of my real nails I didn’t wanna look once they were off!!!!

      Liked by 1 person

      • I see some wild nails on socials and I always think, why? Lol. Nine years is a long time! I’m not consistent with getting them done so I have the weird phase of shitty nails for a bit


      • Lol YES! I always be getting tagged in them too haha and it really is a long time! I stopped getting my nails done for like three months during college and during pandemic shut down but I have been very consistent with them otherwise! It’s my monthly treat 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      • Hey, I hear ya! If I could get it done consistently I would. My sister has these little stamps/stencil things and those are fun sometimes because it adds a bit without it being too extra.

        Liked by 1 person

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