Country Cutie OOTD Bloopers

Country Cutie OOTD Bloopers

Hello everyone and welcome to the blooper reel from my Country Cutie OOTD! The Portage County Randolph Fair was a hoot and I am so glad that Johnny and I stepped out on a school night to attend it. It was safe to say that we were definitely not at the Punk Rock Flea Market when we got to the fair. It is also very safe to say that Johnny and I stuck out like sore thumbs. It’s not every day that your favorite vampires venture out to farmland!

I am pleased to report that our presence was very well received minus the little girl who told Johnny he looked like Michael Jackson and proceeded to scream “hee hee” lolol. Take a look at some pictures that were not very well received at all:

Using my sorcery to set all of the farm animals free


Just gonna go grab my phone, ya’ll


I LOOK GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Closing my eyes against all the dust and hella MANURE


Broken down robot


Smiling for my school picture like


Smiling for my other school picture like


As I have mentioned in previous posts, people have been simply SHOOK that I have never been to a county fair before. Many a person has been curious to see if I would go to one again and to be honest, I don’t think so. Don’t get me wrong, I had a ton of fun and it was an exciting brand new experience. However, it just wasn’t my bag in the slightest. Being surrounded by animals up for auction is not my idea of a good time. Neither is being in a huge crowd with nothing much to do but eat. Lol, my favorite part was playing a carnival game with Johnny, but that only lasted for like five minutes out of our entire evening!

Regardless of if I ever visit another county fair again, I now understand why people enjoy it so much. Before, I truly didn’t get it! It is exhilarating to be among a group of people all having a blast with the food, rides, and games. It just wasn’t my kind of fun I guess? Johnny didn’t want to ride anything so we didn’t. We also didn’t want to spend an obscene amount of money on games so we only played one. Also, we were full after we ate! That pretty much eliminated every activity in one fell swoop. It’s all good, though, because it was another date night for me and Johnny in the books and that is the best thing of all!

The Portage County Randolph Fair put me far out of my comfort zone from the setting in general to my outfit. It’s always great to try something new and now we know to skip on the county fairs next summer!

How do you feel about county fairs? What is your favorite fair food? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

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