Bathing Beauty OOTD Bloopers

Bathing Beauty OOTD Bloopers

Hello everyone and welcome to the blooper reel from my Bathing Beauty OOTD! The fashion gods smiled on yours truly when I found my new swimsuit at TJMaxx. It’s crazy because even though I’ll only wear it a handful of times this summer, it is probably one of my favorite purchases of 2023. This buy was a decade late and although I plan on holding onto my Victoria’s Secret bikini for when I’m feeling saucy, I am more than okay with retiring it for now! I couldn’t wait to go to the pool to show off in my new suit and, obviously, I was looking my absolute best:

Howdy, partners


Looking terrified and for good reason – your favorite vampire doesn’t venture into the sun too often!


I LOOK GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Please, sir, can I have my phone?


That face you make when you find out you’re out of storage on your phone 😮


The no toe monster is gonna get ya


Johnny always captures my essence beautifully


As most of you know, I have a quirk about me and that is that I refuse to get my hair wet. After about a decade or so of training my hair, I only get it washed when it is being dyed every ten to twelve weeks. The reasoning for this is simple: No washing keeps my hair looking freshly dyed longer and that is a sacrifice that I am more than willing to make. I genuinely can’t remember the last time I actually swam or washed my own hair in the shower.

You guys have no idea how much I would like to take a dip in the pool, but chlorine is something that I am not willing to put my hair through. So, I’m taking a stand. Oh yes, because I plan on buying a shower or swim cap lol. Will it look dorky? Of course. Do I care? Absolutely NOT! If sporting a shower cap is something that will make me feel comfortable taking a real swim, then it is one thousand percent worth it.

Johnny and I have formulated a plan and he is so much like me. We will both be taking a swim – me in my swim cap and him getting his hair wet. His hair needs redyed by his beloved in house stylist and if that weren’t the case, he wouldn’t get his hair wet either. Before I freshen up his box dye black, we will be hitting the pool and I’m excited!! We have never gone swimming together and we have each found a solution to our high maintenance hair attitudes that works for us. Johnny really does get me like no one else! ❤

You can catch me and Johnny at the pool looking fresh to death and I’m sure there will be some pictures so keep it locked. The world isn’t ready for shower cap Bathing Beauty Lil Red!

What is a quirk about you? Do you mind getting your hair wet? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

One response »

  1. I loooove getting my hair wet! If it washes out color, I just dye again – but that’s easy cause I do single color.

    I”d nearly kill to have access to a pool right now!

    Good luck with your dual swim!

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