Summer Switch Up OOTD Bloopers

Summer Switch Up OOTD Bloopers

Hello everyone and welcome to the blooper reel from my Summer Switch Up OOTD! Thanks to an amazing pair of trapeze pants by Patrons Of Peace, some new life was finally breathed into my summer wardrobe. Saying that my summer clothes in my closet is lacking is a huge understatement and I was so happy to find something to switch things up… Hence the name of the OOTD. 😉 I felt great in the look that I created and I can tell how confident I felt even in the bloopers! Check it out:

That wave you give to someone you see who you barely know


About to fall or about to take off and fly… You’ll never know 😉


… Def about to fall here, but my hair looks awesome lol


Just chatting with my adorable neighbor!


I LOOK GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


As always, I can’t remember what Johnny said but here I am reacting to it


That basic model 101


Excuse you?!


This literally has nothing to do with bloopers, BUT I had some visitors on my balcony as I type this so I will share the story…

When Johnny and I first moved into our new apartment, we began getting fairly regular visits from the neighborhood racoon. She’s a big old gal who loves to snack and she would get treats from the dumpster across the street, bring it up to our balcony, and chow down. We have witnessed her eating everything from burritos to chicken! Even though it’s pretty nasty to have dumpster food on our porch, we always get a kick out of seeing her. And, apparently, she’s up on our balcony more often than we realize according to our neighbor. I guess our apartment is just the place to be!

This past weekend, we were blessed with a visit from our racoon friend and were surprised with more guests… She had four babies! They. Are. Adorable. Mama and her brood were running around on the stairs, on our porch, and the roof beside it and it was so cute I couldn’t stand it. I have seen them several times since in the mornings when I’m working and they just finished making their rounds on the balcony. I’m sure that other people feed them, which isn’t a good thing. But Johnny and I don’t. I think they can just tell that him and I are freaking awesome and want to be in our general vicinity. I’m always happy to see them and can’t wait to watch the lil babes grow up! ❤

OOTDs, bloopers, and raccoons oh my! You never know what kind of commentary you’re going to get during the blooper reel lol. Keep it locked for a new Lil Red’s Book Club review coming tomorrow – finally!!!

Do you have any wildlife that visits your property? What is your favorite animal? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah


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