Keep Yourself Busy With These Ideas

Keep Yourself Busy With These Ideas

Hi there! Idle hands are the devil’s play thing or however that saying goes and, if you’re like me, then you might like to keep your hands busy too. There are so many amazing things that can be created with our own two hands from building with LEGO to constructing a house! Today, we are going to look at a few ideas that will definitely keep your hands busy when you are feeling fidgety or need to destress. Let’s get to it:

Build Something New:

People who are gifted in the art of construction, wood working, and welding simply blow me away and it is an awesome skill to continue to practice if you are so inclined. Being able to make something out of nothing must be so satisfying and is a great way to get creative as well as decompress. Before starting your next project, make sure you have all of the proper building supplies and tools and see what magic you can work to make it happen!


So maybe actual construction isn’t your thing and that’s okay! But have you ever tried building with LEGO bricks, instead? My husband and I absolutely love to build with LEGO and are very much looking forward to receiving our Seinfeld set in the mail any day now. Building with LEGO takes time, focus, and a lot of imagination if you are not building an actual set. It is a great way to break up the monotony of your regularly scheduled programming as you spend some time building something brick by brick. Be sure to check out the competition show, LEGO Masters, too because it is a hoot. 😀


I really enjoy putting puzzles together and there is nothing better than when you get into a good flow and the pieces just seem to come together themselves. While I couldn’t imagine doing anything beyond a five hundred piece puzzle, some people are gifted enough to put together one thousand plus puzzle pieces! Put on your favorite tunes and see how much puzzle progress you can make in one sitting.

Arts & Crafts:

Knitting, crochet, needlepoint, and sewing are all fabulous skills to have and it can be done anywhere! You can dream up something knew while you’re killing time on a long car, train, or plane ride or just hanging out at home and watching a movie. I live for the scarf that my mom knitted for me and can’t wait for the weather to cool down so I can wear it once again!

Creating something new is exciting, fulfilling, and can be done with your own two hands! What will you make today?

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  1. Pingback: Turning Your Art Hobby Into A Side Hustle | lifewithlilred

  2. Pingback: How to Paint Your House - The Dedicated House

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