Tag Archives: quarter up

Best Weekend Ever!

Best Weekend Ever!

Hello!!! With a very busy schedule between me and Johnny and our friends and family, my birthday celebrations have extended beyond June seventh. I am SO okay with this and it is much more my speed to have quality hangouts with my loved ones rather than jam pack everything into one weekend. This past weekend, I was able to have my belated birthday get togethers with my sister and nieces and my best friend, Lea. It was fantastic from start to finish – so much so that the only picture I took was of this lone Margarita when I was out to lunch lol:


On Friday, Lea came over for the evening and, as always, it was nothing short of a delight. Lea and I have been best friends for a whopping sixteen years and have had a hang out every single year for each other’s birthday. It is something that I cherish so much, even on the most low key get togethers like we had this weekend. We just chilled on the couch with White Claw and girl talk – a match made in heaven! I genuinely believe if given the opportunity, her and I could chat away for forever and still find something new to talk about. I cannot wait to show you all the gorgeous prezzies she gifted me with so tune in for that tomorrow because it is the sweetest! ❤

After a chill evening in, it was onto all of the activities on Saturday. For my b-day celebration with my sister and darling nieces, Kristen treated me to lunch at my favorite restaurant. We went to El Meson, which is the hands down best Mexican restaurant in my general vicinity. It is divine every time and it’s so much fun to go there with my sis and the girls because they share the same passion for the cuisine as I do lol. Between bites of our delicious food, we were in stitches from the littlest girlie and her attempt to eat chips and queso and both girls trying on mine and Kristen’s stunner shades. I love being able to spend one on one time with all of my best girls so this was the perfect gift for the proudest TT and little sister.

Once lunch was over, I went to my parents’ house for a spell to see my dad before Father’s Day. Then, I picked up my brother, Andrew, and him, Johnny, and I went to Quarter Up. It’s a super fun arcade bar down the street from my apartment. I used to frequent Quarter Up when it first opened, but Johnny and I haven’t been in a while and I’m genuinely not sure why after Saturday evening! It was a hoot and their game selection has improved greatly since opening. We all enjoyed playing ski ball, basketball, and the shooting games. Johnny was particularly enamored by the Elton John pinball game – a new addition that is definitely worth going back for!

I have been feeling SO spoiled by all of the birthday love and this past weekend literally had me on cloud nine. There is nothing better to me than time together with my nearest and dearest and I couldn’t ask for anything more!

What is your favorite arcade game? How about your favorite restaurant in your neck of the woods? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah