Happy Birthday, Best Friend!!

Happy Birthday, Best Friend!!

Hello!!! It’s Gemini season, baby, and what a banner time it has been. Johnny celebrated his birthday, we had our wedding anniversary, it was my birthday and now… *Drum roll, please* it’s my best friend’s birthday!!!! Yes, today is a wonderful, fantastic day because it is my blogging bestie’s big day. I hate to age us both, but Kate of Live In The Nautical and I became instant BFFs almost a decade ago when lifewithlilred first began. She is my Gemini twin and soul sister. Despite living states away from each other, our lives are basically exactly the same and I know I can go to her for anything and everything. Not to mention she’s oh so beautiful inside and out!


Have you ever met someone and you just click? That’s how it was with Kate and I. What started as her being a guest blogger on my page turned into us chatting the days (and years lol) away. I live for our FaceTime dates and always laugh at the fact that we are true writers when we text. It’s literally just us sending novellas back and forth all day! Johnny has grown very accustomed to our texting style and forever refers to me as “Tolkien” when I’m giving Kate all of the updates. Even though we are far away, our textathons are a constant bright spot in my life and it feels like she could be right down the street from me. I wish she were!!

When I started my blog, of course, I wanted to make new friends. However, I was not anticipating to find a BBFF (Best Blogging Friends Forever) almost immediately. The blogosphere truly smiled upon me when Kate entered my life bringing her sunshine, fashion, sense of humor, and kindness. Kate is the perfect combination of sweet and sass and adds a touch of sparkle and shine everywhere she goes. This girl has been strong for me when I needed it, a shoulder to (metaphorically) cry on, and someone I can be my full self with. Everyone needs someone like that in their life and my wish on my bestie’s birthday is that you find and cherish that person. Kate is my one in a billion trillion gal and I am thankful for her every day. ❤

Happy Birthday to my Kate on her big day. The world is a better place with you in it and twenty-one (ish!) looks fab on you!!! I love you!!!!!!!!!!

2 responses »

  1. Wow, what a beautiful tribute to your friendship! It’s heartwarming to see such a genuine and deep connection between you and Kate. Your words truly capture the essence of what makes her so special. Happy birthday to Kate! May your bond continue to grow stronger with each passing day.


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