Turning Thirty (Ahhhh!!)

Turning Thirty (Ahhhh!!)

Hello!!! June is an exciting month for Johnny and I because we celebrate our birthaversary. Johnny has his thirty-fifth birthday on the first, our three year wedding anniversary is on the fourth, and I will be turning thirty on the seventh. While this is a banner time to be us, I’d be a liar if I said I wasn’t a tad nervous about turning the dirty thirty. There’s something about not being in my twenties that just doesn’t sit right with me lol!

On Wednesday, my sister came over for a quick visit. She told me that she showed the pictures of my new hair to my niece, Val, and lil bestie had an interesting response to it. She said “Wow, TT looks so young“. And just when I thought I couldn’t love her any more than I already do! This was actually the third or fourth time I have gotten this compliment over the past month when people find out I’m turning thirty. I’ve got to say, I now understand why people love to hear it because it has definitely helped soften the blow of my milestone birthday.

Thanks to the handful of “wow, you don’t look thirty at all” that I have received, I am feeling more okay about June seventh. Yes, it was nice to hear that I don’t look my age. But, it was nicer to hear that my personality doesn’t reflect it either. In my head, I am still a twenty something and I think that’s the most important thing. This is something that I have been reminding myself of because the cliche is so true – you’re only as old as you feel. I think once the initial shock of entering a new decade wears off, I will feel much better. But, for now, I will be using these positive affirmations to get me through and they are already working wonders!

Normally, I am psyched for my birthday. It feels strange to have anxiety about an exciting day, but I think a big party will ease the nerves so I have that going for me!! 😀

How do you feel about your birthday? Which age were you nervous to turn? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

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