Happy Gotcha Day, Bunnies!

Happy Gotcha Day, Bunnies!

Hello everyone!!! November first was Melvin and Penelope’s Gotcha Day and I guess I’m a horrible bunny mom because I didn’t realize it until the second lol. I have been thinking about their Gotcha Day for months and naturally it slipped my mind the day of SMH. In my defense, it has felt like Johnny and I have had Mel and P for forever ever since we brought them home over a year ago. They are the best little bunnies that we could ever ask for and it is such a joy to be bunny parents:


^^^ Lol at this picture of Penelope!

Mel and P have grown so much since we have brought them home. Not in size, but in spirit haha. For the first several months of having them, they were pretty skittish and it took a decent amount of time for them to get fully acclimated to their new setting and owners. These first months were a testament to patience being a virtue as we slowly but surely increased our interactions with them. A year ago, they barely wanted to be pet. Now, they love to be picked up and cuddled while Johnny and I hang out in the evenings. It’s great!

The best part about this year of pet parenthood has been watching Mel and Pen’s personalities finally come out. Penelope is not as shy as we originally thought and is such a cuddle bug. Our clothes are proof of this because she sheds like crazy. The way to her heart has always been with her favorite treats and she will literally melt over an apple lol. Melvin, on the other hand, is all about adventure. He loves to explore and is currently zooming around our bunny proofed zone as I type this. Mel is such an adolescent and doesn’t like to be held for too long so he can get back to playing. Thankfully, he is never too old for lots of pets from his old mom and pop. 🙂

Johnny and I took our fur babies home during a very dark place in my life and they made every day better. It was a comfort to have these two little gremlins to wake up to and return home to, knowing that they depended on me for their care. No matter how bad I was feeling, just being around them always helped to lift my spirits. Even though they can’t clean their own litter box (I wish!), they take care of me too. My mental health has improved one hundred fold because of them and they truly came into our lives at just the right time. I love them so much! ❤

Happy (late) Gotcha Day to my sweet Melvin and Penelope. The most wonderful bunnies in all the land! Johnny and I love you both!!!

Do you celebrate your pet’s Gotcha Day? How has your pet helped you? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

5 responses »

  1. Happy Gotcha Day to the buns! We celebrate our bunny’s gotcha day too. It’ll be 8 years in February! He’s helped my partner so much through his depression struggles


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