Welcome To My Crib: Living Room Edition

Welcome To My Crib: Living Room Edition

Hello, MTV, and welcome to my crib. Today, we are going to take a closer look at my living room and bonus points to anyone who can name the movie that’s playing on my TV in the pictures! My living room is actually my favorite space in my apartment and you guys will also get to see the furniture that I got for a song at a secondhand store called Abbey Ann’s. I wasn’t able to take pics when I got the furniture because it was all stored up in the garage and I am in love! Take a look:


The couch, floral chair, coffee table, and the two end tables pushed together to form the TV stand are thanks to Abbey Ann’s and I think that they are all perfect. I love how the colors of each piece compliment each other and look so nice against the light hardwood flooring. It was a lot of fun putting this space together and once this part of the unpacking process was complete, the rest was relatively easy.

I love being able to display my collection of books and movies and also peep that Step Brothers blanket! I have also been enjoying watching my movies on the hand me down TV from my sister until I figure out which streaming service that I will be going with. My living room feels cozy but still chic and cool and I adore it. I can’t wait to have people over to share a drink and a chat on my loveseat and to show off all of my hard work, of course!

How is your living room decorated? Where did you do your furniture shopping at for your home? I want to hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

10 responses »

  1. Your space is really cute and the furniture is lovely, has a nice antique vibe for some pieces. I also like some of your iconic items like the Wilson ball LOL!! Unfortunately I can’t tell what movie is playing. šŸ™‚


    • Aw you’re so sweet! Thank you! Lol, I made it a point to buy at least 80% of my decor/furniture secondhand because it was so annoying going into every store and knowing that all of the 20 somethings in a 20 mile radius from me were going to have the same thing!!


  2. Pingback: Welcome To My Crib: My Room Edition | lifewithlilred

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  5. Pingback: Moving On Up: New Couch Edition | lifewithlilred

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