My Makeup Free Weekends

My Makeup Free Weekends

Hey everyone and happy Tuesday! I hope you all are having a great start to your week. So for the past few months I’ve been making an effort to give myself some makeup free days. I settled on doing makeup throughout the week and living makeup free over the weekends. At first, my days of being au natural were torture and all I wanted to do was plop myself in front of the bathroom mirror and do my daily makeup routine. That was then, this is now though because now I live for my days of having a fresh face! Let’s discuss:

As the weeks progressed of having my makeup free weekends, all of the benefits began to pile up. One of them being that it’s a total money saver! Thanks to my days of not applying a single drop of makeup, I haven’t had to buy any new makeup products in months. On an average month, I would say that I’m not wearing makeup for at least a third of it. That’s ten days of no eyeliner, eyeshadow, blush, and all of my other makeup must haves. Not using my favorite products regularly has stretched out my usage of them tenfold and has really stretched my dollars, as well!

I’m the first to say that I’m a total freak about my skin. Good skin care products as well as face washes and exfoliators are an absolute necessity for me. I’ll do anything to keep my skin as fresh as can be and I pride myself on my porcelain complexion. Over the TV, internet, and magazines skin care can be made out to be so complicated. There’s nothing hard about wearing no makeup though! I’ve noticed that my skin has become so much softer overall due to my au natural days. It makes sense when you think about it, though. For ten days of the month I have no makeup to scrub off of my face, no products clogging my pores, and a fresh face allows my moisturizers and treatments to really soak in and do their jobs. Score!

The money saving is nice and it’s cool to have my skin improve but the best thing I’ve gained from my makeup free days is confidence. When I was applying my makeup regularly before, you couldn’t pay me to step out in public with no makeup on. I always had to be done up even if I was just staying in for the day. I thought that I had to have makeup on to be pretty and I wouldn’t settle for anything less.

Now, I spend my weekends out and about running errands, working, and hanging out with friends without an ounce of makeup on and I’ve never felt better. I sometimes have days where I’ll catch my makeup free face in the mirror at a store and wish that I did my beauty routine that morning – but don’t we all? However, I must confess, that it’s Sunday (I like to prewrite my posts) and I am wearing makeup! My boyfriend and I have a few Super Bowl parties to attend and I wanted to get dolled up for them! But fear not, I made up for my negligence of my makeup free rule on the weekends by flaunting a fresh face on Friday. πŸ™‚

My Makeup Free Weekends have done nothing but good for me and I can’t recommend my regimen enough. Does anyone have a similar makeup free routine to mine? What are the benefits that you’ve found from going makeup free? I wanna hear from all of you, so leave me a comment and let’s chat! Much love. -Sarah

14 responses »

  1. You go girl. Enjoy those make up free days. I only put on makeup for special occasions. One of the benefits of makeup free days is that I don’t have to wake up as early to do my makeup. I get to sleep later in the mornings.


  2. You’re braver than I am! I only go make up free if I’m staying in all day with no one to see. I’d like my made up face is just my regular face. Wearing no makeup would be like going out with no clothes on. I have started taking my makeup off earlier in the evenings though so let my face breathe and soak up moisturiser – it’s not saving any of my products though!


    • Believe me, it was sooo terrifying the first few days of going out in public makeup free…I felt like everyone was staring at me! One thing I like to always remind myself is that I’m probably never going to run in to the people who I encounter when I’m out and about makeup free again and that always helped ease my self consciousness!

      Liked by 1 person

      • And now you get all the lovely benefits that go with it! Isn’t it strange that we care so much about what strangers think of us, yet I’m totally comfortable with my fiancΓ© seeing me in all sorts of states?! Just as well really. I might wean myself off…start with a CC or tinted moisturiser and no shadow and gradually pare it back! Thanks for sharing!


  3. I find one of the best feelings to be is when your eyebrow is itchy but you’ve conditioned yourself not to scratch because you know you’ll wipe the eyebrow filler off. And then all of a sudden you remember you don’t have make up on and go to town. THE best.

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